Dark Avatar Part 7

< Dark Avatar Part 7 Opened >

< CG Cutscene Played >

< This Memory Record will be shown based on the Battle Maiden's memories plus some things she got to know from others at that time, plus again some knowledge she gets after Ragna Twelve helped her know more about what happened at that time with his 'Twelve Eye of Time', transferring past visions to her before she confronted Player Ragna Current. >

( October 2020 )


< In the Unknown Realm. >

" You little gods had wasted so much time, now witness, as We used the time you gave me. "

" To bring you all the inevitable. " Tenebris gives a speech as the gods begin to prepare, but before that.

[ Dark Blinding ]

Tenebris used the [Dark Blinding] skill to cover its enemies' eyes.

" Grh, can't see! " Amaterasu says as the darkness fully blinds Arisu's body eyes.

As they were all stunned because of their sight, Tenebris quickly attacked them, especially Athena and Battle Maiden.

" You first, holders of Libra. "

" We shall suffer the item's ability no longer. " Tenebris attacks Athena using the darkness, penetrating her stomach, and creating a huge doughnut hole as it happens.

" Kuookh! " Athena scoffs blood as it happened, as she quickly switched with Battle Maiden which made her eyes blind again.

When in control, Athena gives Battle Maiden a momentary sight, as she removed Battle Maiden's blindfold, but as she retreats, the sight is gone.

" Lord Athe... " Battle Maiden spills blood as she quickly grasps her sword and attacks Tenebris.

" Ah yes, the Battle Maiden. "

" The blind warrior of Athena, no wonder you could aim your sword perfectly at me. " Tenebris said as they sees Battle Maiden's sword swing quickly hit the face.

" Of course, I can... "

" Without sight, I'm still a warrior! " Battle Maiden tells Tenebris as she used [Justice Slash] to strike at it.

" We agree, guess you were. " Tenebris lets the attack hit, as they try to measure how painful her power could be.

" Hmm... painful, but not enough to destroy the darkness I hold. "

" We must say, Maiden... "

" You are strong even after we create that doughnut hole in your stomach, you should've died as a mortal. "

" But, We guess the Divine Avatars are just different, they're the same as their gods now, so... " Tenebris aims its right hand upon Battle Maiden.

" Goodbye. " Tenebris shoots the Darkness from its hand towards Battle Maiden, but before it hits, the blast was somehow blocked, as an invisible wall with great force protecting the Maiden and redirected the blast.

" [Gravity Redirection Shield] " Tsukuyomi says, in control of Arisu's body for now.

" I won't let you harm her, Tenebris. "

" I know who you are now, the human, the Dark Avatar. "

" It is me and my Takamagahara gods that you want to avenge for, we were the ones who stopped your nephew's case because of our pride. " Tsukuyomi tells Tenebris as it diverts its attention towards him, leaving Battle Maiden behind as Athena quickly recovers her with her Divine Power.

As Tenebris had diverted its attention, Tsukuyomi quickly asks Amaterasu for support, asking her to enhance him as he uses his power.

[ Gravity Detonate Arrow ]

With the help of Amaterasu, Tsukuyomi uses his gravity to create arrows from it, and the arrows were shot into Tenebris one by one.

" You shot it just one? " Tenebris asks as it suddenly realized the danger it contains.

" [Dark Cube Barrier] " Tenebris shielded from the arrow as the arrow hits the barrier and exploded it with so much force and impact.

"( That barrier is made from hugely concentrated dark energy we had, and it breaks it just like that? )" Tenebris thinks as it suddenly felt its body heavier.

" Keurgh! "

" What's, oh We see it now... "

" The arrow contains a second effect, it does not simply shoot gravitational force to destroy the enemy it's... " Tenebris realized as Tsukuyomi shoots more.

" It also cast a gravitational force to affect the target. " Tenebris says as it wonders how does that possible as it sees more coming towards it.

[ Dark Barrier: Dark Moon ]

Tenebris uses another Barrier, this time, it uses a Fully Concentrated Darkness to make sure it neutralizes the gravity which it is as it quickly nullifies the arrows.

As Tenebris nullifies it, Tenebris begin to attack Tsukuyomi the god immediately touched the ground to use his gravity to make sure Tenebris doesn't reach him as he shatters it and make the land fly up and down, making the gravity in his area in chaos which proven to make Tenebris difficult to move as it had to move carefully.

" Lord Ame-no-Uzume, now! " Tsukuyomi tells the goddess of metal to make the armor.

[ Divine Armorized Forge Mechanic Tanker ]

As she made that, Tsukuyomi asks Amaterasu to enhance the armor using her might, as it quickly turns it into [ Divine Armorized Forge Mechanic Regalia Tanker ]

The armor is now fused with the Divine Sunfire and now it has made its huge mecha version of the sword Kusanagi per Amaterasu's permission to do so.

" Kukunochi, Suijin, enhance us, now! " Tsukuyomi orders them as the two then supported the armor by giving them part of their strength to increase the armor's covering.

[ Divine Wood Covering ]

[ Purifying Water of Divine ]

" Not enough! " Tenebris says it summons a huge gigantic sword out of the dark.

[ Fullburst Dark Punisher]

Tenebris slashes it, and the gigantic sword rains down upon the Divine Mecha while Tsukuyomi tries his gravity to make sure it does not hit them directly.

" The darkness constantly nullifies my gravity. " Tsukuyomi says as he had no choice but to make the Mecha Armor dodge it by using gravity to pull them out from the sword's range and its damaging effects on the nature surrounding it.

[ Gravity Body Pull ]

[ The Gravity pulls the body away, essentially making this a perfect dodge. ]

" Dodging, huh!? wise move! " Tenebris praises Tsukuyomi after pulling that off, for it quickly deactivates the Dark Sword and casts Dark Projectiles.

" But, We're sure you all won't dodge this... " Tenebris says and casts out [Million Dark] to attack Tsukuyomi and the other Takamagahara gods within Arisu's body, as in their armored state, they were a perfect target to shoot with.

" The bigger you are, the easier it could be shot. "

" And thus, we'll prove that statement now! " Tenebris then shoots [Million Dark] onto the Divine Mecha as it still dodges the shooting Dark Projectiles.

" Kukunochi, some shielding, please? " Tsukuyomi asks as Kukunochi creates huge trees to cover them from the Dark Projectiles Tenebris cast.

" Such annoyance! " Tenebris deactivates the shot and quickly charges onto the Divine Mecha, but before it happens.

" You sure shout too much. " a voice could be heard as a Divine Arrow is shot after Tenebris in its waist during its charge.

" It's you... " Tenebris says as it sees Artemis, still blinded just like the others, shot a Divine Arrow at it as it lets the Divine Mecha move far away from Tenebris.

For now.


< Cutscene Ended >




Note, all of them are currently blinded by the Dark, including those within Arisu's body.

The reason how they could see things is because of Tsukuyomi's keen instincts, plus, using his gravity to feel the things around him, every force that was performed, and whatever movement happened around.

That's why he's in charge of Arisu's body for the entirety of this battle.