Motives Part 2

< Motive Part 2 Opened >

< CG Cutscene Played >

< This Memory Record will be shown based on the Battle Maiden's memories plus some things she get to know from others at that time, plus again some knowledge she gets after Ragna Twelve helped her know more about what happened at that time with his 'Twelve Eye of Time', transferring past visions to her before she confronted Player Ragna Current. >

( October 2020 )


< September 11th, 2015 >

< Location: District S >

Andrew is waiting in his place, a house he had there, a big house, Andrew is financially rich since he's one of the First Hunters who become a millionaire back then. He smokes, while looking at his watch, sitting in his vast ass living room.

" To think you would casually call a god to your place, Andrew. " said a voice as the person appears before him.

Andrew sees the person, and he then ends his smoke to greet him.

" Lord Loki. " Andrew greets him.

" Hunter Andrew K," Loki says as he comes in using his Divine Ability or somewhat.

As the god came in, he then sits in the chair Andrew prepared for him while Andrew tell him the reason why he called him.

" I see, so that's why? "

" I understand now why you have to call me for such a meeting. "

" For what happened on September 6th is personal for you and since you're one of the first humans employed in the Hunter Association whom I supported, I guess you have the right to ask me directly about this matter. " Loki says, recounting his relationship with Andrew.

In 2015, the Hunters were still in their first years, still paying people with money through how many missions they've accomplished, with no ranks, no other sponsorship aside from Lord Loki and Artemis, even the Association Leader, Hayden Wayne is having trouble in maintaining the Hunters' payment over their achievement.

In these times, Hayden Wayne is currently developing the Ranking System to standardize the Hunter's Wage, and during the Ranking System's development, the First Hunters, the first people who worked in Hunter Association like Andrew, became the first high-ranks in the Hunter Association. Basically, as one of the 'First Hunters', Andrew became the first S-Rank Hunter that exists in the world.

As an S-Rank, Andrew begin to do work for the higher-ups even for the Divine like Lord Loki himself, in the guise of 'Andrew K.' ( not Andrew 'Kent'), he did the missions wonderfully with his power and prowess, and his talent and skill even impresses Lord Loki many times, making the god indebted to him in some way for always helping him in some of his matters he doesn't want to solve.

Hence, why Andrew could call the god, the Asgardian Allfather casually to meet him at his home, he knows the god owes him much.

" So, Lord Loki? "

" May I know more about the events of September 6th? " Andrew asks while Loki rubs his chin.

" Hmph... "

"( Such a difficult request, but still, I still owe this mortal so much in the past for doing my dirty work. )"

"( After all, I hoped so much for no one to ever ask or mentioned what transpired on that day, but suddenly, I have to face this revelation...? )"

"( The man I owed so much, is related to the victims of that event I rather not discuss with everyone, crap! )" Loki wonders in his mind as he had to take deep breathes to respond.

" I can't, Andrew. " Loki tells Andrew with a heavy heart, hearing this, this made Andrew mad.

" Why!? why won't you tell me about this, Lord!? this is... "

" Because your nephew is not the only one traumatized by this event, Andrew K.! " Loki then shout at him in an outburst, his real angry face appeared which scared Andrew for a bit as he almost prepared to unleash his Gifts.

Seeing Andrew's body position that looked like a fighting stance, Loki then tries to calm himself in order to make Andrew calm down and don't panic for Loki still wants Andrew to be his greatest asset.

" I'm sorry, I... " Loki sits down while sighing so hard, he then told Andrew that he was wounded badly in that event, against the person who the perpetrator of this event.

" I see, so the perpetrator is one of your kind, then, a god? " Andrew quickly responds, he had such a quick thought to summarize what could the perpetrator of that event be, the one who killed his brother and sister-in-law also tortured his nephew to such a sorry state.

If a god, like Lord Loki, had a hard time dealing with it, then it could be either a demon in Andrew's thought or perhaps the other one, a god.

" Is the god named 'Indura', Lord? " Andrew suddenly asked which shocked Loki as he hears it.

" How do you? "

" My nephew mentions the name, I already took him from the Asylum. "

" I already asked the doctors to try and took the painful memories away from him, for the better. "

" But before that, the kid mentions the name 'Indura', and the doctor told me that she's a woman, a goddess, then? " Andrew says this which made Loki sweat.

"( Shit, he knows... )"

"( Dammit, why of all people I try to evade on answering on that event, had to be the quick-witted Andrew!? )"

"( Dammit, should I strike him now? )" Loki asked himself if he should kill Andrew while the man himself is still wondering about the things he knew.

While Andrew is thinking, Loki clenched his hand as he still deciding whether he should strike or tell Andrew about what happened, he could tell him, but...

"( The other gods would be angry at me if they know I tell him, or even worse... )"

"( The gods could kill Andrew and wipe his family to close everything regarding this matter. )" Loki fears this, this is not something that he wanted for Andrew, as he thinks more about what to do, he then finally had an idea.

" Andrew. " Loki says while calming himself down.

" Yes, Lord Loki... " Andrew responds to the god.

" I will tell you about what happened since I owed you so much for your faithful service to me in the past. "

" But promise me. " Loki says as he then bites his hand and offers his bitten palm to Andrew.

" Lord Loki, isn't that? " Andrew asks.

" A 'Blood Vow' between a god and a mortal... "

" I guess this is your first time if your face looked surprised to see me biting my hand to make blood out of it. "

" But this is very important, for I want you to promise me that after I tell you. "

" You will keep this to yourself until you die, can you promise me that? "

" What? " Andrew asks.

" So you want me to shut up about my brother's murder!? " Andrew asks Loki.

