Rendezvous (7)

" So the humans, realized that you had infested them, impressive... " said the man as he talks to the Spider's owner as she reasoned with him.

" Yes milord, it seems those humans had a powerful member in their numbers," she says as she gulps for she also explains the last sensation she felt after all of her spiders there are killed.

" Are you sure the person who slew your spawns is the user of 'that'? "

" If that so, then this would be..... unprepared for.... " he says to her while standing out from his seat which made the woman bow more for she fears that his anger has reached its peak.

" Forgive this insect milord, forgive this insect's failures in performing her duty... " she pleas.

" Enough!!! do not plea, for the battle itself, had not begun. " the man says as he then takes a fiery breath.

" How long would you stand there!!!? "

" Do you have some good news for me? " he asks as suddenly someone came from the Shadows and enters the room.

" Yes milord, I've had great news. "

" Most of the humans that the Diviner fools employed on attacking us are not so powerful, for they were only some of them who could pose a threat. "

" Are you certain, of this information you've gathered? "

" Are you certain, that this report you gave me is credible? " the man asks the other man as he says that in the name of his Defiled Wings, he swears that what he says is not a lie for he had also talked with the people inside the enemy lines.

" Ah yes, the two of them..., it seems they had not betrayed their contract with us.... "

" And what of the 'Hunter' who killed Arachina's spiders, do you spot him? " the man suddenly asks the other men while referring to Arachina, the owner of the spider monsters who infested the priestess's body.

" I didn't see him back then, for that thing must happen during my flight to return here. "

" I see, so you didn't see him Gargas, how could you not see that 'one' human who killed my spawns!!!? " Arachina angrily comments on Gargas for she mocks him for not seeing her spider spawns' killer with his great farsight which Gargas obviously object by saying that he probably didn't notice that because maybe, Arachina's spider screamed too weak and was already dead before he can even notice their presence.

" It's your fault for depending too much on insects, should've used the 'elite brute' we stored inside this Tower. " Gargas replies by commenting on Arachina's early decisions and tells the lord that the 'elite brute' he talks about is ready as he tells them that the brute had already fed the previous humans and beings who were left inside their tower.

" It was now ready, milord... " Gargas bows himself as the scene behind him changes for the tower had its mechanics transforming itself as it makes a large window for the three of them to see the 'elite brute' they talked about earlier.

" So you completely prepared him for this battle? " the lord asks.

" Of course milord, per your instructions, I have done many things to contain and sustain the brute's hunger for battle while it remains here. "

" With the thing on our side, nothing would save those humans from attacking the Tower alone and abandoned by the Diviners. "

" Just look at it, what chance the humans have to even survive inside our Tower? "

From the window, the three of them see many flashes of fire, a sea of lava, and the wind filled with smoke and cinders.

" Ah looked at him milord, so prepared for battle. " Gargas says while pointing at the 'elite brute' thing that he brags about.

From below, from the shadowed place covered by smoke, an eye appeared and look at Gargas for it or whatever it was then unleashed a roar of fire made from a volcano as the thing itself is made from the pure fire which the roar fire beam almost hits the window if not the 'lord' himself counters it with his shield.

" Most impressive... " the lord says while thinking.

" Arachina..., "

" Yes, milord...., "

" Do not worry of your spawns my dear, today on this very day they will all be avenged. "

" For the Unholy Fire that our 'brute' possess will lay waste to the Blackest Energy that killed your spawns... "

" Including the light of the Divine. " the lord says as he then uses his ability over the Tower as he makes the tower shift against and closes the made window automatically.

As he turns back and leaves, the lord of the Tower then laughs deviantly as he can wait to see what happens next.

" Today we will all have a great time... "

" I do not know why the Diviners hadn't acted by themselves even now, but it does not matter. "

" For this Tower had successfully taken a perfect place of an endless supply of corpses. " the lord says for he then returns to his very seat and drinks the blood wine he drank earlier.


( At the same time.)

" Old Twelve, have you seen anything? " Ragna 69 says to Twelve while their spirit ghost-like bodies float into the skies above the Abyss Tower.

" It's him, 69... "

" In this Timeline, it seems he is also the one who takes charge in this Tower like back in your Timeline. "

" That Deviant!!!!? damn.... " Ragna 69 thinks hardly to himself and asks Ragna Twelve if he was sure that Ragna Current is ready for this.

