Chapter 018 - Confession

I take a deep breath before sipping on the glass of wine. I am currently at the bar, waiting for Saitama after sending him an invitation to meet. The earlier scene at the beach gave me the needed courage to do this.

And so, I wear a tight-hugging blue-green dress and accessorize it with layers of necklaces. I make sure that my make-up is just enough to enhance my beauty. I need to look as elegant as possible.

After asking the bartender for a second glass of wine, the door opens and Saitama comes waltzing into the small bar. He still has that eternal bored look on his face.

When he sees me, he approaches and sits beside me. "Why do you want to meet?" he asks.

I look him over. He is wearing a white shirt with a weird print on it. He pairs that up with simple shorts. At least, he's not wearing some abstract-looking board shorts.

"There's wine," I say. "I paid for the first three glasses already."

"Oh! Lucky!" He looks at the bartender and asks for his first glass of wine.

I watch his excitement about my treat. I hope that before he consumes those three glasses of free wine, I will be able to confess what I feel for him. The first glass is for the introduction. The second glass is for my confession. But I add the third one as insurance.

I watch the bartender place the first glass of wine on the bar counter. "Why only one? Please serve the three of them," he says.

The bartender looks at me, before proceeding to place the other two glasses in front of Saitama. Saitama beams. "Thanks for this, Fubuki!" he says.

"You are welcome," I start. I watch him turn his attention back to the glasses of wine.

"But the real reason why—" Saitama holds the first glass of wine and drinks from it.

"—I invited you here is because—" He empties the first glass and grabs the other glass.

"—I want to talk with you about our—" He consumes the second glass and grabs the third.

"—current living status," I say at the same time that he drains the third glass of wine.

Saitama wipes his mouth and says, "That's great!" I blink in surprise and he says, "Thanks, Fubuki!" Then, I panic.

He is about to get up from the bar stool when I grab his arms. "Where are you going?!"

"Well, I've finished the three glasses of wine."

"We need to talk!"

"You have already said something earlier."

He was not even listening to me! He untangles my hand, but I grab tighter on him. Thankfully, it hinders his movements.

"What is it? I have some other things to do."

"I love you," I blurt out.

"Oh, I have a fan now?"

"I love you! As in, I romantically love you. Not a friend, not a teacher, and definitely not a co-hero or a fan!"

He freezes at the same time that I did. There, I've said it, but it's out of panic! This is not what I envisioned this confession to be! I should say it as we lightly sip on the glass of wine. He has no right to empty those glasses of wine in one go!

"Ahm," he mutters, as he scratches his temple. Then, he clears his throat before placing his hand on my shoulders. With a serious look, he adds, "Good luck."

And then he runs away from me. My mouth hangs open as I watch the open door that's still creaking from his exit. I shift my attention to the bartender. He is looking at me with pity. And it's okay because I feel pathetic myself too.


I sit heavily on the couch. That confession is a failure. But seriously?! Just a 'good luck'? What does that even mean?!

"Oh, Miss Fubuki, you are back," Lily greets. She's already in her cute pajamas. "I thought you would be gone until tomorrow morning or afternoon."

I lean on the couch and heavily sigh. "What are you even expecting?" I ask while I stare at the ceiling.

"You didn't change the plan, right? The confession still happened?" she asks.

Lily is the reason why I even attempted to confess. She says that I should not let events sizzle between us, especially when she sees me earlier being carried by Saitama.

"And you think I will get a massive YES?"

She exclaims. "You didn't?!"

"He told me good luck."

"He might have been surprised at your confession. Or maybe, he doesn't know if you are being serious?"

"I don't know," I say honestly.

She sits beside me. "If that's not the case, then he might be the insensitive, indifferent type who only displays emotion when angry?"

"Indifferent, yes…" I reply. "But I don't think he is insensitive."

"You confessed. So, he's become aware of your feelings. Still, he chose to run away from it…" she comments and leans on the couch beside me. She also mimics the way I stare at the ceiling. "It seems like something has desensitized him already."

I snort. "Are you saying that in the future, he will ignore what I said tonight?"

"We will see tomorrow."

"Then, it's the same thing as being rejected." I take a deep breath. I can't believe I will be rejected by a guy. I didn't even know that I will feel this bad about it.

"Sorry, it's my fault," she says and turns her head to me. "I shouldn't have pushed you to confess."

"You didn't push me," I answer.

"Oh! I know!" she suddenly sits up. "I have an idea!"

"I hope it's something that will not rob me of my dignity."

She pouts. "When did I ever do that?"

We look at each other, and then a smile appears on her face. "I've got a couple of ideas to make him fall for you!"

"Should I dress up more? Do my make-up more?"

"You have such a cynical view of love."

"Ain't my beauty enough to make him fall for me?"

She winces. "Are you trying to insult men?"

I lean closer to her and ask, "So, tell me what is it?"

"Let's start with step one. We are going to schedule a visit to his house."

I sigh. "I am already living in his house."

"That's even better!" She takes my hand and places hers over mine. "If Saitama has Genos, you have me. We will be a tag team on this. We will think up of ways so you can gain his heart."

"What's in it for you?"

"Aside from the enjoyment that I can derive from it?" I roll my eyes and she grins, "I'd like to be the maid of honor at your wedding. Be it Saitama or some other man."

I can't even imagine being married to another man. But with Saitama… it makes my cheeks warm. Yet, I answer, "That can be done."