The Mission Was Impossible


"Let's go." Ky whispered.

It was the day after Ky and Ariel came across the goblin village.

After some loose planning and a day of rest, they were ready to assassinate the goblins.

After watching the sun go down, enveloping this floor of the labyrinth in darkness, Ky whispered to Ariel and motioned for her to move forward with him.

They silently crossed the tree line and started creeping towards the entrance to the village.

Luckily none of the guards seemed to use lights to see during the night.

It was not pitch black as oddly there were still stars and a moon in the sky, but it was dark enough for the goblins to not see the two humans sneaking up on them.

They had not planned for this, but Ariel and Ky were also lucky that most of the goblin village goes to sleep before the sun sets.

Moving very slowly, it took ten minutes for the couple to finally make it to the entrance.

Ky stopped Ariel behind him to check if the coast was clear.

'Not a single soul in the streets. Hehe.'

He kept going and Ariel followed closely behind.

Ky decided to go for the left tower first.

They went towards the stairs of the large wooden guard post.

They were moving and acting as if they were currently playing the Assassin's Agreement game.

One of the things the couple did right on this night was sticking to the shadows and moving slowly.

They tried not to go out into the open too much as they knew it would be easier for the guards to see them.

When Ky reached the stairs of the guard post he looked towards Ariel and whispered, "I'll go up first and wait for you. When I count down, kill them as fast as you can and stay low."

She nodded her head.

They already discussed this the day before, but Ky wanted to make sure she remembered so nothing would go wrong.

He slowly made his way up the ladder, careful not to make any squeaking noises from the old ladder.

When he reached the top he kept low and observed the goblins in front of him while waiting for Ariel.

There were only two goblins during the night shift instead of the usual four during the day.

This made their job much easier.

Ariel made it to the top soon after Ky.

He looked at her and held up three fingers, then brought them down one by one.

Once the last finger was down they launched themselves at the throats of the goblins.

[You have killed a 1 star rank 0 Goblin]

[+1 bronze coin]

Ky's dagger slid through the goblin's throat with ease.

The goblin died instantly without being able to make a sound.

Ariel and Ky made sure to catch the bodies of the now deceased goblins before they could hit the ground.

They didn't want to be caught by something so stupid.


An hour later, and after 50 goblin assassinations the couple was finished getting rid every goblin warrior in a guard out post.

'Open Interface.'

[Race: Human

Name: Kyden Price

Rank: Rank 0

Divinity: Seed of Primogenitor Divinity (Ouranos)

Total Stat Points: 115

Available Stat Points: 0

STR: 23

AGI: 23

DEF: 23

INT: 23

STA: 23

Skills: Stealth (1), Mana Sense (8), Mana Manipulation (7), Mana Reinforcement (9), Mana Assimilation (2), Wind Manipulation (9)]


The 25 goblin kills he got today boosted his stats greatly.

Ky had an 18 for every stat before they started their ambush.

"Looks like we're going to have nice stats by tomorrow." Ky whispered to Ariel with a smile.

She offered a smile back.

They then made their way to the nearest goblin hut.

Not content with just taking out the guards, they wanted to take out the whole village within just one night.

Ky slowly opened the door without making a sound and looked into the hut.

The hut contained only one room.

In the middle of the room and on the far back wall was a small bed.

There were two goblins sleeping in the bed, unaware of the threat in their doorway at this moment.

There wasn't much else in the room other than some kitchen utensils and a place for a fire.

'They must be poor.'

Ky thought smugly.

He still had a rich young master mindset in some ways, one of them being his disdain for the poor.

He believed if they didn't like being poor then they should just get a job.

This was an extremely ignorant and naive thought, but it was something that wasn't corrected by anyone growing up.

He was also looking at it from the perspective of someone who always had money.

Ky failed to realize he has never experienced what it's like to be poor, so he shouldn't comment about something he knows nothing about.

That isn't to say only poor people can discuss things related to themselves, but if it is an experience the person has never had, they should at least do a good amount of research before forming an opinion.

Ky made his way over to the left side of the bed, while Ariel went to the right.

They mercilessly sliced the throats of the two sleeping goblins.

[You have killed a 1 star rank 0 Goblin]

[+1 bronze coin]


They continued this merciless slaughter of the goblins for another hour.

The only reason they stopped was that they noticed a discrepancy in the amount of stat points.

After killing another 40 goblins each, making 80 total, they didn't receive the stat point they expected to.

For a while, Ky was getting one stat point for every ten goblin kills.

He should have received another one at his 40th kill, but neither he nor Ariel did.

Ky frowned, 'Open Interface.'

[Race: Human

Name: Kyden Price

Rank: Rank 0

Divinity: Seed of Primogenitor Divinity (Ouranos)

Total Stat Points: 145

Available Stat Points: 0

STR: 29

AGI: 29

DEF: 29

INT: 29

STA: 29

Skills: Stealth (1), Mana Sense (8), Mana Manipulation (7), Mana Reinforcement (9), Mana Assimilation (2), Wind Manipulation (9)]


'Shouldn't I now have 30 stat points?'

"Why didn't we get another stat point?" Ariel whispered.

"I'm not sure. Let's ignore it for now and keep going."


After killing their 130th goblin each, they finally received the stat point they were looking for.

"Ah, it seems like we will only be getting a point for every 100 goblin kills we get now." Ky deduced.

"Yeah, that makes sense." Ariel agreed.

They were having a normal conversation as if they weren't standing in front of the bed of two sleeping creatures that they just assassinated.

It seemed like the two had long since been numb towards killing, and even enjoyed it slightly.

They were treating this as a video game.

It isn't entirely their fault for doing so, as there were so many video game-like things in their lives now, but it wasn't necessarily a good thing.

It could have even been the gods' intentions to make it so.

In their first and last message to the world, presumably since ancient times, the god of mischief, Loki, said the gods were leaving the world end event in the hands of mortals.

He explained that some gods wanted to give some sort of mercy to the mortals, so maybe their sick sense of mercy was desensitizing the races in the solar system.

If they were desensitized to killing, maybe it would make the upcoming conflict easier to handle. There wouldn't be any mortals afraid of killing their enemies in such a case.

However, none of this crossed either Ky or Ariel's minds at the moment.

They were too content in their ever increasing strength to think about anything else.


Around 2 am in the morning, Ky and Ariel finally ran into an issue.

It was just as easy as Ky thought it would be to kill off all of the normal goblins.

Ky and Ariel had 500 kills under their belts each before they reached the houses of the hobgoblins.

The couple walked towards the first big house in a row of similar houses.

They both fully expected to find a hobgoblin in this house, but they believed they could take it down.

They were much stronger than they were when they fought that first hobgoblin on earth and they were even stronger than they were before they left earth now.

They were both completely confident in killing off this beast.

Ky slowly opened the door to the house and crept inside.

The house had more than just one room.

It had a main room with a couch and what looked to be a kitchen in the back.

On the right wall was another door that most likely led to a bedroom.

Ky completely ignored everything in the main room and went to the bedroom.

He slowly opened the door and was about to look inside, but he heard a noise that he would later recognize as the singular noise that changed his life forever...