Ragna's Memo: Yukino Fubuki Part 1

( Months ago. )

[ Abyss Tower, 6th Floor ]

[ Location: System Space ]

" Yukino Fubuki, sorry Fubuki Yukino...? " Ragna asks as Ragna 69 mentions the name.

" I know her... " Ragna says for he then remembers knowing her before.

" So you've met her before? did you get the chance to talk with her? " 69 adds the question in his curiosity.

" Oh no no, I wouldn't dare... "

" For the likes of her is too perfect for a junior underclassman like me to even talk to. " Ragna tells 69.

" Besides, if I remembered correctly, she's 6 years older than me and already reached her final grade in the Senior High School beside my Junior High School. " Ragna remembers, for his Junior High School and Fubuki Yukino's Senior High School are managed under the same Institution, the 'Shiro Institution', an educational institution funded by the Matriarch of the Fubuki Family, Fubuki Misaki, Fubuki Yukino's mother.

" So she's your 'senpai' then...? " 69 asks him which made Ragna nods since Yukino is technically the institutional investor's daughter, then she must've had special treatment of education than the other children in her times in Trinia country.

Ragna remembers correctly that before the 'Shiro Institution' is disbanded for some reasons, hence why most of its schools are closed now. He remembers that the Fubuki Matriarch had some problems with the institution hence why she take all investments that led the Institution to go bankrupt, right after Ragna finished his education there.

" That's why I can assume that I and my Junior High School friends will not likely have a reunion, the memories are all gone since the school is replaced. "

" Well, the consequence of learning in a 'private school', I guess... never missed it anyway... " Ragna tells 69 about it.

" I see... " Ragna 69 sighs while looking at Ragna 100 who is helping Ragna do his usual push-ups.

" So, why do you ask me about her, 69? "

" Judging from your question, you seem to have an acquaintance with her, didn't you my Previous Timeline Self? " Ragna asks.

" So tell me, what relationship I had with my 'senpai' in your Timeline (69th Timeline)? " Ragna asks 69.

" Well you see... " 69 tells him.

" You remember my granddaughter, yes? "

" The granddaughter that 'we', your 'Previous Timeline Selves' constantly has in every Timeline we're in... "

" You mean Carla? " Ragna asks as he remembers it.

" I know..., Twelve told me the story, the story of his Timeline's Carla... "

" He told me that no matter in which Timeline, despite all of the [Universal Reboot] thing, there's something that will never change which is he will have a granddaughter named Carla, which could be possible too in this Current Timeline if I'm old enough. " Ragna recounts for he recounted what Twelve says to him.

" Oh I see, so you already understand the concept... " Ragna 69 replied.

" But as you know it..., would you like to know why 'we' Ragnas had always descended a granddaughter named Carla in every Timeline? " 69 asks.

" Hmm... " Ragna says, finishing his push-ups.

< Quest Completed >

< EXP Gained >

" I don't know...? "

" Because you all always married to the same wife and had the same son, and the son had the same wife in each timeline, maybe? " Ragna asks.

" BINGO! and that wife is... "

" Yukino 'senpai'? " Ragna responds with a confused face.

" You mean I'm going to marry a girl six years older than me, you serious? " Ragna asks in his disgust about the fact.

" Well, she's actually younger than me in my Timeline... " 69 says.

" Yeah, in my Timeline too despite I can tell that her age is almost older than Ragna 69's Timeline version of her. " Ragna 100 adds.

" But regarding that, I think in the Timelines after mine, it seems the Reboot slowly decrease her age gap to my age, even slowly making her older than me for what reason... "

" We've all seen it, I remember it started in the Timelines near this Current Timeline where she became older than the Timelines' 'Ragnas' age. " Ragna 100 recounts for he describes the progress of the age gap between Yukinos and the Ragnas in the timelines after the 100th Timeline where from Ragna 12's Timeline to an unspecified Timeline, the age gap between the Ragnas and the Yukinos in those Timelines is around 10-1 years, where the Ragnas are years older than hers.

But after that, the Yukinos are somehow born older than the Ragnas after that specific point of the Timeline, making the Ragnas have more minimum chance of even meeting her.

" I think the [Universal Reboot Device] the Diviners make, programmed this... "

" For some reason... " Ragna 100 says as he recounts what he experienced.

" Is it because...? " Ragna asks as he thinks of this, realizing his ver mission given by Twelve at the start of his journey.

" It's because of Carla... " Ragna 69 says.

" In every Timeline, she's the first mortal to ever noticed the Diviners' [Universal Reboot]. "

" Our granddaughter knows everything about this, always knows more about this very Universal Plot, she knows it well for she once served them dearly... "

" Even if it means robbing most of her time with me, and... " Ragna 69 tells which made Ragna's [Twelve Eye of Time] active as it shows him the vision.

" I see..., it costs her everything, right? "

" Even 'we' get the karma for just being related with her, those crazy gods... " Ragna says.

" Even her grandmother (Yukino) disown her too huh? disown 'us' too for her fanaticism to the Divine? " Ragna asks both 69 and 100, asking them about the end of the relationship with the Yukinos in their Timelines.

" Yeah, you could say that... " Ragna 100 says.

" Even if I still hate her, I would still try my best to convince the Ragna in further Timelines than mine to meet her and marry her, in order to make sure that Carla's existence in every Timeline doesn't vanish. "

" For there's a fact that... if an existing human's existence vanished completely in one Timeline, there's a chance that in the next Timeline, the human won't exist at all. " Ragna 100 says, explaining some things he recounts from every Universal Reboot, he still didn't know how the Diviners Universal Reboot Device did this in its accord, but this does happen at some point.

" I see... " Ragna says after hearing it.

" Then before we continue, just a question? " Ragna asks while raising his hand.

" If it's true that in every Timeline, 'our' granddaughter Carla is a dangerous existence... "

" Then why the Diviners didn't just erase her and those she was related to, like 'us', out of existence? "

" Why 'we're' still exist? we the 'Ragna Kent', 'me'... "

" Why does my existence still exist in this Rebooted Universe? " Ragna asks in his confusion.



To know more about this, Read the Prologue Chapter 1, Chapters 1-20, and Chapter 101's Extras to know what's the same in every timeline about the Ragnas family tree.