Divine Hero Part 1

( Years Ago. )

" Be proud of yourself, my child... "

" For now on this very day, you are now given this very honor to become one of the gods' avatars on earth, one of the chosen heroes with the responsibility to protect humanity. " Athena says to the Battle Maiden at the time, giving her the honor to become her Divine Avatar after for her dedication to fight for humanity against the previous Abyss Tower.

" I'm honored, goddess Athena... " Battle Maiden says as she was given the honor to become Athena's Divine Avatar back then, in front of the other Priestesses and the whole crowd, including her own family who is very grateful for her success, including her cousin Flolial who also can be seen around her, looking at her with anger as she sees her been given the authority and just leave that very place.

After the ceremony, Battle Maiden then enters the goddess's chamber since Athena wants to meet with her eye-to-eye.

" I'm sorry if I had to call you after you have to please your friends at your inauguration. " Athena tells Battle Maiden.

" No, it's alright, Goddess. "

" I can still perform the task you will give to me... " Battle Maiden says being the faithful mortal she is.

Seeing her faithfulness, Athena then approached her, and place her hands in front of her blind eyes, giving her something.

" This is for you since you will become my Avatar, thus I shall give you eyes in order for you to see what I see. "

" With these eyes, you would exact my duty upon your mortal brethren, and slay the demons in my name. " Athena explains as the Batt;e Maiden receives the Divine Sight the goddess implanted in her.

" These eyes, why did you give these to me, urkkhh~! " Battle Maiden then feels a headache.

" Goddess Athena, what's happening to me!? " she screams as she activates her eyes, suddenly she sees memories, memories of someone else, memories of someone else's heroism and tragic fate.

" Don't reject it, my dear Avatar... "

" Accept those memories. " Athena tells her as the Battle Maiden is drowned in the memories of someone, someone else who she can see is...

" Goddess...? " the Battle Maiden asks.

" There's someone else before me, who become your Avatar? " she asks as she questions about it, recounting that based on history, Athena is one of the goddesses who hasn't chosen a Divine Avatar before, and based on what the other gods tell her, she was her first.

" Pardon my rudeness, goddess... "

" But what is the meaning of this, memories...? " she says as she can see the vision of the memories of the memory holder's death, as she can see an old man is mourning in that vision, calling a name.

"( Who is this old man...? )"

"( Car... )"

"( Car... who...? )"

"( Who is this person that he's crying about? )"

"( Is it me? no... )" Battle Maiden decides to close her eyes, as she can't take more of it, having enough of those random memories that don't make sense in her mind.

" You decide to close it? " Athena asks seeing the Battle Maiden's decision.

" What is all that, goddess? " she asks her Athena then take sigh.

"As I said, those are the memories of the 'one' before you... "

" The Divine Hero before you, in some other..., "

" Time... " Athena says as he briefly tears.

" The one who uses that eye before you that I gave is a powerful and honorable hero... "

" She is so honorable, beloved by the gods, mortals, and demons. "

" She may be but a mortal, but her novelty is on par with those over the Pantheons. "

" A perfect example of a 'Divine Hero' "

" That we need, and that you should follow... " Athena says as she advises Battle Maiden to use the eyes, to see those memories in order to guide her during her Divine Duty in the future.

" I see, now... "

" Thank you for this, Gift... "

" My Goddess... " Battle Maiden says as the goddess then tells her to leave.

" Go my child, take some rest... "

" I will tell you more about it in the future, just use the eye to guide you... " Athena says as the scene changes.


After becoming Athena's Divine Avatar, the Battle Maiden begins her duty as her goddess' main Vanguard, eliminating any Demonic Monsters and Worshippers towards her carrier as both of them work diligently side-by-side to exact Justice over Trinia and even into the other countries of the earth, gaining merit overtime after their victories as the two are inseparable as if both are the same entity.

But still, despite those positive achievements they've made, the gods are still unimpressed, not only to the Battle Maiden but also to Athena herself who chose her.

