
After minutes of trying, I tried to destroy the cocoon with my blade but the damage is not enough.

< 00:00 >

< Metamorphosis Cocoon Progress Complete >

< [Insect Domain Ruler, Hunter of the Damp Insects Rachnare] has completed its evolution. >

When the process is over, the spider Boss then comes out from the cocoon I see that it grows wings, and it seems to also grow stings from its butt as the once just spider Boss suddenly evolves.

< Scanning Complete >

< Identification Complete >

< Adding Information into the System Archives. >

< < [Water Domain Ruler, Insect Queen of the Waters Rachnare]-- lvl.17 >

< Type: Boss >

*Spider Screech*

As the Boss screeches, it begins to emit black substance into the ground as from the ground comes out its very minions.

< [ Black Filth Water Slimes ] -- lvl.21 >

" Perfect!!!! " I said to myself as I see thank the System that the Boss stupidly summon its minion only for me to slay and feed upon. When seeing that, I then capture one of the Slimes and tries to feed it despite its filthy taste which I had to hold while crying as it tastes disgusting.

" Ooohh.... my .... oh my god ..... " I try to eat the slime in order to gain a new skill.

< Feed-in Progress >

< Extracting the Subject's Trait >

< Extracting ... >

< Extraction Failed, Try again. >

" Oh really ...!!!! " I shouted as suddenly one of the slimes hit me, giving me a Critical Hit which I then decide to that Slime but it seems the Skill also failed to extract some things from it.

< Extraction Failed, Try again. >

" Grrhhh... dammit!!!! " I say to myself as the Boss then attacked me and wound me so hard, my blood begins to spill all over the place, distracting those monsters for 40 minutes like before.

" Dammit!!!! " I try to wake up after being hit so hard with the Boss's newly evolved limbs, as I try to wake up I see that my HP is already at the half.

< HP: 673/1.345 >

" Dammit, I need to heal!!!!!! " I say to myself as I then wonder on how to deal with an evolved monster.

"( C'mon Ragna think of something!!!! should I get help, or should I continue to eat those disgusting slimes!!!! )" I say to myself as I then suddenly remember that I could ask for help.

"( Twelve, Twelve ....!!! )"

"( Can you hear me!!!!??? )" I try to call Twelve with my mind, hoping he can hear me from inside the System Space.

"( You called? )" Twelve replied to me as if he was waiting for me to call him.

Hearing that, I then ask for Twelve if he could help me defeat the Boss but he said that he can't do it since he had no physical body right now.

"( But I can give you instructions!! )" Twelve says as I remembered that I had that permanent Active skill that can be used without any kind of energy cost.

< Listen to Instructions >

" Okay Twelve, what should I do? please instruct me. " I begged him, knowing to myself that I had no solution and experience to deal with such things before and I think the best option I have now is to have someone tell me what to do.

As I ask Twelve about what to do in this situation, he begin to instruct me to eat the black slimes like before which I then did since Twelve believes the Feed Skill is the most useful thing that I had right now, for it has the ability or trait extraction chance of 35% which is quite a useful in this kind of battle for Twelve tell me the [Black Filth Water Slimes] had the ability to walk on the Spider Webs as the webs are unable to stick the Slimes due to the slimes slippery physique.

Hearing that, I immediately charged at the slimes, attacking and feeding them despite many fails while dodging the Boss for now. During those times, I had to withstand the disgusting taste of the slime's body in order to extract their traits.

< Extraction Failed, Try again. >

< Congratulations You Leveled Up >

Even though I failed to extract the Slimes, I then decide to upgrade the skill with 2 Skill Points, upgrading the chance of trait extraction by 53%.

"( I think this should be enough, Ittadakimassu!!! )" Ragna says while projecting his inner weeb as he eats the Slime for a test run of the newly upgraded .

< Feed-in Progress >

< Extracting the Subject's Trait >

< Extracting ... >

< Extraction Sucess.. >

< (!) Alarm (!) >

< Congratulations, you unlocked a new skill >

< Skill: Slippery Slide [Active] -- lvl.1 >

< This skill enables the user's body to be more slipper, making the user able to survive sticky areas for 50 MIN. >

< Cost: -10 GP, -10 EP >

< Cooldown: 30 MIN >


After extracting that, I then begin to continue my task to defeat the Boss who keeps attacking with its attack which I had to dodge with the help of my Slippery Slide skill as I can now go around freely in this area without any fear of being stuck in a web.

" Thanks Twelve, with this I can now freely attack the Boss!!!! " I thank Twelve as he replies to me he is happy to help and told me to finish the Boss right now which I intend to do just that.

" Hey, Insect creep!!! " I jumped into the skies and grabbed the Boss's legs while it's flying in the skies. As I grabbed it, I begin to stab its stomach as I try to make a hole there while still grabbing its legs since the bug's mouth couldn't reach me there.

While stabbing it, the Boss' innards and blood begin to pour into me as I continue to stab it making it fly uncontrollably in pain.

*Boss screeches in pain.*

" It seems your movement is more limited in this form than your previous one eh..?" I asks the Boss as I realized that it is more versatile in its previous form rather than in this form while I stabbed it.

" Die! Die! Die! "

"Give me the goddamn EXP dammit! "


( Meanwhile. )

[ Location: Hunter Medic Hospital ]

" Ragna Orion Mirai.. Kent, isn't back yet? " The recess doctor asks to the nurse on the receptionist's desk while discontinuing the name Miraikuru from Ragna's full name as the name is too difficult to say.

" Yes doctor, he's been out for hours and we haven't had any news about him since morning. "

" Wait, why? I thought 'that patient' will be discharged later on right, if I remember? " the doctor asks while the nurse tells him that it seems Ragna's body is alright and his body keeps getting better.

" So what, you mean because his body keeps getting better than you can let him go off like that? " the doctor asks the nurse, reminding her that Ragna Kent's blood is a Sacrifice Lamb Blood which means that he is very susceptible to any kinds of monster attack due to his blood's unique taste to the monsters.

Hearing that, the nurse then tries to call the other nurses and security to check where is Ragna right now including the doctor.


( At the same time. )

< EXP +1.000 >

< You Leveled UP! >

< You Leveled UP! >

In the Dungeon, Ragna had defeated the Boss as he then uses the skills to feed the monster's heart which he cooked by the fire that he made as he feeds and extracts the monster's very trait.

< Extraction Complete >

< Extraction Successful >

< (!) Alarm (!) >

< Congratulations you ... >


" I'm too tired right now, I'll look into it later. " Ragna says as he prepares himself to leave the Dungeon.


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