" I am sure of it, 69... "

" This time, in this Timeline... "

" The Abyss Tower Raid will be different, I promise you o 'myself' from the timeline after my timeline. " Ragna Twelve swears to Ragna 69 as the two then return into the System Space.


( Meanwhile. )

After the rendezvousing people there had thanked Ragna enough, all of them then prepared as many had come to their garrison and before they start the raid, they were assembled in the field where they will all get a little speech from the Battle Maiden who had said sorry to Ragna about her priestess and it seems the two had reconciled for what happened, as their little quarry is not as important for what thing they will do right now.

" Before entering the Tower, let us pray to the gods!!! "

" Prayer begin!!! "

The whole people there prayed to their respective Gods who give them their Core and in midst of them, only Ragna seemed to not pray to his 'god' for he refuses to believe in her.

" Why should I pray...? *ukh* " Ragna's hand was suddenly held by Kara as she stares at him which made Ragna cowers as he prays even though it was just a pose to escape Inquisition.

"( Oh s**t, I forgot that she's an Inquisitor...!!!! )" Ragna 'prays' as he then can only pray to the Creator, the god that his religion believed in to help him on this Raid.

"( Creator please help me...., thank you.... )" Ragna says and after that, he and all others then raise their weapons and march into the tower to face the abyss.

< (!) Notification (!) >

< Story Quest: [Abyss Tower] >

< Complete the [Abyss Tower] >


Thank you for your support, this is the end of volume 1: First Leveling

I'm sorry if I had to say this but after this, I will go on hiatus for this Webnovel and also make some extra chapters while formulating the next volume, while this Novel is on hiatus, you can check my other Webnovel "Child From The Dungeon."., I hope you can enjoy it. Thank you.



[ The Abyss Tower Mapping ]

[ 13 Floors ]

[ Floor 1: Floor of the Fool (Dedicated to the Fools who dared to step inside the Tower) ]

[ Floor 2: Floor of the Fearful (Dedicated to those who begin to return back outside the Tower, afraid that they can't go on. ]

[ Floor 3: Floor of the Fierce (Dedicated to those who begin to the fools and fearful who now had no choice but to be fierce as they advanced further. ]

[ Floor 4: Floor of the Strife (Dedicated to those who started to fight each other after things began to go wrong. ) ]

[ Floor 5: Floor of the Sacrifice (Dedicated to those who finally begin to kill each other, for they can't take it anymore inside this Tower. ]

[ Floor 6: Floor of the Lustful (Dedicated to those who survive the 5th Floor, where the beautiful Abyss monsters await them, beware of your desires.) ]

[ Floor 7: Floor of the Envious (Dedicated to those who finally escape the abyssal desires, those who enter begin to feel envious of others, hence they begin to want more power) ]

[ Floor 8: Floor of the Greed (Dedicated to those who begin to desire their own survival, they begin to feast on others in a crazed way, even sacrificing their comrades to the spawned Abyssal Monsters.) ]

[ Floor 9: Floor of the Gluttony (Dedicated to those who begin to desire more of their own survival, beginning to feel hunger as they prey on everything inside.) ]

[ Floor 10: Floor of the Sloth (Dedicated to those who can't hold their feast, making them slow as they devour too much. ]

[ Floor 11: Floor of the Prideful (Dedicated to those who survive this far, they begin to lose all of their humanity as on this floor, only a few survive.) ]

[ Floor 12: Floor of the Wrath (Dedicated to those who will be enraged by reality, for everything that they've done is futile.) ]

[ Floor 13 (Top Floor): Floor of the Tragedy (On this Floor, the survivors will be lost forever for they will find themselves dealing with the strongest of demons, thus ending their futile struggling of a journey in vain.) ]

This is basically the description of the Abyss Tower Floors scanned by the System, the officials didn't know this since they didn't learn the purpose behind each floor and neither do the Hunters, Priests, and Soldiers for they only know the number of the Floors is many and just that.

The Deviants specifically made the Abyss Tower invulnerable from the outside and vulnerable from the inside to attract prey to entering this Tower, thus entrapping them in the Tower's domain and driving them to insanity in each Floor with that specific purpose of torture progress. The gods (Diviners) knew this, hence they want to try using the humans first as bait.

Thank you for your time, reading these details.