Thunder's Fade Part 8: Thunder's Fate Part 3

" It took long enough, but it seems my Black Shadow can finally swallow that Divine Curse. " Ragna says as his finally swallows the Divine Curse after munching it for many hours.

" Raaa...ggg...nnnaaaa!!! " Yakan Curse screams her last words to Ragna as the Black Shadow made from the Aether, swallowed her Divine Energy-like Spiritual Body whole, ending its existence for good.

" Finally, I hear your voice no more. "

" After I see the past with my Twelve Eyes, I can see that you actually did many of your tortures to me before I even realized again about your entire existence. "

< Ragna Current his having a [Flashback] >

" All of it starts from that cursed day, all of it. "

" All of it because of that goddess. " Ragna says while the Black Shadow he summoned finally swallowed the Yakan Curse for good as it gulps.

" Good work, ... "

" You can return now, I can't manage you no longer. " Ragna deactivates his Black Shadow ability as it drains him so much.

" It seems I can only manage to summon his head part huh!? " he says, knowing that he now wasn't able to fully summon the Behemoth once more.

"( The , was one of the powerful Black Shadows that the Dainsleif Sword had stored. )"

"( Judging from it, I can easily conclude that it was previously slain by the Dainsleif Sword before its soul was consumed by it, turning it into a Black Shadow Summon. )"

"( But dammit, the summoning costs too much Aether. )" Ragna says as the System shows up.

< " So Ragna Current." >

< " Do you like the System Update? " > System asks Ragna as he gives it a try on the fully updated skills he required from the System Update.

"( Of course, after the Yakan Curse is gone, the System can finally function normally without its intervention. )"

"( So it means no Punishment Zones, huh? )"

"( After all, the one who created that shitty directive had been swallowed. )" Ragna says to the System with his mind.

< " Of course Player Ragna " (^.^) >

< " In this new update, I hope you will enjoy it more... "

< " Leveling System's V1.5 " >

"( Shit, you're only on one and a half version now? )"

"( I thought you already update your version to 2.0 or 3.0 now? )" Ragna says to it the System Respond that the next version will be more advanced for Ragna to have now, so before that, Ragna needs to adapt to this current version for now.

"( Fine then, I accept his version update. )"

< " Thank you, is there anything... " >

"( But...! ) "

< " Yes, *gulp* " (0_0) > System gulps as it sees Ragna's stare, a stare so sharp that even the System cowers for the first time.

< " ~Player Ragna...~ " (>_<) > System cowers immediately.

"( If you dare put another Shitty Directives such as the Punishment Zone again, or those kinds of penalty. )"

"( I'll assure you that I will rip my own Core where all of your software resides. )" Ragna threatens it, as he swears he didn't want to be penalized like that ever again.

"( Understand... )" Ragna reminds it, asking it to swear to him and put that sweat into its directives for his orders.

< " Understood Player Ragna, understood... " >

< " Please don't be angry at the System, Player Ragna. " >

< " Even though System rarely helps you, System really cares about Player Ragna's well-being. " >

"( Really? )" Ragna still stares at it.

< " I promise, Player Ragna... " > System swears to him, to calm his anger and disappears from Ragna immediately.

" And... why are you pointing your sword at me, in my neck even... "

" Battle Maiden? "Ragna asks as the Battle Maiden's sword blade is on his neck right now.

" Ragna Kent, " she pauses as in that moment [Judgment Libra] appears before her.

Seeing it, Ragna just stays put, already knowing its capabilities from Twelve as he knows it.

"( The item that judges everything, Libra. )"

"( A Legendary item, one could possess, only the most valiant of us who adored justice more than the others could ever wield this item. )"

"( Like her, in every Timeline. )" Ragna suddenly remembers Carla.

"( My granddaughter, she used it in those previous timeline. )"

"( I hope I could have and see her one day, in this Timeline. )" Ragna remembers what he sees from Ragna Twelve's and Ragna 69's memories.

" What did you wish to ask me, Battle Maiden? "

"( Shit, the System is not responding to me, is it still cowering in fear. )" Ragna asks for her wondering why he can't call the System.

While wondering about it, Ragna still stares at the Battle Maiden as the maiden also had some doubts for she somehow points her sword at Ragna's neck out of the sudden.

" Ragna Kent, I... " Battle Maiden stutters for she doesn't understand what's going on.

" Battle Maiden, stop! cease your blade! " Aphrodite shouts as she uses her power to restrain the Maiden.

[ Divine Shock Chain ]

" Gkkhhh... I can't, I... " Battle Maiden says as she sees a scene from her memory, her given memory, a memory that shows a black shadowy figure that ignites her to point her sword, at Ragna.

" I'm sorry Ragna Kent, I don't know what's going on, I...! "

" It's alright... " Ragna says as he knows why she's doing it.

"( It's 'her memories', the memory of Athena's Divine Hero in the 69th Timeline. )"

"( The other memories she gave to the Maiden in order to empower her more, for it contains more knowledge than she could ever offer. )"

"( Who else than, the memory of the 69th Timeline Carla, my no, Ragna 69's granddaughter to be exact. )" Ragna says as he knows and can predict what she's seeing right now.

"( She's definitely remembering the memory, the memory of that day in the 69th Timeline. ) " Ragna says as he moves, knowing the Battle Maiden could do nothing but had to experience the surging memories first.

" I'll leave it to you, goddess. " Ragna says as he sees Aphrodite's spirit.

" Where are you going? you're not going to help? " she asks Ragna, but Ragna then simply replies.

" Rest. " yep, Ragna answered simply as that, for he immediately teleports himself into the System Space.

" Where did he go? " Inquisitor Kara asks Aphrodite at moment.

" He's still here, but in a different realm, nonetheless. "

" That little boy, it seems it's time for us to do the job for now. "

" Let's go, dear Kara, please let go of Raiden and Galen for now, they're fine. " Aphrodite assures that the two of them are fine despite their unconsciousness.

" After all we need to deal with the Maiden now.


( Meanwhile.)

[ System Space ]

" You came, have you savored the Divine Curse's last moments? " Ragna 69 asks Ragna.

" No, somehow, I'm not even hinged by it. " Ragna responds without any spirit.

" As if her death was not satisfactory enough. " Ragna replies to him.

" Of course, Current One... " Ragna Twelve comes.

" That thing, you just devoured is just a mere copy, a clone if I must say based on our logic, a 'Bunshin'*. "

" The 'real' pain in the ass is still out there, remember. "

" Indura," Ragna responds as he remembers the name of the goddess.

" The Divine Vixen. " Ragna says as he grips his fists.

While he recounts the returning memories about her, about the goddess, Indura thanks to his , Ragna can now remember again the past he tried to forget for he now remembers how horrifying it was.

" Whoa, whoa, Current Ragna of this Timeline! " said a voice suddenly came as it comes behind Ragna Twelve.

" Don't be stressed just yet, after all, you have unlocked me," he says as he enters the area.

" You, " Ragna looks at the man.

" I see, you're... " Ragna says while the man smirks.

" Well, that's right... "

" Guess it's time for me to awaken, huh? " he asks as Thunder can be seen sparking around him.

" Of course, you do... " Ragna 69 greets him.

" Ragna from the 100th Timeline," he says as Ragna from the 100th Timeline is now available in the System Space.

" Good, " Ragna says as he sees him.

" Finally, another something good for me," he says as he smirks.