Chapter 037 - Suggestion

Remembering the tunnel where we came from, I take a mental note that if ever we all survive this—which we surely will because my older sister will sense that I am in trouble—I will make sure to clean up that tunnel! I will ensure that every path and crevice will be investigated and explored!

And so I grit my teeth and repeat a mantra in my head. 'Nothing bad will happen. Nothing bad will happen!'

As the monsters continue to attack us, I realize that each of the lizard monster is weaker than a mid-range B-class hero. By normal standards, they don't stand a chance against us. However, they are relentless and keep on attacking. Worse—my barrier is breaking down and with each attack of the monsters, a fissure appears on my protective shield.

Fighting back, I start calling out commands. "Blizzard Members - defend! Mountain Ape will take the left flank, Eyelashes at the right flank, Spitfire and Flame at the frontlines. We need to endure until help arrives!"

As if taking a cue from my words, we all move into position. The Blizzard group members make sure that no one falls behind. We protect each other from any stray lizard attacking from the sides. And while I keep up my psychic barrier, I shoot wind gusts toward any monster who tries to close in on us.

And even though it works for a while—we can't help but notice that their numbers continue to grow, while ours dwindle. I look around and realize that there are only a handful of us left. This isn't looking good. I can feel my heart pounding against my ribcage, and the adrenaline coursing through my veins.

One of the lizard monsters lunges toward me, and I retaliate by blasting a gust of wind that knocks it back. But then, out of nowhere, another monster pounces from the side and hits me, causing me to fall back with a thud. I try to stand, but my head is spinning, and I feel dizzy, yet I persist.

I can feel the sweat running down my face as I try to keep up with the barrage of attacks coming at us. I continue to chant my mantra, but with each passing second, my shame rises. Soon, my sister will arrive. It feels like we've been fighting for hours, but in reality, it's only been a few minutes.

Suddenly, I hear a loud roar coming from behind the monsters. A wave of relief washes over me as I realize that the Heroes Association has finally arrived! Even if I know that my sister is not far off.

With renewed hope, we push back against the lizard monsters, but they seem to have gotten stronger. The association's arrival does not intimidate them at all. Instead, they continue to attack with even more ferocity.

I look up and there; I see my sister—the second-strongest hero. She is about to join the fight. Her eyes are blazing with fierce determination, and I can tell that she is not here to play games. With a swift movement of her hands, she unleashes a powerful wave of energy that sends the monsters flying in all directions.

"What have you been doing, Fubuki?!" she scolds. "Resign from this job already! You are too weak!"

Instead of being dissuaded, her appearance and fighting inspire me. I get to my feet with renewed vigor. I channel my psychic energy and summon a powerful gust of wind that knocks down the monsters.

The lizard monsters might move faster and their attacks are more fierce—however, the Heroes Association is on our side now, and that includes my older sister. In a matter of minutes, we take down all the monsters.

Once the battle is over, we all sit down and catch our breath. The adrenaline slowly fades away, and the reality of our situation sinks in. I look around and notice the casualties–the wounded, and the broken.

Even if my sister and the Heroes Association arrive just in time, and even if I am grateful for their help, as the sun begins to set, I realize how weak I really am. My pride is taking another hit. My abilities are lacking. I can't carry my own weight, much less the entire Blizzard group.

However, contrary to what my sister is suggesting, I won't resign! Someday, I will save her. That's for sure!

With determination, I stand up and take one last look around the battlefield. The wounded are being cared for and the rest are leaving. My sister approaches me, her face still stern.

I look up at her and before she can say anything else, I say, "I won't stop being a hero. I will become stronger and I will prove it to you."

"Is that so?" she asks, smirking. "Well then, I wonder how long that will take you."

"Even so! I will work harder!"

She clicks her tongue. "And I am giving you the faster way out!"

"And that's not what I want!"

"Ah! Is that so?! Then—" she grumbles. "Suit yourself!"

She turns to leave and disappears into the crowd of heroes. As I watch her leave, I feel a sense of determination bubbling inside of me. I will become stronger, and I won't let anyone stop me!

With my mind made up, I turn to leave the battlefield and head back to Saitama's apartment, where I see him lounging as usual—reading manga and watching anime recommendations from King.


Days turn into weeks, and weeks turn into months. I spend every waking moment of my life training and pushing myself to the limit. Every day, I feel myself getting stronger, faster, and more powerful.

"Hey Fubuki, what's wrong with you?" Saitama asks. One day I am returning from my training—fighting monsters and pushing myself until I am depleted.

"Nothing. Just training outside," I say as I prepare to take a bath and have a quick rest.

"Hmmm..." he mumbles while watching my actions.


"Well, you're always out there training. Don't you ever take a break?" he asks.

"I don't need one," I reply curtly. "I need to be stronger, and I won't stop until I reach it."

"I thought you like to grow stronger by recruiting weaker heroes to fight beside you?"

"I don't think it's enough anymore."

Saitama nods slowly, then goes back to his manga. "Okay."

I turn to look at him. He seems fine in his own world. Frustrated, I sit in front of him.

"Hey! Your clothes are a mess! You should wash up first before sitting there!" he complains.

"I have a goal that I need to achieve," I say to his face.

Saitama raises an eyebrow. "Okay. But can you move away?"

"I want to become the strongest. Stronger than anyone else."

"I see. Well, good luck with that," he says. "So, can you move back now?"

Then, an idea strikes. "Let's go somewhere," I ask.

"Oh," he exclaims, looking away from me.

"Somewhere far and somewhere no one can disturb us."

"Ah," he starts.

I frown. He seems to hesitate. "I know it's a crazy idea, but I think it's about time!"

"Wait, Fubuki, slow down!" he says, perplexed. "I know we are a couple now, but we are both not prepared for that!"

"Ha? What does being a 'couple' matter with fighting?"

"Fighting?" he asks, looking confused.

"Yes. I thought fighting someone like you will put the limits of my abilities to the test."

Relief passes over his face. "Oh, that's what you mean."

The crease in my forehead deepens. "What else would I mean?"

Suddenly, Saitama stands up. "I think I need a shower!" he says and rushes to the bathroom.

I sigh, watching him go. I lean on the wall and stretch, feeling restless. I just need his agreement and then, maybe tomorrow we can leave. Somewhere in the mountains will do.