

"I think we should stop there Ky, it's 8pm. What do you want for dinner?"

"I'm fine with anything."

"Okay, I'll make some pizza."

"Do you want some help?"


Ky followed Ariel to the kitchen.

It only took an hour to make the pizza because Ariel had pre-made dough.

"That was a lot easier to make than I thought." Ky said with a pepperoni slice in his hand.

"Was that your first time making pizza?" She asked.

"It was my first time making anything."


"I forgot how rich you are."

"Haha. You aren't much of one to talk, this house and your parents house is pretty big."

"Yeah, you're right. It wasn't always like this though. We were poor until my father got lucky in the stock market."

"Really? Which company?"

"Ironically, it was mostly your parents' company and another one that introduced affordable electric cars called Mesla or something."

Ky raised his eyebrows at that but didn't say anymore.

Letting out a yawn and putting her plate in the sink Ariel said, "Can you take the first watch pretty boy? I'm really tired."

"Sure. Practice your mana manipulation when it's your turn to take watch." Ky said.

She nodded her head and made her way up the stairs.

Ky went outside and climbed the chimney again.

He instantly got to work practicing with his wind manipulation.

This time however, he wasn't making wind balls.

He tried to make snakes of wind that would travel around his hand.

It was a lot easier than he thought it would be, and only took two tries to get right.

It also didn't take any longer than it took to cast the wind ball.

[Your Wind Manipulation(1) Has leveled up]

[You now have Wind Manipulation (2)]


Ky looked up from the screen that popped up in his vision.

'Is that another hobgoblin?'

He could sense a large monster coming this way. The mana cluster resembled the size of the hobgoblin so Ky automatically assumed it was another one.

Looking to the left, where the street connected to another perpendicular street, Ky saw another hobgoblin.

It wasn't walking very quickly and seemed to be searching for something.

'Should I wake up Ariel?'

'No, I think I can handle this on my own now.'

Ky wanted to test the power of his wind manipulation.

'The problem is that I'll have to get close because my current range is only 5 meters.'

Ky climbed down the chimney and started creeping around the backyards of the neighbors houses.

It only took a few minutes to reach the hobgoblin.

Ky put his back to the wall of one of the houses and peeked around the corner.

The hobgoblin was still walking just as slow and looking back and forth like it was searching for something.

Ky was only 5 houses away from Ariel's house, so he knew he had to get this over with quickly.

Ky started readying a wind ball in his right hand.

When there was only 5 seconds left he turned the corner and quickly ran after the hobgoblin.


The goblin not only heard Ky coming, but was also able to faintly sense the divinity and mana within him.

'We really need to learn how to disguise these things.'

Ky obviously knew why he had been detected, but the reasons had evaded his mind until then.

Sometimes you had to get burnt before you learned how to properly douse a fire.

It was too late to back out now.

Ky continued to run towards the large monster.

"Grahhhh!" It roared and prepared to swing its club at Ky.

Ky tucked and rolled right as he saw the club swinging horizontally in his direction.

He was able to dodge the club by a large margin this time.

In the previous fight many of the hobgoblin's attacks were very close to injuring Ky.

With the wind ball now formed on his right hand, Ky jumped up right after the club passed over him.


'I really have to stop shouting that before my future novel gets copyrighted.' Ky thought.

He thrust his right palm towards the hobgoblin's unexpecting face.

The results were astonishing.

The wind ball exploded the head of the hobgoblin. Not even a bone was left.

The body caused a loud thump on its way down.

[You have killed a Hobgoblin]

[+1 stat point]

Ky left the hobgoblin in the middle of the road and went back to Ariel's roof.

A few hours later, around 2 am, "Ky! It's my turn!"



"Should we train again today?" Ariel asked at breakfast.

She made eggs, bacon, and toast before Ky woke up.

"Yeah, I think we should, but we also should find a way to train with weapons. Mana isn't all we fight with."

"I was thinking the same. I actually have plastic weapons that my sisters used as toys."

"Won't those feel a lot different than our real weapons?" Ky pointed out.

"Yeah, but what else can we do? We could use wooden practice weapons, but we'd have to cut down a tree and carve them ourselves." Ariel responded.

"Okay, let's get our casting time down as low as possible before we do that though."



Ky and Ariel spent a week working on their casting time.

They were able to lower it all the way down to 5 seconds.

After that, no matter how hard they tried they couldn't get it any lower.

They also had to kill many monsters during their night watches.

Oddly, they got the same exact amount of stat points each night. Even that first night when Ky killed the second hobgoblin, Ariel had to face a hobgoblin as well.

Throughout the week the only monsters Ky and Ariel would kill were the hobgoblins and normal goblins.

They killed so many that they stopped receiving stat points from them unless they killed a whole horde.

Ky's stats now looked like this

[Race: Human

Name: Kyden Price

Rank: Rank 0

Divinity: Seed of Primogenitor Divinity (Ouranos)

Total Stat Points: 80

Available Stat Points: 2

STR: 16

AGI: 16

DEF: 16

INT: 16

STA: 16

Skills: Stealth (1), Mana Sense (5), Mana Manipulation (3), Mana Reinforcement (2), Mana Assimilation (2), Wind Manipulation (5)]

His mana skills upgraded as well throughout the week because of the constant practice.

"Are you ready to start trying to train with weapons?" Ky asked Ariel at breakfast.

It was 8 am on the 7th day since Ariel's parents left town.

"Yeah. Meet me in the backyard, I'll get the plastic toys." She responded.


Short first chapter today because I wanted the fight to start on its own chapter.

Thanks for all of the support recently.

Special shoutout to PropangandaDS for the power stones yesterday!
