More Goblins (2)

The three remaining goblin warriors and Ky had a stare down.

The human in front of them had killed five of their kinfolk in just 10 seconds of fighting.

They weren't entirely sure how he was deflecting the arrows as their archers usually shot straight and true, even on moving targets.

This only further added onto the fear they were feeling now.

Their fear was apparent to Ky.

"Oh c'mon boys! You can't be getting scared now!" He had a cocky smile on his face.

'I only have 15 seconds of my domain left.'

Thinking this, he charged towards the three awaiting sword goblins.

They may have been scared, but they were warriors.

They got into their stance and readied themselves.

Ky crossed weapons with the middle goblin.

The other two tried to circle around him.

Ky ducked under an incoming slash from the middle goblin and reached his foot out towards the goblin running on his right.

It ate dirt.

Ky stabbed his dagger into its head while it was still on the ground.

[You have killed a 1 star rank 0 Goblin]

[+1 bronze coin]

He quickly stood back up readying himself.


He expected another arrow soon, so he readied himself to deflect it before even crouching down.

He pushed the arrow in the direction of the goblin that had circled around his left side.

It buried itself in the goblins throat.

[You have killed a 1 star rank 0 Goblin]

[+1 bronze coin]

The kill was mostly luck on Ky's part. He didn't expect the arrow to actually hit the goblin, he just tried to at least get it close.

It was also surprising that the kill counted as his.

He may have changed the course of the arrow, but he still wasn't the one that fired the arrow.

"Grahhhh!" The last sword goblin alive let out a guttural growl.

The whites of its eyes went red and it started moving in an unnatural way.

'I guess monsters can go berserk.'

Ky charged towards the berserk goblin and stabbed towards its head.

The goblin blocked Ky's first dagger, and dodged the one Ky tried to sneak through its defenses towards its open stomach.

The beast may have been berserk, but it wasn't going to let Ky stab it.

The goblin lifted its foot and kicked Ky in the stomach.

Spittle flew out of Ky's mouth and he flew back a few meters before hitting the ground.

"Grahhhhhh!" The goblin roared again.


Ky quickly rolled over once he heard the sound of the arrow coming towards him.

His wind domain had run out a few seconds after he redirected the arrow into the sword goblin.

The arrow struck the ground where Ky had been a second ago.

Ky sprung to his feet and faced the goblin again.

It chased after him with its sword over its head, ready to slice down.

Ky circled the berserk monster so that the goblin was in between himself and the archers in the trees.

Ky had long detected exactly where they were.

They were all on the same two trees, just on different branches of the tree.

The goblin brought its sword down when it got close enough to Ky.


The sword made a sound as it hit the ground, completely missing Ky who easily dodged the attack.

The bad effects of the berserk state were finally shown.

This attack left the goblin wide open for a counterattack. It would not have done something so dangerous if it was in its normal state of mind.

However, it could not handle not only the deaths of its fellow soldiers in front of its eyes and the fear he was feeling.

Fear was a big factor in the activation of the berserk state in this case.

Ky stabbed both daggers into the eyes of the last goblin warrior.

[You have killed a 1 star rank 0 Goblin]

[+1 bronze coin]

He successfully killed all eight goblins, now he just needed to take care of the archers.

Ky ducked behind a tree that allowed him to cut off the archer goblins' sight of him.

He spent a few minutes replenishing his mana.

The wind domain took every last drop of his mana to keep up for 30 seconds.

It was also very mentally taxing.

'I would love to have a nice nap right now…'

When he was finished replenishing his mana he bolted out from the cover of the tree.

Zig zagging through the trees towards the archers, he was able to make it to their trees within 30 seconds.

On the way, Ky brought all of his refilled mana into his palms.




All ten archers tried to shoot Ky.

Only two arrows hit him as he was still zig zagging.

One hit the same calf that already had an arrow stuck in it, while the other arrow hit his right forearm.

Ky put his daggers in their belt and brought his palms up.

He was only a meter from the closest archer goblin.


This time the sound of the air didn't come from the goblins, but Ky himself.

He shot small air bullets towards the goblins.

Every single goblin was knocked in the head by an air bullet.

They started falling from the tree like acorns.

Some died on impact, but a few were stabbed in the head by Ky as they tried to run away.

[You have killed a 1 star rank 0 Goblin]

[+1 bronze coin]

[You have killed a 1 star rank 0 Goblin]

[+1 bronze coin]

[You have killed a 1 star rank 0 Goblin]

[+1 bronze coin]

[+1 stat point]

[You have killed a 1 star rank 0 Goblin]

[+1 bronze coin]

[+1 stat point]

He gained two stat points from the whole fight. His stats were now all at 18.


Ky couldn't hear the sound of fighting so he started looking around for her.


After a minute of not being able to find her he started worrying.

"Ariel!" He shouted again.

"Boo!" A shout came from behind him.

"Ahhhhh!" Ky screamed like a little girl.


Ky turned around and saw his beautiful friend bending over and holding her stomach because she was laughing so hard.

"You should have seen your face. Hahaha!"

She tried to stop laughing but couldn't.


Ky just stood there with an expressionless face.

After a few minutes Ariel seemed to calm down so he asked, "You done?"

"Hahaha!" She immediately bursted out in laughter again.


Ky found a clean place to sit down and took out his backpack after getting comfortable.

Fishing through the backpack he grabbed two things. One of his metal containers full of water and a package of beef jerky.

Kyden quenched his thirst and munched on the delicious beef jerky for five minutes before Ariel was able to stop herself from laughing.

"Sorry." She said with a smile still on her face.

"Mmm." Ky grunted.

"Pfft." She threatened to start laughing again but was able to contain it behind her hands.

"Stop being a big baby pretty boy." She said after a few seconds.

Ky didn't respond.

"Sigh. Fine I'm really sorry." She said with a serious face.

Ky still didn't respond.

'I'm not mad, but she will surely regret that hehehe.' He maniacally laughed in his head, but kept a poker face on the outside.

Ariel sat beside him and started eating some of her own beef jerky.

"Let's keep walking, but we need to be silent this time." Ky said after they were both satisfied.

"We need to find a water source." Ariel said.



It took almost all day, but they finally found a small river flowing through the forest. It was only 5 meters wide and 1 meter deep.

"We can set up camp here. I'll build the tent, can you go get some firewood?" Ky asked.

"Sure." Ariel went to find some sticks that were already broken off the trees.

Ky quickly set up the tent and then started his mischievous plan.

Luckily he knew how to set up the tent as he watched a few Utube videos on how to do so just in case he ever needed to know.

The sun was almost down, so it was somewhat dark in the area.

Ky hid behind a nearby tree and waited for Ariel to come back.


When she walked by into the clearing by the river she was confused at first before realizing what was going on.

"Ky, you can't scare me." She said in an exasperated voice.

'We'll see about that.'

Ky threw a rock towards a tree behind Ariel.

"Huh?" She quickly turned towards the tree after hearing the knocking sound.

"Ky, it's not funny, I know it's you."

Ky made some scratching sounds on the trunk of the tree he was hiding behind.

"Ky it's really not funny!" Ariel's voice trembled a little this time.

He slowly made his way around towards Ariel, careful not to let her see him through the trees.

As he made his way to her he made sure to throw a few more rocks and scratch a few more trees.

At this point she was trembling and had her hands hugged over herself.

"Ky!" She shouted one more time.

Ky was finally behind the tree she was standing in front of.