Past Misfortune

[ Hunter Association Central Tower ]

[ Hunter Association Leader Office ]

" Come in.... " the Hunter Association Leader says as he lets in his assistant.

" Excuse me, sir... " the assistant comes in and approaches him.

" Have you dealt with the Raid arrangement as I ordered you to? " the Hunter Association Leader says while looking out of his windows while backing his assistant.

[ Name: Hayden Christopher Fortuno Wayne ]

[ Job: Hunter Association Leader ]

[ Gift: (?) ]

[ Tier: 4 ]

" I do and it seems you are optimist that the A Ranks will suffice in dealing with the 'Tower' problem... " the assistant says while fixing her glasses.

Hearing that, the Association Leader begins to sigh and murmurs to himself while preparing his reply and then explains to her, his reasons on why he is so stingy on giving the Inquisitors and the Trinia Army the S Rank Hunters.

As he explains it, it is revealed that the Association Leader has been thinking about eliminating some Hunters that he deems too demanding to get a Rank Promotion and a higher income for trading their treasures from the Dungeon. This made the Association Leader grow weary from time to time, the Hunters who increased in the Ranks became too much which made him wary since he is afraid that he can pay many of them, especially if the higher ranks' number is getting filled even more.

" Gahh... the guys who enter the B Rank and above are getting drastically high while the lower Ranks have rarely been filled due to the increase of more initially powerful members. "

" Not just that, it seems the guilds inside our Association are getting more corrupt, for I investigated those leeches are taking away the Association's Cash and Credits for themselves. "

" These problems are why I need my Association to be cut thin from those 'too-many-want' members and need to restructure the association with members that can be get associated with. " the Association Leader says.

" Like the S Ranks...? " the assistant asks and replies to his statement.

" Yes, the S Ranks.... "

" Those powerful and extremely loyal people are the ones I need to keep right now in order for my splinter Association to survive. " the Association Leader says while looking at the window and seeing the red clouds from the location of the Tower is at.

" Twelve Years ago from now, at 2009.... "

" I remember seeing those red clouds.... "

" The clouds of despair and destruction, the sign of the Abyssal Tower that harbors an impending doom... "

" Back then, those clouds are seen on the R District of Trinia, and from those clouds, a Tower flashes out from it and suddenly stuck itself to the district's very lands. "

" Just right after it was planted on the grounds, the tower begins to operate as it unleashes many Demonic Monsters inside it. " Association Leader says as he delves into his memory about that very event.

( Back then, in the year 2009. )

" Inquisitor Hayden on your ground!!!" the High Inquisitor says as he plunges in and uses his Gift [Ring Fire] as he unleashed fire rings to incapacitate and burn any monsters out of the Tower.

As the battle happens in District R, the Inquisitors including the Hunter Association Leader, Hayden who was back then also an Inquisitor are fighting their way through for they were all assigned there to launch a full assault on the Tower with the army.

"( I didn't sign up for this.... )" Inquisitor Hayden says to himself as this mission doesn't worth the life and fortune that he was hoping for after becoming an Inquisitor, being an all-fortune person he is since his name also tells about his behavior of self-fortune.

While thinking about the miserable mission that he deems to be his misfortune, Inquisitor Hayden then had no choice but to use his full strength to fight the monster and enter the tower with the other Inquisitors and the army to all raid the Tower's very monsters and Demonic Leader who is also present at the time which cost them very big back then as the fight with the Abyss Tower army cost too many great people back then.

As he sees it, Inquisitor Hayden then becomes more furious about the deceased comrades' misfortunate as at that time, he wonders why they are fighting the monsters, for their blessings, gifts, and favor among the gods...

"( No, look at the deceased ones..... )" he says that since he knows the deceased people like his comrade Inquisitor Bulk whose family still had a debt to the noble clan.

Back then his god promised him that he will free him from his debt after doing Twelve Divine Quests which is absurd since the Quest's difficulty is very Divine-like which includes the very mission that he is doing right now and has to die for it.

As Inquisitor Hayden sees one of his close comrades, he then went nuts as he kills many monsters back then with the remaining people there as they all cleared the tower with the cost of their lives almost getting out from their bodies.

( Back to the present. )

" Grrhhh... " Association Leader Hayden growls while remembering the past for he recounts it since the new Abyss Tower has appeared.

As he growls to himself, his assistant then just looked at him as she mutters to herself that he's at it again, as she sees Association Leader Hayden is growling for he still remembers that Tower Raid back then.

" Association Leader... " the assistant calls Hayden which made him snap out of his memory recounting.

" Oh yes, what is it? "

" What is it that you want to talk with me? " he asks the assistant informs him about a new report she just received from her phone as it says that the Battle Maiden Priestess is informed to be joining the Tower Raid Party which shocks him very much.

" Victoria also come.... " Association Leader says while calling the Battle Maiden's name as he remembers her.

After he hears her name, he then smiles as he then tells his assistant that there is nothing more to discuss and tells her to proceed with the Tower Raid with the Hunters he had assigned to this battle.

" You seem to be so sure, Association Leader... "

" Do you really want to cut thin the number of Hunters so badly by sending them into this Raid? "

" Yes, but since Victoria also arrived, it seems some may survive in this Raid which is kinda good since having them all killed could potentially make their relatives angry at me. " Association Leader Hayden says as he tells the assistant to leave immediately for he wants to take his time.

" Oh Victoria... "

" I hope you take care of my Hunters while defeating the Tower again... "

" My fellow ex-inquisitor... "


" If you can... "