Confrontation Part 6

" PANT PANT " Battle Maiden pants as it seems her health is gradually decreasing.

" Maiden, you're okay? " Galen says while still being buffed with the Aether, Ki, and his Gift Core powers.

" I'm not, Galen... "

" It's just... "

" It's because of that Bat Demon, right? " Galen points at Gargas, the Bat Demon as he then points his finger at him.

" All of this is because of you right, Demon? "

" Whatever your name is, I could tell that whatever you've done is done before the Maiden activates the Libra item's activity! " Galen says as he tells Gargas what he had suspected for hours long.

He tells Gargas that Gargas must've done something after getting a sip from their blood earlier before Libra's ability starts. Galen deduced that the Demon might've used some kind of his Demonic Arts or some sort in order to do something to their health and stamina, hence why both Galen and Battle Maiden's physique is quite weak right now.

" Wow, that's very accurate from you, human...! " Gargas praises Galen while ordering the demons to stop attacking them.

" How did you know that? Tell me... " Gargas asked and Galen replied that it should've been obvious that he knows things like this.

"( Of course, I know about this, after all ... )"

"( This kind of ability is always constantly present in the Martial Arts world. )" Galen recounts it as one of those last Martial Artist descendants who holds the record of the Ancient Techniques, he knows well that Gargas ability was recorded in those ancients records he once read in his Clan's library. An ability called.

" [Blood Retardation]...! " Galen says as he reveals the possible ability that Gargas might use with full confidence.

Hearing that, Gargas's eyes widened, and then takes a sigh.

" Wow that's a great guess, I'm surprised that you're... "

" WRONG!!! " Gargas turns Galen's spirit down, revealing that his conclusion is very wrong but still he tells Galen that he was already correct about the clues he had known with.

As he hears that, Galen knocks his head for figuring it wrong, Battle Maiden included as she thought Galen was giving a solution but ends up as a waste.

" You stupid human, you think my powers are just simply retarding your blood, making it flow slower than before and make you stunned, is that what you think my abilities are all about!? " Gargas says to Galen.

" So it is [Blood Retardation] then, or part of your ability! " Galen says as he still thinks that Gargas's ability must've been around that.

But Gargas, being the Demon he is, didn't straightly confirm what Galen suspects for he then orders the Demon Spawns to raid over the two humans.

" Too bad you guessed it, wrong human! "

" Now you had no idea or plan to survive this! " Gargas says as he mocks the two, wondering how the two would survive in their fatigued state.

" Dammit, guess I had no choice then!!! " Galen says as he then increases the Flow of Ki and Aether in his body.

As he did that, Gargas take notice of Galen's energy as his skin felt the chill, shivering as he probably sensed the Aether inside Galen's body.

"( This ominous energy...? )" Gargas felt it.

"( No, this human should've not been able to use energy like this, especially after I bite him and pour something in his body through his blood via my bite earlier. )" Gargas thinks as Galen just increase his energy within him.

" It feels so good, it feels so good to feel power busting inside your body, empowering yourself!!! "

" I felt so great. " Galen compliments the feel of being fueled with so much energy.

< Subject [Galen Earson (Stinger)]'s Aether and Ki increased +55% >

< Subject will feel a change around his body. >

*Galen Grins*

" Kukukuku... " As he did that, the whole Top Floor immediately noticed Galen's power as they were all intimidated by it.

Especially Gargas who was facing him right now, he felt himself tremble before Galen as he sees the Aura of Aether and Ki coming out from his body.

"( This energy..., it can't be...!? )" Gargas says as he then decides to do something about it as he approached one large summoned demon after another.

"( This is the only thing I can do, I hope this works! )" Gargas says as he immediately bit them, putting something in the summoned demon's blood.

*Demons growl after it happens, feeling the effect of what Gargas just give to them via his bite.*

[ Blood Iron Fortification ]

[ Gargas gives the target more Deviant Energy, making them powerful as hell, empowering and enhancing them. ]

*Demons growl with full rage, as from the small to the large ones felt more power from Gargas.*

" So it seems I'm not the one who had the power up right now, huh!? " Galen asks as the empowered demons came over him, attacking him.

" Well come on, then!!! " Galen clanks his weapon to fight them.

< [Hardener] Effect Activated >

* Demons growl, attacking Galen. *

" Time to dance!!! "

" [Demon Martial Techniques, Demon Fist Strike]!!! " Galen strikes at them, giving them a hole in their body.

* Demon Growls *

" Don't be happy just yet, mortal! " Gargas says.

" There's more to them than just becoming more powerful! "

" Now behold!!! "

[ Blood Rejuvenation, Blood Reassembling ]

The Demons' bodies were regenerated, as they all returned to their proper form.

" Oho, regeneration thingy, huh... "

" Fine, then! " Galen says as he prepares another technique, charging the Ki into his right hand's index and middle finger.

[Hive Stinger Demonic Techniques, Forbidden Demon Sting]

" Haha, don't think another powerful attack will work human! "

" Don't you see, even if you chop their head off, my demons won't die!!! " Gargas mocks Galen as Galen then decided to give his technique another juice of energy after hearing this.

" Oh yeah, then I had to give my technique here another juice then. " Galen then uses his [Sting Thunder] Gift ability to enhance the damage of his technique and last but not least.

" Aether... " Galen says as he also imbues the Aether inside this very technique.

" It's time for the [Forbidden Demon Sting] to evolve,... "

" Henceforth, I will turn it into... " Galen says as he unleashed it.

" [ Hive Stinger's Aether Demonic Thunder Obliteration Technique, Aethernal Destruction Stingwave Thunderwing Strike ] !!! " Galen calls the name of the attack as he unleashed it and then.
