Cost of Information Part 2

( Hours Afterwards)

< System Space >

< Ragna [Current] has entered >

" *Yawn*, it was tough... " I yawns so hard after all of it, when I entered here, I left Ragna Twelve, 69, and Hundred outside, talking with Circe in order to get some sleep, but as I went in, Battle Maiden confronts me.

" How it's going, did your Previous 'Selves' finally get through with the Enchantress? " she asks me.

I see this and try to act surprised as naturally as I could but inside my mind.

"( So it has come to this, I knew this from the very moment I put you here. )"

"( This is such a great plot of fate, wasn't it? )" I say to myself as Battle Maiden immediately grabs me and pushed me into the nearby wall.

" Maiden? " I ask her as she grips my robe.

" Boy... " Battle Maiden breathes heavily, she stares at me so sharply.

" Was it true, what you said earlier? she asks.

" Why do you ask that? Are you accusing me? " I respond to her with that question, which made Battle Maiden angrier.

" I'M ASKING YOU IF WHAT YOU SAID EARLIER IS TRUE OR NOT, BOY!!!? " she shouts in the loudest tone and voice she could ever muster, for months, despite me had been with her from inside the Abyss Tower to now, I never once heard her voice reaching this loud, not even once.

For the Battle Maiden's voice is always calm and mannered, she is the type that won't be triggered by anything until she must, but now...

Things changed.

"( Oh, it has come to this... )" I realized it now, right now I couldn't play with her anymore if she was that serious.

I look at her face, looking at her angry expression. Judging from it, I could immediately know that the Maiden is one who knows about my 'uncle' being the 'Dark Avatar' back then.

" So, it seems you knew of my uncle, Maiden? " I ask her about it.

" Of course, I know about him, boy... " she says with some growls due to her emotion.

" Andrew K. "

" The First Generation Hunter who was hired by the Demonic Sect. " Maiden tells.

" The First person who had his Sin Core made him the 'Dark Avatar' of the Demon Monarchs, that blasphemer. "

" So the 'K.' was actually meant for 'Kent', was it? " Battle Maiden asks me, it seems she begin to notice my relation to uncle based on the last name.

As she says that, I laughed while she asks me what was funny, listening to her question, I began to tell her the truth.

" Oh, Maiden. "

" Sorry to break it to you but... "

" The 'K.' he used, the last name my uncle used is my grandfather's last name, not my grandma's. " I tell her, the last name 'Kent' was from grandma, not from my grandpa despite his last name also starting with 'K' too.

I tell her about it, telling her that the reason he only put the front word of the last name is that my grandfather told my grandmother and his children to never reveal his last name to any identity records, hence why he once borrowed the name 'Kent' to his identity, in order to lie to everyone about it.

" That's some history, boy... "

" Even though that needs to be answered even more, I'm still wondering how you even know that he's the 'Dark Avatar'!? " Battle Maiden asks me more, for she tells that the information regarding the subject is heavily classified, only some other people who faced him know, including her.

" Is it obvious? " I asked her back while pointing at my blindfolded left eye, where the 'Twelve Eye of Time' resides.

Battle Maiden seemed to notice what I answered her question with and immediately gets pissed so hard.

" So this why... " she says.

" Is this why you even put me into the !? " she asked me, wondering if I put her here in the first place so I could 'avenge' my uncle.

" No. " I calmly answered her.

" Then why? " Battle Maiden asks as tears came out from her eyes, I see this and knew why she was like this, for I knew that Maiden had some trauma when fighting Uncle Andrew back then, even if the wounds are healed and didn't physically go permanent to her body like what happened to her eyes back then, but it did affect her mentally.

"( She is still mourning... )" I said as I see her crying, my uncle did this to her, so hard that even she, a woman who become a god's very vessel, cries like a little girl.

"( Uncle Andrew was such an asshole I could tell you that. )"

"( Beating women was a daily for him, I've seen him did that while he takes care of me back then, before returning me to grandma's care. )"

"( But I never thought he would be this level of asshole. )" I said in my mind while seeing the Maiden crying so hard.

" Mmm... Maiden? " I asked her, but Maiden refuses to answer and just released me without any words and just leave.

I already knew this would happen, but based on what I've gathered of my future knowledge, the Battle Maiden would not talk to me for weeks before telling me her true reason for being angry.

"( Women. )" I said as see her avoid me right after threatening me.

"( But seeing her run, makes me wonder what Uncle Andrew actually did to her and the others back then. )"

"( Damn that uncle, he really knows how to fight everyone, didn't he? )"

"( Too bad the [Twelve Eye of Time] is on fixing right now, for I really want to see the past, to witness her encounter with him. )"

"( It must've been epic, or perhaps traumatic based on the Maiden's perception. )" I think about it, realizing to postpone those thoughts for now.

" But I really want to see it though, kekeke... " I hoped for it, I thought one day, it would be entertaining for me to watch my uncle in action at that time using the eye.


( In the meantime. )

[ Fubuki Dojo ]

" Hah! " Yukino is swinging her kendo sword, she is currently performing some of her Family's Sword Style.

" *PANT* *PANT* "

" Not enough... " she suddenly remembers the White Demon, choking her.

" His sharp eyes! " Yukino says as she slashed with her vertical slash, destroying an image of the White Demon's sharp eyes that scares her.

" I'll swear that I will destroy it. "

" No matter the cost! " Yukino says for her head hurts.

" This headache again, is this the White Demon's curse? " she wonders about it, having the Symptoms of an Awakener as her Previous Timeline Memories strike in.

" Keurkh... "



Ragna Orion 'Miraikuru' Kent or Ragna 1.111th/Current/MC's family tree.

=> [ Ragna's Grandfather/ Mr. 'K.' + Grandma Rory Kent ]

=> [ 1) (Father) Carnegie Kent + 'Ragna's mom' ], [ 2) (Aunt)Rosaria], [ 3) (Uncle)Andrew K. ]

=> [ 1.1) Ragna Orion 'Miraikuru' Kent ]


The numbers are basically the child's number.

Carnegie Kent is the first child of the family, hence why number '1)' is made to show his position, including with his son, Ragna.

Rosaria is the 2nd one.

Andrew K. is the third child, it is unknown if he had wives or not, only Ragna knows for he was taken care of by him for some years (spoilers).

Remember this is the family in this Current Timeline, not like in the Previous Timelines, see Chapter 101: Ki Part 1.