Rendezvous (3)

" Over there, I heard an explosion!!!!! " said some Hunters as they can see the explosion afar.

As they said it, Inquisitor Kara then began to notice as she somehow could feel Ragna is there.

"( What is this feeling...? )" Inquisitor Kara asks herself for she feels her heart aching as if it signalized something as suddenly she thought about Ragna.

"( What is this? why is my mind filled with Ragna....? )" she wonders, unaware that one of the 'Last' Gifts from her goddess has been activated.

< Divine Gift: Affection Sensory >

< The User of this Gift can sense and feel everything about the person they care about as the Gift will immediately notify the User that the person they care about is in trouble. >

" Urkkkhhhh..... must.... find.... Ragna.... " Kara says as she follows her feeling and runs towards the explosion that happened.

Behind her, as the Inquisitor was not unaware of it, Park Ignis and Adrian Waterson are looking awkwardly at her as the two wonders if the Inquisitor is alright.

" She doesn't look so well...., what is going on with her suddenly? "

" I don't know about that, but maybe the explosion might be the case. " Ignis replies to Adrian's question as he then goes off to see the scene.

"( Oh goody, a fight before the Raid's even begun? )"

"( I need to watch this.... )" Ignis says as his heart is filled with a fiery spirit after noticing there's a fight around him.

"( I hope it was caused by a monster coming out from the Tower... )" he hopes while smirking leaving Adrian to be alone with Flolial as she arrives.

" You're late, are your preparations ready? " Adrian asks Flolial as the two then hugs.

" Do you have that thing with you? " Flolial asks while hugging Adrian with full affection.

" Of course, all for doing our job. "

" But what about Ignis, is he still useful? "

" For now...., after all that Brute had nothing more but brawns and his fiery spirit. "

" But once his fiery spirit is sprayed by endless waves of Demonic monsters, then he will be nothing but only ashes of a human. " Adrian swears to Flolial while kissing her.

" Good Adrian, I had enough of him after all... "

" If it not because of what our parents desire, I could've rejected him... " Flolial says as she was relieved that Adrian had prepared things for their plan later.

Unbeknownst to them, around them, there are two spiritual figures who discuss what they were talking about earlier.

" What a traitorous bunch, it seems they are the *'betrayal' that I see with my Twelve Eyes. " Twelve says.

" Indeed, even though they're not a Sorcerer, but their craftiness is a thing to be impressed. "

" Even I must say the motive is quite usual... " 69 comments on Adrian and Flolial's reason for doing so in names of love, that usual sh*t thing many people would use for a 'betrayal' plan.

" Should we inform this to the Ragna Current, old Twelve? " 69 asks which Twelve respond by informing him that Ragna is having a delightful fight for her is having his time to teach some 'annoying' person a lesson.


( Meanwhile. )

" Yield!!! " Ragna menacingly says to the priestess after he hit her with many .

As the priestess is lying on the ground heavily wounded because of Ragna's skills, she then tries to hold still while keeping to giving Ragna the attitude which pisses him more making him decide to unleash his Intangible Sword to increase the damage of his current weapon.

< [Item: Imbuement Crafted Sword] >

< Item Class: A >

< Type: Sword>

< ATK +1.200 >

< Additional effect: >

< ATK+47% after being imbued with Aether. >

< ATK+33% after being imbued with Gift Energy >

< The opponent will be granted bleed effect by a +45% chance. >

< The Imbuement Crafted Sword was bought from the System Shop using System Coins. >

< Can be equipped, enhanced, stored, but can't be sold. >

< - Effect 'Imbuement': The Player can increase the sword's attack damage by imbuing it with Aether, Gift Energy and etc but only one at a time. >


< Imbuement Crafted Sword Imbuement: >

< Gift Energy Intangible Sword >

< Imbuing >

< Imbuement Crafted Sword: Gift Intangible Energy Sword >

As Ragna uses the imbuement weapon, he then prepares to attack the priestess for he really was pissed off since the priestess seemed to have some woke attitude or whatever which pisses him off, forcing him to swing his blade which the priestess later regrets it as she was overwhelmed by it and then resorts to unleash her tears while Ragna got an achievement.

< Congratulations, you've got an Achievement!!! >

< Achievement: Silent the Karen I >

< Reward: EXP+20.000 >

"( Such a Karen.... )" he says to himself as the woman as the priestess can be heard also merely insulting Ragna's mix-race heritage since she's a pure-blonde (white), despite being 'Holy Priestess'.

As Ragna then swings his blade, the Karen priestess tries to stop it with her Thunder Gift but Ragna overpowers her as his slash almost landed on the priestess's arms until the Battle Maiden stops him by unleashing her Divine Sword.

" Gahhh... " Ragna shouted as the Battle Maiden's sword shines so brightly.

" Dammit... " Ragna says as he then tries to slash the sword in hopes to break it, but instead he was pushed by the Battle Maiden, as she decides to fight Ragna and teaches him a lesson for even daring to harm a priestess.

" Why do you attack me, Battle Maiden!!!!? "

" That priestess is the one that f*king start it!!!!! " Ragna stands with his alibi as he tries to reason himself with the Battle Maiden but...

" If what you say it's true!!! "

" But my reason to sheathe my sword against you is still just... "

" For YOU of all people should know for the best that attacking a priestess is forbidden...!!!! " the Battle Maiden unleashes her aura and her power as her sword is filled with light.

< Gift Ability: Divine Justice >

< Tier: 5 >

< Divine Giver/responsible god: Athena >

< This ability is a Divine Gift that lets the User enact justice for those who harmed the weak, increasing the User's own Gift Energy and decreasing the target opponent's Gift Energy. >


"( Shit!!!! )" Ragna says while the System also scans her more and gives Ragna the Battle Maiden's exact level.

< Battle Maiden (lvl.100) >

" Oh damn!!! "

" Guess I had no choice but to use that instead. " Ragna says as Black Aura comes out from his body.

< Aether Unleashed Passive has been activated >