Chapter 021 - An Afternoon of Pocky

We return to the apartment in silence. As expected, my sister is still waiting for me. While I cook her fried eggs, she keeps on banging the coffee table like a little child. And without a choice, I prioritize her food. Something that Genos is angry about. He says that Saitama should have the first dibs on everything. Before an all-out battle ensues, I call for Lily to help with the dinner while Saitama tries to calm Genos down.

When we all had our dinner, we sit around the coffee table with tea or a glass of water in our hands. The TV is turned on, but it seems that only Saitama is watching. Genos and my sister are still mad at each other. Saitama is leaning over the wall close to the veranda. While I sit between Lily and my sister.

"I brought pocky with me," Lily announces, breaking the silence.

"Hmph! Chocolates don't go with tea," my sister complains.

"Who says we're going to eat it with tea?"

When my sister glares at her, she balks and hides behind me. "We are going to use it for a game…" she whispers.

"Are you a child to play with food?!"

"It's just a simple chocolate snack," Lily responds, her voice getting lower than ever.

"Maybe we can try it?" I say.

My sister snorts and crosses her arms against her chest again. She didn't say anything against it, which means she agrees… for now.

And so, Lily starts to explain the rules. It's just a simple game of who can hold unto the chocolate-coated biscuit snack while they place it between their lips. I am familiar with it because it's been played a lot during parties. I never had the chance to join those games though because it's a game that often resulted in a kiss, and I know no one who I'd want to kiss before.

"Who wants to join?!"

No one raises their hand. Lily looks at me and gestures for me to raise mine. I sigh before obeying.

"I'll join," I say.

"Only me and Miss Fubuki?"

No one answers. Lily grins and faces me. She gives me a piece of the chocolate biscuit. "Let's play it then. Let's see if the ten thousand yen prize will stay in my pocket or transfer to yours."

"Ten thousand yen prize?" Saitama balks. He looks at the two of us and then at the stick of biscuit that I am holding.

"Yes," Lily says. She shifts her attention back to me and gestures for me to place the biscuit in my mouth.

"Then, I will join!" Saitama says. He crawls towards me and catches my shoulders. "I will make sure I will have that last piece of biscuit."

I squeal at the same time that my cheeks redden in embarrassment. I turn my head to Lily because Saitama's grip on my shoulders is tight. Not to mention the serious look on his face as he stares at the biscuit that I am still holding.

"Just wait for a mi—"

"What the heck are you guys doing?!" my sister interjects.

Yes, that's it! My sister will definitely do something to prevent this! Kissing Saitama thru a game, in front of everyone else, much less in front of my sister is too much!

"That's my sister! Unhand her!" she orders while she glares at Saitama.

"Hey! This is just a game!" he complains and under his breath, he whispers, "With a tempting prize."

My sister tries to remove his grip on me while she hisses at him.

"Kyaa!" I squeal again when Saitama shifts position. Now, Tatsumaki is behind him. And I am sure as hell, that my face is very red right now.

Suddenly, Genos appears behind Saitama. "I won't allow you to prevent Saitama-sensei to get that tiny, but equally enticing ten thousand yen prize."

"That description is unnecessary, Genos."

"Apologies, Saitama-sensei."

When my sister activates her magic, Saitama says, "No psychic abilities, please. Or my house will get wrecked."

"Sis, enough…" I say, but then I realize that I am getting a little bit lightheaded. Sudden movements and I am sure I will collapse.

"Hmph!" she mumbles. "Fine, I will join!" Tatsumaki says. "Come here, Fubuki. You will be my partner!"

"No changing of partners," Lily interrupts. "If you want to join, take Genos as a partner. Then, whoever wins from the two pairs will fight it out later."


Lily hides behind me again, but I am not in my right mind to help her. My psychic abilities are wacky right now.

My sister hisses at Genos and says, "Fine! I will take the brat as my partner!"

"Then, take your position!" Lily announces in a high-pitched yell. She is more excited about this than I am.

I place the stick of biscuit in my mouth and Saitama stares at my mouth, or rather, at the biscuit. He opens his mouth and takes the other end of it. My heart thumps so hard in my ribcage while I look at his bored face. There is a trail of sweat falling on the side of his head. Somehow, I feel hot too, as if the temperature in this unit has increased a couple of degrees more.

"Ready?" Lily asks. Saitama and I stare at each other. "Go!" she delightedly screams.

In a split second, Saitama bites on the biscuit, and I withdraw from him as an instinct, in fear of being devoured by him on a game. However, when he holds the back of my neck and starts to pull our heads closer. I look away and push at his chest.

The push is negligible though, so I close my eyes the closer his face gets into my face. I even try to bite on the biscuit to stop his advance, but even that, he impedes. He sucks on the remaining biscuit and I become apprehensive. I struggle against his hold when suddenly; I sense a heat wave from my right.

I glance at the source of it and see that Genos completely melted the biscuit that he shared with my sister. Frustrated and annoyed, my sister activates her psychic abilities.

At the same time, Saitama takes the biscuit from me and says, "I wo—"

In my horror, I see my sister calling for a tornado of wind then; she hits Saitama. He stops short and falls towards me. And in a moment of utter surprise, he lets go of the biscuit in his mouth. He seems to want it, so after activating my psychic, I let it hover in front of me before it falls on the floor.

I smile and am about to give it to him when suddenly, I pale. I retreat from him when I see the kind of face he is making. He is about to attack me!

"That's mine!" he screams.

My psychic becomes unstable and the small piece of biscuit makes an unsteady dance in front of me. Then he dives towards me. I'm unable to move in time before his mouth descends on me. My back hits the wall, and the biscuit is smashed between our mouths.

I feel the soreness in my lips as I realize that his teeth hit it in his haste to take the biscuit. His arms are tightly holding my arms and I'm sure it will bruise tomorrow.

"Let my sister go!" I hear Tatsumaki yell.

"Let go of Saitama-sensei!" Genos yells at the same time.

Saitama abruptly pulls back, and the biscuit falls on my lap. "Sorry," he says. His eyes are still focused on the biscuit that's become so unappetizing.

And then, all the surprise, all the emotions and fear, rush into me like dominoes. I feel dizzy and weak as if I will get a fever soon. And so, I slump against the wall, and my body quivers. I cry. I try to wipe my tears but it is gushing out of my eyes like an open faucet.

"I'm sorry," he says, wincing at the way I am crying like a little child.

My lips are sore, my arms are bruised, and he wants the biscuit more than me!

"Tut! Tut! No one wins!" Lily interrupts. "And you! No attacking other players! You guys are too violent in playing! As a penalty, the prize will remain in my pocket!"