Slayer (1)

( In the Holy Temple located in District D. )

( Hours ago before Ragna came out from the Ruin. )

Rory Kent, Ragna's grandmother is doing her job as a healer as she helps heal the people who get many damages such as very badly damaged Hunters that luckily survive the Dungeon or some Inquisitors that lost many body parts after doing their Divine Work.

As she heals them by letting those people bite her, she had to experience so much pain for she is now already in her old age making her body not tolerable to the biting's pain as it used to be when she was a lot younger.

" Thank you, Healer. " said one of her patients who immediately leaves her after biting her hand.

After the patient leaves, Rory then asks the temple priests for a recess which they give her, afraid that she couldn't continue on to do her job.

" Take a rest, Mrs. Kent. You have done well for today. " said the priest as he lets Rory rest in one of the Holy Temple's chambers.

As she rests, she begins to feel something, something sinister even though she did not know what it is.

" What is this feeling? this sinister feeling ...? " Rory asks herself as her instinct tells her.

" I need to go home now, guess I have to finish my work early. " Rory says as she proceeds to go to the head priest in the Temple she works as her feelings begin to go wild.

" I hope Ragna is okay since this kind of feeling usually happens when something out of ordinary happens to him. "


( Meanwhile. )

" You bastard!!! " said one of the Vulture Guild Hunters as he was immediately slashed mercilessly by Ragna who was drugged with the viciousness of the Aether power source.

< Opponent: Vulture Guild Hunter, Rodrigo Steel (LVL.52) >

< HP: 0/5.250 >

< Divine Quest: Attack the outside enemies (7/18) >

"( This feeling .... I don't know why but.... )" Ragna says in his mind while slaying more of the enemies around him.

< Congratulations You Leveled Up >

< Congratulations You Leveled Up >

< The Aether grants the Player an EXP Bonus in each kill by 40% >

< EXP: 1.200/4.890 >

"( While slaying them, I feel good ..... for the first time in my life. )" Ragna states, thinking that what he does right now is the second good thing that happened though his life after he received the System and Ragna Twelve as his mentor.

"( So this is how you feel when slaying the enemies who say shit you, huh? )" Ragna says while his enemies attacked him and curse him.

" You son of a bitch!!! how dare you kill my brother!!!? " said one of the Hunters as Ragna uses his skills to lay waste to his enemies, starting by parrying their attacks and slashing them without mercy while using [Dainsleif].

While slaying the enemies, Ragna decides to go apeshit on his enemies which makes the whole scene more horrifying as he keeps pouring and bursting blood out of his enemies, making Inquisitor Kara gasp as she has never seen such brutality.

" Mr. Kent .... " Kara says while seeing the whole scene as her surviving Inquisitor friends then came as they also join her to see the whole massacre.

" Hey, Kara what happened .... oh what the hell!!!!???? " said one of the Inquisitor Inspectors as he sees Ragna's brutality over the Vulture Guild Hunters.

" What is happening right now? who is that guy? " he asks and Kara then tells him that he is her help, the Hunter that she met back then in the Hunter Hospital, the Hunter she found to have a Tier 0.1 Gift Core.

Hearing that, the Inquisitor then gasps for they ask her again if she was sure that his Gift Core Tier is 0.1 since based on their knowledge the Vulture Guild Hunters' Gift Cores are normally around Tier III which is very impossible for the likes of Ragna to defeat it.

While debating on what happened, the female inquisitor inspector called Kira tell the male inquisitor called Vincent about the sword that Ragna holds for she feels something sinister is pouring out from there.

" That sword is the problem, I don't why but it seems that Hunter is being consumed by that item's power. " said the Inquisitor Inspector as it seems they found another Hunter who without them knowing, uses the power of the Item they took from the Dungeons without giving the item first to the Inspectors and Priests for Purification Process.

" I see so he's being possessed by an unpurified sword item," said Vincent as he proceeds to enter the field where it can be seen that Ragna is now aiming for Lloyd who Ripper Jack uses as a shield to block Ragna's attacks.

" Jack why are you.... akhhhh "

< The Sword Dainsleif is now consuming the opponent's blood to increase its sinister aura. >

" You've done well, Lloyd..... but I have many things to do rather than dying on this .... " Jack says while seeing Ragna stabbing Lloyd further which eventually led to him being also stabbed by Ragna's sword.

" You .... " Jack grunts as Ragna the continue to stab the sword at him by punching the sword's handle with his [Hard Punch] skill, planting the sword further on Jack's body.

" GRRRAKAAKKKHHHH!!!!! BASTARD!!!!! " Jack screamed in pain while trying to unleash his Gift on Ragna but...

" I can't activate my Gift? ... what happened? " Jack says while quickly seeing the sword.

" Don't tell me, this sword? " Jack was distracted for a bit, making him unaware that Ragna decide to again equip [Rachnare's Tusk] and then slices his head, separating it from his body which immediately depletes his HP.

< Skill: Execution [Active] -- LVL.3 >

< Still had the same effects as before*, but this skill can be activated when the enemies are being weakened in a frontal battle. >


As it happened, Ragna immediately gets a lot of EXP since Ripper Jack's level is around 55 which gives him a lot of EXP Bonus, leveling him up straight to level 50 and having his EXP nearly full.

< Congratulations You Leveled Up >

< Congratulations You Leveled Up >

< Level 50 >

< EXP: 5.345/5.500 >


As it happens, Ragna then grins for he now also receives many bonuses from the System.

" Ni .... ce .... " he says calmly.