Dark Avatar Part 9: The Dark End

< Dark Avatar Part 9 Opened >

< CG Cutscene Played >

< This Memory Record will be shown based on the Battle Maiden's memories plus some things she got to know from others at that time, plus again some knowledge she gets after Ragna Twelve helped her know more about what happened at that time with his 'Twelve Eye of Time', transferring past visions to her before she confronted Player Ragna Current. >

( October 2020 )


< In the Unknown Realm. >

" Kuokh! " Loki sprouts blood as the blade of Tainted Dark impales him.

" Keukh, to think, that I would see you fighting prowess again, Andrew... " Loki says this while scoffing blood.

" Guess, there's no wonder that you are the Fifth Time God Hunter Tournament Champion, aren't you? " Loki asks as scoffs.

" You as well... " Tenebris says while still impaling.

" To think I would see you fighting me one-on-one... " Tenebris says.

" I thought you're the type who only monitors behind the scenes, guess you can actually fight in front of the stage, can you? " Tenebris asks the Asgardian Allfather.

" Kukuku... of course... "

" I guess I was right that you are the dominant one in this fused body, as I hope. "

" For one such as you, would not succumb to an old goddess like Nyx, that's why I think it was safe to fight you on close range. " Loki tells.

" Because of that, I could tell which one withstands my Gates earlier, Nyx or you, Andrew... "

" And now, I'm certain. kekekeke... " Loki chuckles and Tenebris asks why is he chuckling, but before he could answer.

* STAB *

A blade stabbed Tenebris' back and chest from behind, and it also hits the *Gift Core too.

" What the... " Tenebris asks as it sees the tip of the Blade that stabs and recognizes it.

" This is, [Divine Decimation Dagger]'s blade...? " Tenebris gasps as it realized what it was.

Tenebris then gasps as it looks behind, seeing Loki impales using his scepter as it was added with the [Divine Decimation Dagger]'s Blade.

" If you were working together in this fused body, you would've become a powerful combined force between a dark goddess and man. " Loki says to Tenebris.

" But sadly, your minds are unbalanced, during my observation I could still tell that the two of you are trying to dominate the body whole while kicking the other out, I could tell... " Loki says while stabbing Tenebris further.

As Loki stabs, Tenebris then howls in pain as the darkness then releases from its body, for the Dagger's blade nullified its very power into the core and erases it as the darkness were completely gone from the body as Tenebris screams it loud.

After it's over, Tenebris is gone, and the Dark Avatar is no more, only Andrew remained, drained of his strength, and returned back to his mortal body.

" *scoffs* Dammit! " Andrew scoffs Blood as he sees that the Loki in front of him was just an illusion, made by the real one.

" I see now *scoffs*, so this what you're truly capable of, Lord Loki... " Andrew says as from the gods he tried to learn, he forgot one god to learn about, and that is the god he once had service with.

" It seems you didn't expect this, Andrew? " Loki asks as he pulls back the blade of his scepter from Andrew's body, letting Andrew fall into the ground as he did it.

" *scoffs* " Andrew scoffs blood as his mind goes asunder, now, as his powers are nullified completely by the Dagger's blade, he is now weak and vulnerable like any mortals should be.

Andrew then falls to the ground and then rolls his body as he chooses to recumbent, during his recumbent, he sees the skies as his mind begins to go think of something.

" Sorry... " Andrew says as he then thinks of his nephew, he imagines him at home with his mother, he sees the boy, so happy, as he is now in the safest place he could think of.

" Must've been nice to be there... " Andrew raises his hand, into the skies, he could sense his body's strength and senses fading.

"( Guess, I had no energy anymore... )"

"( To avenge... )" Andrew says and thinks about Ragna having a happy life with his grandmother.

" Ragna... " Andrew says as he then sees Loki, Artemis, and Arisu coming near him.

He sees them all, looking at him as his consciousness fades, he realized that this is the end.

" Well, at least I didn't have to see your faces,... anymore... "

" Damned gods... " Andrew says to the three people he sees within his sight range.

" Hope you all meet a Dark Fate,... "

" For my nephew's..., sake... " Andrew swears as he then looks at Loki.

" Especially you, Lord Loki... "

" I knew everything that, you didn't tell me... "

" After knowing it, I... "

" I... realized... what an asshole you are... "

" I hope..., that you will receive a fate far more worse. " Andrew says, saying his last words.

" For what you did, to Ragna... "

" My nephew... " Andrew ends it, as life ends.

" What the hell did he just say? " Artemis asks Loki while Loki is still silent after hearing all of it.

As the three witnessed Andrew's passing, Battle Maiden approached them after Athena recovered her body while still inside her.