[ Olympus Hall. ]

After another victory, the Battle Maiden then gets the opportunity to visit Olympus, as she becomes an honored guest since she's accompanying the goddess Athena at the time who was called to enter a meeting by the other Olympians.

At the time, Battle Maiden was given free entry as the goddess tell her to explore the whole place at this very moment and the Battle Maiden accepts that very advice, immediately doing it while the goddess enter the meeting hall where the other Olympians have awaited her arrival.

" You're late, are you still babysitting your Avatar? " Zeus asks as he sits on his throne with the other Twelve Rulers of Olympia.

Hearing that, Athena begins to think negatively as she knew that the other Olympians are not actually tolerable to Mortals, especially to their own who often care for the mortals such as her her own Avatar.

" She needs to be orientated first, Allfather. " Athena says.

" After all, I can't just let her wander around this place without her knowing what she should or shouldn't. "

" And immediately gets punished by something before even giving her some advice about this place... " Athena says as she explains that her tutor is necessary to teach the Battle Maiden about some customs before things went wrong for her.

"( Of course I need to do this, I need to prepare her for your Mortalphobia machinations, father. )" Athena says, knowing her father and the others might already prepare some machinations to ruin Battle Maiden's life for their Divinely Xenophobia against the mortals.

" Also, speaking of her being tutored about our customs... "

" Aren't the Divine Avatars supposed to be trained based on our values and laws? "

" It is our duty to ensure her training, since the Divine Avatar, based on our Divine Law, should already be considered as one of us and not as an outsider anymore. " Athena explains which made Zeus laugh.

" Oh, my dear Athena... " Zeus says while showing her some Holo Monitor as the camera of one of the Olympus Hall shows the Battle Maiden being friendly with the animals around the very Pantheon.

" You trained your Avatar well, Athena. " Zeus says as the Allfather of the Pantheon, as he sees the Battle Maiden being happy in the home of her respective goddess.

Seeing her, Athena smiled after seeing her Avatar look so comfortable in her Pantheon without any setback or stress which make her feel relieved after seeing it.

" Of course father, I am honored to have her on my side. "

" She was like an important person, to me... " Athena exclaims in front of Zeus.

" Too important. " Zeus suddenly says as the Holo Monitor disappears.

After he says that, Athena immediately interrupts him but were immediately silenced by Hera as she tells her that Zeus is still talking.

" Silence, whelp, the Allfather is talking. "

" At ease, wife... "

" If you want her to stay silent, shouldn't you be a perfect example first... " Zeus says which made Hera irritated as she's being lectured by him.

" Fine... " she says.

" Father... " Athena says while looking at Zeus who touched his beard.

" I sense a disturbance lately... "

" I can feel a power rising inside your 'Avatar'... "

" An unknowable power, that I've feared may be the result because of your over-guidance and training after her. "

" So obvious that you might've trained the Avatar to even kill me, didn't you? " Zeus asks Athena and immediately rejects that very idea.

" No, father..., I did not...! "

" I only train my Avatar in order for her to perform her duty well! "

" I had no intention of making her overpower you! "

" Silence!"

" Do not talk back to me, girl! " Zeus shouts at the goddess.

" Her duty performed well or not, is just a simple matter... "

" But the main problem is that after some years of you being with her, her power begins to raised more significantly and unpredictably. "

" As she kills the Deviants (Demons) more in numbers than the other Olympians! " Zeus says as he begins to enter his main reason for asking Athena to come here.

" No, she's not, most of the kills are because of my intervention, father! " Athena tries to shield the Maiden by telling Zeus that most of the mortal's achievement is because of her.

" So what!? "

" Even if it was true that you're the one who participates the most in her progress, that still doesn't change the fact that the 'Battle Maiden' of yours is getting more powerful after you use her mortal body. "

" Seeing this, we the other Olympians could only predict what's next and after some time of debate, we already decided to... "

" Eliminate her... " Zeus says which shocks Athena at that very moment.

" What did you say!? "