Chapter 035 - Chased

He quickly looks away, and I blush harder. What am I thinking?! I shouldn't have told him that!

But then he looks back at me, grinning. "Let's keep walking then. We have tried none of the rides here."

I nod in agreement, feeling relieved as he changes the topic. We continue strolling along until we come upon the roller coaster. We stand in line, feeling excited and a little nervous at the same time.

When we finally reach the front of the line, I feel my heart racing. A roller coaster with him!

After paying, we take our assigned seats. I look around as the carts click and clank up the first hill. Going round and round the tracks, I realize the ride differs from when I am flying on my own. This makes me lose control and the wind that's whipping through my hair is not helping at all.

Saitama is quiet on my side, and I can feel his presence around me. For the first time in a long time, I feel still. As the roller coaster reaches its highest peak, I get dizzy from the scenery.

The roller coaster suddenly makes a sharp turn, and I instinctively reach out to something. My head is spinning, and my stomach feels light as the cart continues to move.

When I feel warmth, I realize I am holding on to Saitama's hand. And so, my rising fear immediately vanishes. After the ride, he let go of my hand, and I felt disappointed—I thought it would continue for a while.

So we walk to a nearby bench after buying ourselves some drinks. We rest for awhile and enjoy the scenery. I sit quietly beside Saitama, wanting this moment to go on forever. I grin. If only that can be true.

"What other rides should we try?" he asks.

I brighten up at his question. "Ha! So you still want to continue," I respond, holding my chin up.

"Oh, you want to go home?"

"No!" I deny. "Ah! I mean, yes, let's try something else," I mumble.

The sun was starting to set when we finished trying all the rides. I am exhausted, but it was fun! Saitama and I sit outside a cafe while eating some snacks. I think I will need to watch what I eat for the next few days. A diet will be beneficial with the amount of food I eat today.

Thinking of other things instead, I look around. The sky is painted with beautiful shades of yellow and pink. I lean back on my chair as I admire the surrounding beauty, as if in a dreamy trance.

Then I lean forward and bring my face closer to Saitama, who is busy engorging on the cakes. "You know, I am glad you came along with me today," I say.

The instant the words come out of my mouth, I blush deeply. With temporary courage, I look up into his eyes, but he quickly looks away. I blush harder.

Damn it! My mouth is getting looser and looser with him!

After our snack, we make our way back to City Z in silence–which is fine with me. It's as if the silence means we are comfortable with each other, that there is no need to fill the absence with mindless chatter.

When we enter his tiny apartment, he says, "It's still early. Maybe I can still watch some anime or play some games."

He starts to rummage through his things, and I sit close to him, watching his every move.

"Should we still have dinner?" I ask.

"Hmmm," he mutters. "Maybe late into the night. I am still full."

"Oh, okay."

After a while, I call for him. "Hey, Saitama,"


"Am I a good girlfriend?"


"I mean, I made you feel something earlier, right?"

"Feel what?"

I take a deep breath. So, that was really wishful thinking. I lean on the wall and stare at the ceiling. It's too early to give up, but it doesn't mean that I don't feel a bit disappointed.

After taking another deep breath, I stand up to prepare for a shower.

"Hey, Fubuki," he calls.

I turn to look at him. "What is it? Should I prepare dinner after all? Or should you do that?"

"You did."

"Oh, I have prepared nothing earlier."

"No," he adds. "For your previous question, the answer is you did."

Understanding what he meant, my heart skips a beat, and my cheeks warm.

"Oh, okay!" I exclaim before escaping to the bathroom.

A few hours later, I feel energized from the shower. We spend the rest of the night playing video games. He doesn't mention that embarrassing thing earlier again, but that's okay, knowing that I am making headway into his heart.


The next morning, I find myself busy with the hero's activities. Monsters are getting even more active, and so is the Blizzard Group. Some of our members even need to resign from their part-time work so that they can perform their job as a hero.

Other than fighting the monsters, there is also a couple of patrolling that needs to be done. We walk around the different cities close to us. Q, B and R cities are under control. However, we came across a lizard-like creature in S city.

The creature escapes to the underground, and we follow it. That is, until we realize that we have fallen right into its trap. We are in the middle of a long, winding underground cave where the monster lives. It is a vast cavern–full of twist and turns.

At first, I am able to memorize it, but after a couple of kilometers of walking, I got confused in which part we turned left and right.

"This is bad, Miss Blizzard. We've fallen right into its trap."

That much is obvious. I travel my eyes around, looking for any signs of life, or any movement.

"Let's keep going forward," I say. "We must find a way out of here."

"How about the lizard that we are following? Are we going to let it escape?"

"Our lives are more important. We've been here for a while, and it's not showing itself. It might be waiting for us to grow weaker before it attacks."

Then my eyes suddenly zoom into an opening that's further along the cave walls.

"What's that?" I ask to no one in particular.

We approach it with caution, weapons out and ready to attack or defend when opportunity arises.

Suddenly, there is a growling sound from atop us. "Welcome to our abode, fresh meats."

I turn my attention to the sound of the voice. It's not the lizard that we are tracking earlier. Rather, it is an enormous spider with a huge nest on top of us!