Son of Water Epilogue

[ 6th Floor ]

< [Twelve Eye of Time] activated. >

" Shit...! " Ragna stops after performing another try.

" What is it, Ragna!? "

" Why do you stop!? " Galen asks while Ragna just looks up, with his eyes that could see through the events of the time.

As he looks up, the 'eye' shows him the events that will await him and the others, the thing he should be aware of while he's preparing to face them.

"( Shit, it seems we're not the only ones who are developing right now!? )"

"( Ragna 69, can you hear me inside the Space!? )" Ragna asks Ragna 69 who is still inside the System Space.

"( Yes Ragna, what is it? )"

"( I need to show you something, Ragna 100 too! )"

"( In the meantime, where's Twelve!? )" Ragna asks.

"( He's not available, what is it, Ragna? )" Ragna 100 responds.

"( Dammit, he should've seen this... )"

"( That bastard is so freaking broken right now! )" Ragna says as he sees the things happening on the 12th Floor.


[12th Floor]

" Adrian...! " Ignis fires his flames into Adrian, blasting it fully to him as it destroys almost the whole Floor of the freaking tower.

While he blasts it at him, Adrian just stands, approaching him and unfazed by all of the blazes.

" Fire it as much as you want, Ignis... " Flolial says from afar.

" Whatever you're giving to him, won't have any effect. " she sees Adrian who is still unfazed by it.

" Even if you're fire, the one and currently imbued with the one of the Balrog you absorbed destroy this very Floor of the Tower from inside, it will still not scratch Adrian. "

" For in his current state, he's already at a point of no return. "

" You are all insects to him, in this very moment. " Flolial just says as Adrian then decides to leap towards Ignis and fight him hand-to-hand, changing his way.

As Adrian attacks, he punched Ignis despite his body being filled with the fire from the Balrog he consumed. Adrian's body transformed as it summons some monstrous feature from it which bites Ignis's fiery hand, biting it clean.

" Garrghhh!!! damn you! " Ignis growls after his right hand was bitten and consumed, but then Adrian kicks him hard, making him blasted far away.

" Guess everything is under my control now! "

" Good grief. " Adrian says as he then uses his [Ocean Control] Gift to conjure water out of him, a strange kind of Gift to even summon water out of nowhere, unlike most Water Gift abilities. As if water was his domain, his extension, his control, even if it just manifests in his will.

As he summons the water, he creates a large rain over the whole 12th Floor of the Abyss Tower. The rain, the rainwater he made, turns down all of Ignis's fire that had been spread all over the place.

The display of ability was so shocking even to Flolial and Ignis themselves, their eyes couldn't believe that Adrian's ability could do such a thing. The Water he just made, even floods the whole place, it almost drowns the once blazing environment of fire into a sea.

*Loudspeaker activates.*

" Adrian Waterson, you have done it too far! " the voice comes from the Top Floor where the three demons like Gargas, Arachina, and the Tower Lord reside.

As they tell him that, they then decide to shift the 12th Floor's form as it opens a large hole in the ground to sink all of the water Adrian just made, wasting out all of the water he made.

" Why did you do it? this is Gargas, right? " Adrian asks as Gargas himself comes out from the Top Floor flying towards him.

" Yes, it's me, bastard!!! " Gargas lands in front of Adrian.

" Why are you so angry? I thought you want me to capture Ignis, the one who absorbed your freaking Balrog? " Adrian asks as the large hole made by the Tower's operating device finished sinking the water out of the 12th Floor, dumping it into the Floors below.

As the waters all sink, it makes the place damp, all of it are wet.

" Oh my, it seems I showered it too much. " Adrian says and sighs.

" Do you agree with me... " Adrian then looks away from Gargas.

" Ignis? " Adrian says as he sees Ignis whose fire is almost off, the water he made somehow managed to almost turn off the flames of one that had been enhanced by that of a Balrog, the fire demon monster.

"! " Ignis says as he felt so weak while his fire is trying to light itself.

" Damn, I was hoping that you also get drowned with all of it, I really mean it. " Adrian says while approaching the weakened Ignis.

" Adrian...! " Ignis tries to stand up.

As Adrian sees that, he chuckles, for he never thought he would see the wildfire Ignis will get into his knees in front of him.

" Wow Ignis, you're really 'The Survivest of them all', aren't you? " Adrian mocks Ignis.

" Goddamn you, Adrian! "

" You're really so annoying aren't you? "

" That water ability of yours, I never knew it can even do that! "

" Are you actually hiding your abilities from me? "

" You know Ignis, I forget that you're the one who holds the position of the 1st A-Rank Hunter right now, right? " Adrian asks.

" How very ironic, to see you on your knees to the ones just below you. " Adrian says as he tells how it felt for a 3rd place A-Rank Hunter to even beat the first place.

" Yeah, basically. "

" Just how did you manage to do it, huh? " Ignis asks.

" Well, this was expected, Ignis... " Adrian bends his knees to closely see Ignis on the ground.

" This is obvious from the start, for you are actually just one of my pawns, despite you never know it. " Adrian reveals.

" What the hell do you mean? "

" Well, do you realize that the reason you're in the 1st Place of the A-Ranks is not because of your sheer blazing will to fight? " Adrian asks as he then approached his mouth to Ignis's ear, whispering some things to him.

" What...? " Ignis's eyes widened to hear it, and he then stares at Adrian for he sees him smirking.

" Wait, so all of my success was because... "

" Yes, you little trash. " Adrian says.

" Everything you just gained,... "

" It was actually because of me... " Adrian then makes a grip posture and when he does that, some monstrous thing comes from the ground and eats Ignis into nothing.

" Kekehehehe... "

" This is the end of you, Wild Fire... "

" It's time for you to turn off forever and become ashes, forgotten by those around you. " Adrian says as the thing he summoned consumed Ignis.


( Meanwhile. )

[ 6th Floor. ]

" Shit! " Ragna says as he sees it using the 'Twelve Eye'.

" What is it, Ragna!? "

" What are you doing, continue your training! " Galen says as suddenly a large waterfall near him, falls into a large hole in the grounds of the 6th Floor, falling into the very bottom of the Abyss Tower.

" What the hell? " Galen was shocked as he sees it, and when he sees it, he then gets something in his mind and looks at Ragna the person he looked at already looking back at him with his 'Twelve Eye' still active.

" Galen, we need to speed things up. " Ragna says after seeing all of the things that transpired.



A Rank Hunter, 1st Place, Park Ignis

This character was so barren, even I as the author had to say so for how I used him for the plot.

To me, Ignis was that filler character that happens to be OP.

The reason for this is because of Adrian, he's the one who set Ignis up unknown to him for many years.


Because Adrian simply needed someone to take all of the public controversies while he manage the things he planned, keeping it low profile by only doing normal big events or somewhat.

That is what happened, even inside the Abyss Tower.

Also, you might've noticed why Ignis is so obsessed with fighting Adrian and that is...

Because Adrian tricked him financially and won in court which infuriates him even now.





(Added Scene.)

[ Top Floor ]

" Why the hell you ask us to bring the dead corpse of your followers, Waterson? " Gargas asks as he brings the dead corpses with Arachina's insect spawns.

" Just bring it, we still needed for the next ritual... "

" This time, we'll make those who still survive in this Tower. "

" Feel the 'Abyss' for real. "

" Greedy Bastard… " Gargas says.