" I don't mind if you still want revenge or perhaps try to kill everyone who shuts up about this or even the perpetrator 'Indura' herself if you can, I don't mind. " Loki responds to him.

" But swear to me you will not say your reasons why when you kill them, to not even tell them why you wanted their life. " Loki tells Andrew the importance of the reason he wants this Blood Vow.

" So, you want me to shut up while I continue my revenge and never tell those who unfairly close this case my reasons, my motives for killing them!? "

" Or perhaps you want me to keep your name out of this, Lord- "

" This is for your nephew Ragna's sake, Andrew! " Loki tells him, which made Andrew stutter.

" Ragna..., what do you- "

" You want to avenge your nephew and brother, right!? " Loki asked.

" Well if you can even do it! can you guarantee that those who-you-killed' families won't come after you and the family you have!? "

" What if they kill you, or perhaps kill your nephew Ragna since he's related to you!? "

" Vengeance is an endless cycle that could destroy those who related to this cycle, that's why I want you to make this Blood Vow! "

" To prevent you from spilling the beans, to prevent any potential danger or vengeance towards your family! "

" Isn't that better for you!? "

" To keep your family safe while you take all the vengeance back from those you will kill!? " Loki assures Andrew, his attempt is to make Andrew shut up on how he knows this but he talked it like he cared for Andrew's plot for revenge.

Loki tells Andrew with such effort which made Andrew's mind click as he then looked to his left, where Ragna's bedroom is located.

He looked at the room, he knows Ragna is sleeping there, and as he takes care of him, Andrew begins to think further about the costs of his vengeance that could happen if he does spill his motives for doing so.

"( That's right, Ragna could also be the target for their revenge if I tell them while avenging my brother to them. )"

"( Lord Loki's right, I should be silent about this, I must make no trace for my enemies to follow back. )" Andrew gave thought about this as he then bites his hand and grabs Loki's hand with blood coming out from his palm.

" Fine then, Lord! "

" I accept the offer, I accept the Vow. " Andrew says as the Blood Vow begins between him and the god, as Loki's Divine Power begins to bind them both to the vow, using their blood as its media.

" Now tell me more... " Andrew wants the story which Loki then told him everything of what happened as the Blood Vow had been made between them.

( In the present. )

< Tsuchimikado Tower, 13th Floor >

Andrew already cleared the Floor by himself, using [Dark Blinding] yet again to incapacitate his enemies' sights in order for him to remove them all easily.

" It's around here, then... " Andrew says as he sees the blueprint of the Tower from his phone.

Andrew then destroys the wall, which actually takes him to a room, hidden to the regular people's notice, a room that stored many things sealed by the Tsuchimikado Clan.

Andrew sees around, his eyes scanning everything in that room.

" Oh, there it is... " Andrew approached a sealed box, covered with sealing talismans.

" With this, I could do my revenge properly. " Andrew states as he unseals the box and picked the sealed object.

" With this, even Amaterasu will cower in fear. " Andrew says while chuckling to himself, but...

*Phone Ringtone*

" Seriously!? " Andrew picks up his phone, as he sees the message.

[ HW ]

[ HW: Bounty Hunter, have you entered the Tower's 13th Floor ]

[ HW: If you have, then could you also pick another item in that place for me, I'll double your money if you want for compensation. ]

" Hmph, that Witch! " Andrew says as he then responds.

[ AK: Fine! wired me in full! ]


< Cutscene Ended >


Hello guys, KJVZeanso here, returning from Hiatus, thank you for waiting and I hope this long chapter is good to compensate for my Hiatus days. Thank you.



Hunter Association's Timeline Part 1:

2012 = - First Created by Hayden Wayne.

2013 = - First public operational, still using those who quit from the Divine Inquisitors.

- Lord Loki and Artemis sets their eyes on this Association and begin their sponsorship, thus making the Association go public and viral at that time.

2014 = - Stable year, incomes are rising up with more people recruiting themselves to the Association.

2015 = - The change of events, the recruited Hunters are too many, making the waging System uncontrollable as all Hunters want money for their achievements done at random times, thus, a Ranking System must be made to standardize the heights of money given to them.

- Giving the First Hunters the First High Ranks in the Hunter Association, from S-Ranks to B-Ranks, including Andrew who was anointed as the First S-Rank Hunter.

- The God Hunter Tournament started, in Trinia Andrew K is the winner of this Tournament as this was streamed around the globe.

2016 = - The Hunter Associations begin to open branches outside Trinia Country, to other Countries.

- The 2nd God Hunter Tournament started, in Trinia, Andrew K is also the winner.

- The 1st International God Hunter Tournament started, in America, Andrew K is also the winner, through his skills.

- After the International Tournament, the other countries begin to recruit more powerful people as Hunters, in order to breed a great Hunter like Andrew.

2017 = - The 3rd God Hunter Tournament Started, in Trinia, Andrew K is also the winner, again.

- The 2nd International God Hunter Tournament started, in Germany, Andrew K is also the winner, this time he wins through a bit of luck, the new era for other countries' Hunters at this time.

- As the Hunter Association spread across the globe, the gods' begin to take their sights on it and put many of their investments while making the Association in the palm of their control, just like the Inquisitors. Because of this, many of the independent Hunters and the First Hunters are kicked from their ranks from the Association as the gods put all of their humans to be the Higher Ranks against Association Leader, Hayden Wayne's will at first.

Blood Vow:

A Binding Pact between a god and mortal, using Blood as their media as the Divine Power will be inserted into their Blood, and those who break the Vow will be punished by the inserted Divine Power.

( This is all for Blood Vow, this is the most common Knowledge about Blood Vow. )