Andrew 'K'. Part 3

< Andrew 'K'. Part 3 Cutscene Opened >

< CG Cutscene Played >

< This Memory Record will be shown based on the Battle Maiden's memories plus some things she get to know from others at that time, plus again some knowledge she gets after Ragna Twelve helped her know more about what happened at that time with his 'Twelve Eye of Time', transferring past visions to her before she confronted Player Ragna Current. >

( October 2020 )


Andrew is currently in his lair, a lair with minimum light which he turns off in order to make himself not detected or easily spotted.

As he rested there, he sees the moon and sees his desk where he puts the map he used which was covered in marks and red marks he made in order to orchestrate his next plan.

" So they decided to transport them here at once, huh? " Andrew wonders after hearing again the record from the High Inquisitor's meeting.

He listens to it and realized that the gods and the Inquisitors decided to transport the Grand Priests here, all of them at once, not one by one like before, armed with guards in order to anticipate another assassination.

" Guess they want to see if the assassin could kill them all at once, huh? " Andrew asked.

" No matter. "

" I still have some things to counter it, though. "

" For I already put a distraction that will avert their eyes upon those priestesses. " Andrew says while opening his phone.

* Click *

( Meanwhile. )

[ Trinia Country, District H Holy Temple ]

" Strange... " Battle Maiden says as for the first time, [Judgment Libra] fails to find the cause of the Grand Priestess' death.

She wondered about it, asking Libra if there was something that holds it from performing its Judgment while both of the Inquisitors are watching her from behind, seeing her talking to Libra while Libra, being an item it is, didn't respond with a voice.

"~ I know that she's blind, but I wasn't expecting that she was this crazy.~ " Inquisitor Kara says to Inquisitor Vincent.

"~ Agreed, guess we didn't know the Divine Avatar enough.~ " Inquisitor Vincent replied to her.

"~ I wonder if Lord Athena herself is the one who made her do this? ~" Vincent asks.

"~ Shhh... don't say it. ~" Kara tells Vincent as they both then get a message from their phones, a phone from their higher-ups.

" What did you say, sir!? " Kara and Vincent ask as they both opened their Social Media and every social app on their phones, to check if the message was true.

They see it all, in shock as they can't believe what they just witnessed just in few hours as they looked at each other.

Battle Maiden, who suddenly sensed something, immediately turns back to them and the two Inquisitors used their DIE ( Divine Inquisition & Execution) Weapons to hold her.

" Battle Maiden. " Inquisitor Kara as she shows the video on her phone, she increases the Volume of her phone, releasing its sound as the Video has the sound of the late Grand Priestesses Belinda, murdered by a subject whose voice is recognizable by the three of them, a voice that Battle Maiden recognizes very well.

"( That's voice, how could... )" Battle Maiden thinks in her mind, as she suddenly hears her own voice telling Grand Priestess Belinda that she will kill her.

Hearing that, Battle Maiden is so shocked as her mind begins to think hard as she hears this.

"( How could this be, what is- )"

" Battle Maiden Orianna Diane Lawson, you are under arrest by the order of the High Inquisitors for killing the Grand Priestess. " Inquisitor Kara says to the Maiden as she then orders her to come with them as the Maiden's mind is still in chaos and disbelief.

"( Nonsense, how could I... )"


( Meanwhile. )

[ High Inquisitor Meeting Chamber ]

In that meeting, after Loki entered it, he asked other Divine gods to come as they both need to talk about something, something that just bombing the media just now.

" Outrageous! " said one of the other Divine gods as she then destroys the desk using her [Aegis Spear].

" It can't be, how can you be so sure it's her, Loki!? " said the goddess of justice, Athena herself who was angry when seeing it.

As Athena rages over what Loki has just shown to her, the video that has just gone wild, for it immediately becomes a top trend in an instant.

" This is what was shown, I don't if this was edited yet, but we'll see for- "

" It wasn't her, Trickster! " Athena grabs Loki's clothes as she confronted him, making the Valkyries point their weapons at her.

" Athena! " the other Olympian god, who was also with her shouts at her, trying to stop her from what she's going to do.

" Athena, stop it! halt your weapon! " the goddess, Aphrodite says at that time (she was still alive back then, just like Kara [TT__TT]).

" Shut it, pretty goddess, I'm talking here! " Athena shouts back at her, she really gone pissed right now at Loki, seeing her Divine Avatar accused just like that.

She grips Loki's clothes even more which made Loki get pissed at that time.

" That's it... " Loki says as he then uses his power to lift Athena from grasping his body.

[ Loki's Divine Power: Hávi Force ]

[ An inherited power from the Previous Allfather Odin, courtesy of him being the new Allfather. ]

Using the power, Loki uses the very 'High One' Divine Energy to perform some kind of stasis force onto Athena, binding her using pure force.

" Athena! " Aphrodite shouts as she sees this, she and Artemis was surprised to see Loki did this to Athena, the strongest woman on Olympus.

" Let me go! Loki! " Athena orders Loki to unbind her.

" No can't do, Athena. " Loki tells her.

" If I release you then, will you stop attacking me? " Loki asks while pressing Athena using his force, slamming her into the ground.

" Keurrkh! " Athena feels pain as if he was slammed using a huge amount of gravity, such powerful pressure.

"( So this is the 'Hávi Force' he inherited from Odin, the Force of the 'High One'... )" Athena grunts when this happened.

"( I heard that he still struggled to use this hence why I'm confident against him, but... )" Athena sees Loki's hand, cracking as he sees light coming out from his hand while he continues pressing her using the force.

"( To think he could do such feat while struggling to control it, he... urrkh! )" Athena feels more pain as she was so pressed into the ground.

" I'm asking you again, Athena. "

" Will you promise me that you will behave nicely towards me, onwards? " Loki asks her, telling her also that it has come to this for Athena's the one who made him do it.

If preferred, Loki instead wants to use his adoptive mother, Freya's ability could stun the target in such a quick moment*.

But sadly, Athena had forced his hand, hence why he is cruel to her right now.

In that very moment, Athena could've died, until...

" Loki, please stop this! " Aphrodite tells him while using her 'Eyes of Desire' to make Loki stop.

" Keukh " Loki was affected by it, and immediately stops as his heart suddenly gets swayed by Aphrodite's beauty thanks to his eyes that let her stop his very anger.

" I will, Aphrodite... " Loki says as he then snaps out of it.

" Huh!? " He looks at Aphrodite and then sees her helping Athena.

Loki sees this and sighs, he realized that he must make amends for this.

" Fine then, Athena... " he says while looking at Aphrodite, still swayed by her eyes.

" I will help investigate it further and assure your Divine Avatar's safety," he tells her as he ordered his Valkyries to take Athena for treatment.

" Hope I will get to the end of this, this is quite a new mess if you ask me. " Loki says it while the Olympian goddesses leave for Athena along with his Valkyries.



*He will use this to Athena in Chapter 127: Thunder's Fade Part 6: Thunder's Fate Part 1, during the Abyss Tower Raid event