Ruins (2)

" Why do you still keep the Healer? " asked Hugo, asking William about his decision to keep the female Healer alive for now.

" This is technically a Dungeon you fool!!! " William quickly answers him.

" Even this Dungeon is considered as a Ruin right now since the Dungeon had no buildings left and everything else is scattered here as rubbles .. "

" But !!!! don't forget that sometimes, under these mountains of rubbles... "

" There could be a powerful monster hiding, watching us from the holes between these rubbles!! " William says as he shoots a hole in the rubble as he uses his [Snipe] Gift as the rubbles explode, revealing a giant insect inside it, burned to cinders.

*Insect Scream*

*Shot Noises*

As William [Snipe] the insect's head, Hugo then asks how did he make the explosions earlier. William immediately answers the arrow he shot earlier is an explosive arrow he managed to smuggle from the Gate Security outside, as he tells Hugo the Security Guards of this Gate are his colleagues from his Vulture Guild.

Hearing that, Hugo then felt embarrassed on why didn't he know he asks William why the Vulture Guild till now didn't even recruit him like William which he explains to Hugo that he is just 17 years old and reminded him that the Vulture guild is the guild for crazy adults for 18 years old and above.

" Don't worry you can join the Guild next year, it has been a lot of fun there." William calms him down, while Hugo can only sigh and decided to deal with the Big Insect's corpse that William just killed earlier.

" Hey William, How many of these insects do you think exists in this Ruin? " Hugo asks William as the guy just tells him to just kill it whenever Hugo sees it since there is a possibility that the Insects may have been hiding in this Dungeon, including with the Boss.

" You're right, should I call for backup? " Hugo asks William since he sees far away that the Dungeon Gate is still open from where they entered which means the 'Vulture Guild Members' can come in to help them deal with these Insects and Golds.

Hearing that, William then agrees as he calls his colleagues using a communication device that can communicate with people outside/inside the Dungeon Gate called the G-Talker, a communication device using the high electromagnetic energy charge the Gate usually produced as its main energy and signal.

After calling the Vulture Guild Members who disguise themselves as the Gate securities, the two then wait while Guarding the gold treasure with the knocked-out female healer.

" Park Tae Ra huh!!!!? " Hugo asks while seeing the woman's ID from her pocket as he emptied it to know more about the female Healer who is still unconscious after being hit by William.

" A Korean woman huh? it is rare to have them in this city... isn't that right, Will? " Hugo asks whole looking more into Tae Ra's belongings, searching for everything valuable as he then sees her badge.

" Hmmphh, she's just an E-Rank huh, what a Trash? " Hugo mocked the girl as he says that an E-Rank Healer is useless garbage, for he says to himself that the girl's healing Gift might also be a trash template Healing Gift as well.

" Should've butchered her while having a chance, besides her rank is so low just like the E-Rank masked glasses boy that is gone now for whatever reason. " Hugo says as he then thinks of the other E-Rank Hunter, wondering as he remembers his glasses which he thinks it is so familiar with the Glasses from someone he knew before.

"( By the way, that guy's glasses looked very similar to that Ungifted nerd from the Junior High School. )"

"( Is it him? )" Hugo wonders as he then remembers about the 'Ungifted nerd' kid that he remembers earlier as he then tries to recount his name.

"( Ra .. Ra ..Ragna was it? the nerd's name? )"

"( Yeah, that must be it, what a loser .... )" Hugo says due to his curiosity, he then asks William if he had the lists of names of the people who attended this Party which William tells him that the list is held by one of the members outside as they tell him that they are still preparing to enter the Dungeon with some transport to pick these treasures.

Hearing that, Hugo said that it is too bad since he actually wants to check the names of the people who joined their Party due to his mere curiosity earlier.

As he thinks of that, Hugo then sees that the Vulture Guild Members are coming here with their pickup truck as they come to pick up this treasure out from this Dungeon.

" Right about time!!! " Hugo says to William as he asks William to request the thing that he requested earlier while the people pick up these Golds which William agrees since waiting for the pick-up process could be boring.

" You're right Hugo let's wait for them while we do our things for now. " William says as he then holds Healer Park Tae Ra in his arms to guard her since she is still unconscious and Hugo decides to look at the Party Member List that he requested earlier since there is something that is bugging him.

As Hugo looks at the list, he then sees the names which he then skips since their names are very unfamiliar to him while still reading the name to the end of the list.

" Oliver Prowl "

" Olga Twist "

" Paul Broody "

" Park Tae Ra "

" Quinn Terron. "

" Quartz Coastal "

" Ra .. wait ... "

" You're kidding me, right? " Hugo asks himself as he then calls William to talk with him about the familiar name he finds on the list which is.

" Wait Hugo, you can't be serious right? ... "

" Yes it is, you idiot, look at the name and tell me that this name sound familiar to you. " Hugo says as he points to the name.

Ragna Orion Miraikuru Kent.

" It's that Ragna from junior high school, he's the last member of our Party!! " Hugo says with a loud voice William then shuts his mouth as he looks at the other Vulture Guild members and tells Hugo that they will say nothing about this to them since he had told them that he had cleared the other members.

" Shhh ... don't tell those guys about this, alright. "

" I don't want them to know that 'we' actually missed one person before calling them in," he says with a low voice as he then tells Hugo to give Park Tae Ra to the Vulture Guild People to secure her and tell them that they would like to roam the Ruin as they want to search for more treasures.

" Okay, that's a good idea. " Hugo replies.

" Right? now go tell them!! " William orders Hugo to do his thing while he takes some breath since he knows that he actually lost one witness to kill which is bad for his reputation in the guild that always successfully 'disappears' many Hunters that get on their way.

" Fvck me, I hope we get that guy quick and kill him before this other vultures knows that I made a mistake. " William said to himself as he then leaves with Hugo to search for Ragna who is currently near the Sword's Altar as he tries to pull it out.

" It's so heavy!!! " he says while pulling it, hoping the sword will come out from the altar's hold.




Like the Dungeons, the Ruins are the place for many lost treasures that have been laid there after Two Holy Wars. But the difference is, if the Dungeons is a place of laid treasures filled with demonic monster camps and guarded by a Boss then the Ruins are the place for treasures untouched by the demonic monsters and the divinely protected mortals which also had no creature to guard it besides some random minor monsters that probably survive after the Holy War.


Unlike the Dungeons, the Ruins usually had no Boss Monster to guard the treasures since there are no Demonic Monsters that want to guard it in the first place for some reason as if the Demonic Monsters and their Deviant commanders just let the Diviners and their mortals to just take it.