" Is it over? " Athena asks when suddenly, a glimmer of darkness comes out from Andrew, two dark fragments came out from the body, the souls of Andrew and...

" They're dead now... " Loki tells them as the two souls show up and go into the skies, to the unknown, leaving them all in there as they all see the souls returned to the Universal Reboot Device.

" Guess we will meet again in the next Reboot. " Artemis says as she sees it.

" Guess, I'll have to prepare until then... " Artemis swears as she uses her Divine Arrow to burn Andrew's corpse.


( Days After. )

< Saturday, October 31st 2020 >

< Location: Asgard >

" I see you have returned from Tartarus, Loki. " Zeus says as he is on the monitor for he and Loki are having an online meeting with their fellow gods as this meeting required them to show their faces.

" Of course, I am able to conjure Gates using my prowess. "

" And with that, I am able to end the very trouble about this, mess... " Loki tells them as he sighs.

" Have you all done what we agreed yesterday? " Loki asks them.

" We did, we had dealt with the humans that asks us about this case, and their curiosity is now under control. "

" Guess blaming the 'Demonic Sects' always worked in satisfying the humans' questions, didn't it? "

" Consider that is to maintain our status, if the humans know it was done by an 'assassin', then where will we put our faces? "

" Indeed... " Zeus responds.

" We are gods, we shall not be viewed as weak by the mortals below us, it is imperative. "

" For none ever shall dare to overthrow us, again. "

" Let this very incident reminds us that mortal rebellion existed and thus we shall increase our vigilance on the mortals while still watching the demons and their sects' next move. "

" Agreed. "

" Agreed. "

" Then let this meeting get to a conclusion... " Loki says as he decided that the meeting has ended as he concludes.

" For now on, we should maintain vigilance to our mortals, and in this case. "

" To the Hunters, the growing association that I also manage. "

" After talking with Association Leader Hayden Wayne, I talked to him about the legalization of the Inquisitors into the Hunter Association. "

" For years, we had incorporated this idea but this time, after this very incident, we must make it legal for the Inquisitors to watch over the Hunter Association that is growing large. "

" The Inquisitors will be Inspectors, to be our eyes within the Association's diverse type of people... "

" In order to prevent another Andrew K., from the Hunter Association. " Loki tells the other gods present in that meeting as he then smirks for he had finished this problem.


< Cutscene Ended >


" Loki... " Ragna says after seeing it, he was so angry after seeing all of it.

" Ragna... " Battle Maiden calls him as she tries to calm Ragna down which Ragna then did so.

" There's more to this, isn't it? " Ragna asks.

" Please, play it, Maiden. "

" I will unleash my wrath later, but before that, I want to see the last Memory Records of this event. " Ragna tells Battle Maiden, his eyes staring sharp due to anger, seeing the fate of his uncle, just like that.

"( So this is what she meant that my uncle was *' Ended at his peak'... )" Ragna says as he remembered what Battle Maiden said before he sees all of these records.

"( He was slain with his powers erased from him during his peak moment and gets nerfed and died in that very moment! )"

"( Guess, I should've known... )"

"( Since Loki's the one who did it! )" Ragna says as he holds his emotions, hi clenched his fist, he is enraged at realizing what happened to his uncle while Battle Maiden prepares to play another record.

"( But before I bursts out... )"

"( I remember Loki finding the Dagger's scraps and restoring it, how did he do it? )" Ragna wonders in the midst of his emotions.

"( I never knew of him having that kind of ability, not even my Previous Selves such as Twelve, 69, or Hundred did as I see their memories... )" Ragna recounts this as he begins to be curious, about Lord Loki nonetheless.

"( Hope the next one I will get an answer. )" Ragna hopes as Battle Maiden plays the next Memory Records.



*Ended at his peak

Ragna remembers Battle Maiden's words back in Chapter 232: Uncle Andrew Part 1

*Gift Core:

This should've been a Sin Core, but Andrew doesn't realized it at the time and still thinks that his Gift Core is still a Gift Core and doesn't change.

Author's note:

I'm sorry if the end of the battle is anti-climactic, but this had to be done for the 'peak' means Andrew's form as 'Tenebris', his strongest form.

I'm sorry he had to end with being nerfed, but that's the [Divine Decimation Dagger] for you if it could kill a Divine Avatar like Arisu Tsuchimikado to even make her gods' had to try their best maintain her body and so does it to a Dark Avatar like Andrew for that is the Legendary Forbidden Item's capability.

And now, it's on Loki's hands.

Besides that, the fact is, during Andrew's transformation into Tenebris, Andrew's Gift Core had become a Sin Core thanks to Nyx Dark Powers as a Deviant. In this Webnovel, the Deviants are called by humans Demons or Dark Gods, but mostly Demons, so yes, Nyx here is a Demon.