Thunder's Fade Part 5: Swallowing Thunder Part 3

Ragna states his words, telling the Yakan Curse that he will never let the Yakan Curse out of this place, forever.

Hearing that, Yakan Curse laughs but is awkwardly aware that something is wrong right now, but she didn't quite get the gist, probably because she thinks the threat came from the one who is technically beneath her.

" Really boy, you... you want to kill me? " she asks.

"( Why I stutter before him, he's just bluffing..., )"

"( Right? )" Yakan Curse says while seeing Ragna's Aether Aura's flow, probably her Spiritual Body sense some ominous feeling about it but can't define it for sure.

As she thinks to herself, she then looks at Ragna again but can't find him anywhere which shocks her as he just disappeared at a glance.

" I'm down here... " Ragna says as he tells the giant Yakan Curse that he's already below her.

" What are you looking at? "

" Can't your eyes follow me? " Ragna asks Yakan Curse in her silence, for the Divine Curse had no answer to respond to this situation.

" Really? you didn't want to talk now? "

" Out of all times? " Ragna asks politely while staring at the Divine Curse sharp as an eagle but calm as water.

" You said earlier that you want me to wake up in order for you to be highly entertained or whatever... "

" Well, if that is what you wish, then here I am. "

" Right beneath you. " Ragna tells the Divine Curse while she stays silent for no reason, for she is currently looking at Ragna's aura that mesmerized her for unknown reasons.

" So where's that arrogance of yours? I've been waiting to hear it again. " Ragna asks the Divine Curse, in that instant, the Yakan Curse immediately distances herself from Ragna immediately which shocks the others.

"( She retreated!? )" Aphrodite asks himself after seeing such a scene.

"( Not only she just quickly distanced herself far from the boy, but... )"

"( Do I sense fear, from that Divine Familiar? )" Aphrodite wonders as she sees the Yakan Curse sweat, somehow it sweats, and thunder can be seen sparkling from the dropped sweat on the ground coming from its very thunderous Spiritual Form body.

As it happened, the Yakan Curse's eyes twisted, feeling dizzy as she never expect this to happen.

"( What's happening to me? A headache? out of all things!? )"

"( Impossible!? )"

"( Things like this shouldn't be applied to the likes of me. )"

"( My body is made spiritually and by the Divine, I'm a being that was born without the flesh's sickness. )" Yakan Curse wonders for she suddenly notices that cause is definitely what kind of aura that surrounds Ragna's body.

"( Just what is that aura? )"

"( What is that surrounding him, wait! )"

"( It couldn't be!? )" Yakan Curse suddenly remembers something, a memory from its creator, a memory about the past regarding what just Ragna unleashed around his body.

" Grkkhhh... it can't be!? "

" It can't be!? "

" It can't be that you already mastered it!? " she screams in fear, slowly knowing what just transpired as fear slowly stuns her.

Seeing that, Ragna just simply walks to her, didn't have to even prepare for anything for he knows what he was doing right now.

" What are you doing Ragna!? " Twelve shouts.

" Quick, destroy it! " he says while Ragna just slowly approached the Yakan Curse, increasing his Aether Aura, even more, making the Divine Curse feel miserable as he approached her more.

" ~Stay back..., brat!~ " she cowers.

" ~Stay back!~ "

" ~Do you dare, to fight me!?~ "

" ~I who holds the element that could kill you the most, for it's your worst affinity!~ " Yakan Curse threatens but she can't stand before Ragna's Aether Aura that really pressed her very much.

" Kill me? oh right, I forgot... " Ragna says.

" The thunder element is my greatest weakness since my body can't stand Gift Core Thunder Energy and Divine Thunder Energy. "

" But sadly, that only applies to my internal body you fool... "

" Don't you even remember? "Ragna says as he knows well about his own weakness. The fact is, Ragna actually can still stand the power of Thunder in his outside organs such as his hands, skin and etc etc etc for he still able to touch electronic things without triggering the Yakan Curse. What triggers the Yakan Curse (inside his body before), is if the Thunder shocks his body entirely if he gets zapped if he somehow learns any kind of 'other energy' such as Ki or some sort, then the Yakan Curse will be triggered.

" Do you think that I didn't know my own weaknesses' weaknesses? "

" Surely you do know about it as well, didn't you? " Ragna asks the Yakan Curse.

" Why do you stay silent, aren't you going to shock me, torture me? " Ragna approached her more, entering the Yakan Curse's private space as the Divine Curse cowers and lays on the ground.

" What's wrong, Divine Curse? why do you kneel? I didn't order you to do that. "

" I told you to do that one-and-only job of yours, isn't that so hard for you? " Ragna closes his face to hers, showing his spooky eyes.

" Then go on! do it to me! make me suffer! come on! " Ragna orders the Yakan Curse to do her thing, but the now scared miserable think could only cower before Ragna's unrestrained and undisturbed Aether Power.

"( His eyes and energy... )" Yakan Curse begin to think about it.

"( Even though it's different but why it feels the same as... )" Yakan Curses suddenly remembers someone, someone who created her and ordered her to be inside Ragna's body.

"( Gyarrkkhhhhh....!!!! )" Yakan Curse becomes more fearful than ever, probably realizing the level of scariness that Ragna is in right now, the level is already compared to the person she must be thinking about.

As the Yakan Curse cowers, she begins to open her mouth again, wanting to say something, but suddenly something shocked her.

"( This is... )" she realizes what shocked meaning she just felt.

"( This is my 'directive reminder', the 'order' that my summoner Divinely ordered that I must fulfill until the end. )"

"( It's like an unbreakable order or vow, that will bind me until I perish, an order that bounds my very Spiritual Body to obey. )"

As she felt it, Yakan Curse sees Ragna again, and her emotions go wild, either she now fears for her existence or fear that unbreakable order that must have some punishment behind it. Because of the condition, she cowers greatly as hell, knowing full well that she's on a dead end, if she chooses one or another, she will still pay the consequences dearly, making her unable to choose, for the options are too fearful for her to even consider.

" Grkk... this can't be? "

" I must choose... "

" But, rather than breaking my order, from my very Divine goddess... " Yakan Curse forces her body forces herself to be brave while still feeling fear.

" I RATHER FIGHT YOU THAN FIGHT MY OWN CREATOR!!! " she says as she stands up and tries to attack Ragna with her full Divine Thunder power.

[ Thunderous Claw, Divine Radiating Saw ]

" DIE! " Yakan Curse says as she attacks Ragna.

" Just like that, that's the only attack you can come up with. " Ragna raises his left hand up and grips it.

" Swallow it. " suddenly his Aether Aura dissipated and the shadow around his body widen, covering the whole ground, turning it black as the shadows dispersed so wildly.

" , " Ragna says, and when he says that, that very word, from the sea of shadows he made, comes out a Black Shadow monster with a giant mouth, filled with teeth as it eats the Divine Curse, just like that.

" I told you earlier, didn't you? " Ragna says.

" I will never let you escape from here, forever. "