I Always Feel Like Somebody's Watching Me

For the rest of the elevator ride, Selena held a wide smile on her face after Kanzaki promised to help her out whenever she needed it. Similar to many other situations Selena had never heard something like this before and was excited to hear it from someone who she considered to be the light of her life.

'Just you wait hehehehehehe~' Selena thought to herself trying not to show her inside expression to Kanzaki. They may have gotten a lot closer in the past 24 hours but they still weren't to the point she wanted quite yet.

After another few seconds of waiting Selena and Kanzaki's thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the elevator finally making it to the top floor where Kanzaki's new apartment for the night was.


"This is our floor." Selena said to Kanzaki with eagerness before walking out of the elevator and onto the hallway of the top floor. There was a major difference between the floor Kanzaki had been living on and the one he was walking on now.

It was like comparing the sun and the moon since the floor he was on currently was like walking on the red carpet at an award show. As for the floor he walked on at his previous apartment it was like walking down a normal city street. The differences were simply too much.

Even the doors of each of the apartments were bigger than anything Kanzaki had ever seen before. Even the apartment building where Selena previously lived only had a few apartments that had bigger doors and fancier rooms than the one Kanzaki was looking at.

After walking a few doors down Selena finally stopped in front of one, "This is your room! Do you mind handing me your key for a second? I just need to check if the last person in there left anything or not." Selena said with a smile sticking her hand out for the key.

Kanzaki, of course, had no issue with this and quickly took the key out of his pocket placing it in her hand, "No worries. Thanks for checking." Kanzaki said smiling back toward her. Selena was doing him a favor anyway so of course, he would give the key card to her.

After Selena got the card she entered the apartment quickly and didn't come out until 10 minutes later. It was so long that Kanzaki had started to become worried and almost went in there to check on her. As he was walking toward the already opened door she walked out, "Sorry for the wait there were a few things in the apartment I needed to fix up and clean up. You can go in there now." Selena said waving him toward the entrance.

Kanzaki had started to say she should have asked him to help her but it was already done at this point so there was no point in even saying anything, "Thank you. I will talk to you later and also let me know when you want me to cook that dinner, goodnight!" Kanzaki said waving bye to Selena as he walked into the apartment after grabbing the key card from her.

Selena also waved him goodbye after saying that she planned on using the dinner on a special occasion. Kanzaki quickly locked himself in the apartment but Selena had yet to move from her position. The weird thing was that the smile never left her face.

After standing there for a moment and making sure that Kanzaki was in the apartment she brought out her phone and quickly clicked on an app that she had downloaded on the way up the elevator.

It was a simple app that only functioned to read the signal being sent to the phone to play a video feed. Once Selena looked at the video feed and saw that everything was working properly she closed her phone and walked to the apartment right next to Kanzaki's where she entered and continued to watch the feed for the rest of the night.

On the other hand, when Kanzaki got into his new temporary apartment the first thing he did was take a shower. For Kanzaki, the shower was his calm place where nothing else in the world mattered and he could take as much time as he wanted to digest everything that was happening in his life.

It was a time for reflection and relaxation that he would rarely miss in his day-to-day life. Due to this relaxation, the adrenaline that had been running in Kanzaki's veins since Landon appeared had finally run out. The only thing left was extreme tiredness that Kanzaki had never felt in his entire life.

It was such extreme tiredness that he barely was able to form a coherent thought but he pushed through until he finished the shower and lay in his bed. Before long Kanzaki fell asleep not realizing the number of things he had missed while talking with Selena. It wasn't a coincidence that the previously heavy-looking handbag had no more weight after exiting Kanzaki's temporary apartment.

Another thing that Kanzaki had completely forgotten about was the fact that after the next rent was due he would be out of money. It had finally come time for him to search for another job if he couldn't get streaming to work out. It was crunch time and Kanzaki would soon realize this fact.

The clock was now against Kanzaki and only time would tell what he would do with this allotted time. One thing was for certain and that was the fact that no matter what happens he wasn't going to give up on his passion until he was forced to do so.

The only thing that could even alter his mind was his parents and as Kanzaki was sleeping he had a sudden message from someone he hadn't talked to since he had graduated from college.

[Mom: Have you found a job yet? Call me when you wake up.]


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