I wake up with a start, my eyes fluttering open. I feel a sudden disorientation as my brain catches up with the surroundings. I feel like I was dreaming, but the details are already fading. The only thing that remains is the feeling of a deep, powerful emotion—but one I can't quite put a finger on.
As I try to gather my thoughts, I become aware of a presence. I turn my head and see a figure of a child—short, with green hair, and slim.
The child turns towards me, and I redden, realizing who it is. It's my older sister, Tatsumaki.
"Sis," I start, my voice soft. "What are you doing here?"
Tatsumaki steps closer, her expression serious. "YOU! I feel you were in pain, so I rush here!" she screams. "But they just said you collapsed! These plebeians don't even consider sending you to the hospital!"
"Oh," I exclaim as the events of what happened before I collapsed surface. It's all because I kissed Saitama! I look away, feeling my cheeks getting warm. "I am fine."
"You are NOT FINE!" Tatsumaki insists. "Look at your face. YOU ARE SO RED!"
"This is different..." I glance at Saitama, who is reading a manga while leaning on the wall. I think about his soft lips. I redden again.
She steps closer and peers at me. "Your temperature is getting high! Something is really wrong with you!"
"I am fine!" I panic. "I just need to take a shower to cool down!"
I swallow, my heart racing. Thankfully, only Saitama, Tatsumaki, and I are in the room. There's no way I can tell her that I kissed Saitama, and we are now a couple. And the kiss overwhelmed me!
'Kyaaa!' My mind screams at the thought. Why is it becoming unbearable?!
"We should go to a psychologist," Tatsumaki comments.
"I am really fine!" I say, too loud. I calm myself down, repeating the on-the-spot mantra–
'I should not be embarrassed. It is common. It is part of being alive.'
I meet my sister's eyes and say, "Sis, I really feel okay. Just a shower, and I am all fine."
"Really? You need nothing?"
"Maybe some soda, chips, and eggs?" I ask. I checked it yesterday, and we are running low on those.
"Okay, I will get it."
"Thank you," I whisper.
When Tatsumaki leaves the house, I stand up and prepare to take a shower. However, before going to the bathroom, I stand before Saitama.
He looks up at me. "What is it?" he asks.
"I hope you remember what he discussed before I lost consciousness."
"Yes, Fubuki. We are now a couple," he says matter-of-factly. It sounds so unfeeling, and yet, I didn't complain. Instead, I walk towards the bathroom to lower my temperature a little.
Saitama and I are curled up on the living room floor, watching episodes of an anime that King has recommended. My eyes are focused on the cheap television as I take small amounts of chips.
We've been spending our days like this, sitting back and relaxing after my tasks from the Blizzard group. It's quiet, but fun. At least my heart is getting used to having Saitama as my lover. Although, we have done nothing that other lovers do. Despite that, enjoying his presence is enough for me. I don't know if he feels the same, though.
"I didn't know that your sister could be generous," Saitama remarks as he sits up. "This is an enormous bag of chips. She even bought dozens of sodas."
"Don't forget the dozens of eggs," I add.
We munch on the chips, with Saitama taking care of the soda. After the show, we discuss our favorite moments and characters. Doing this with him, I feel like I am an old friend.
After a while, I stand up and walk to the balcony. I stretch as I look at the abandoned part of city Z. I see a Blizzard group member waving at me as he returns from his stroll to find a monster.
I wave back. For the past few days, Blizzard members have been getting stronger and more productive. Creating a branch here is a good idea, after all.
I turn away from the window and walk back inside. I sit beside Saitama. "You know, this kind of living can be good too," I blurt out.
"What do you mean?" he asks as he flips through the channel.
"You know, sitting here, relaxing, eating chips, and watching TV."
Saitama pauses and looks at me. I smile at him. "You sound like a corporate slave who is just fired."
I grimace. "You were a corporate slave. Is that how it feels like for you?!"
He raises his brows at me. "Well, I don't know why your voice is rising."
I groan and lie on the floor. Spread-eagled, I glance at the door. "What time will Genos arrive?" I ask because I am assigned to make dinner today.
"Once all his S-class responsibilities are done."
"Hmmm," I mutter and lie on my side. "Heroes Association can be quite demanding, especially for the S-class."
"You don't have any missions?"
"None for tonight. Although, I have one scheduled for tomorrow."
Saitama nods before turning his eyes to the show. I look up at the ceiling, thinking of what kind of life I have if I wasn't a hero. But then again, I remind myself; I don't really have a choice. I need to save my sister.
We chat some more before the evening slowly passes us by. Soon, Genos arrives, and the TV is turned off. He immediately updates us on the situation in the other cities. I stand up and prepare our dinner while I listen to their conversation.
"It looks like the monsters are really active today. Some S-class heroes are working hard to keep them contained," Genos informs us. "We might need your help soon, Saitama-sensei."
After dinner, we take the futons and place them on the floor. We push the other furniture on the side to fit the futons. There are only two since that's all that can be squeezed into the apartment.
Since Genos and I don't like sleeping side by side, Saitama squeezes himself between us. Half of the time, Genos is away from the apartment, so there is more space for us. Although lately, I always wish Genos is around during the nighttime. That way, I will have a reason to sleep closer to Saitama.
I blush at the salacious thoughts again. I hurry to fix the blankets and say a quick 'good night' before hiding under the covers.