Sea Party Part 1

[ Location: " 'YukiKamon Splendor' Luxury Yacht"*, Niigata Sea, Japan ]

The Fubuki Clan, from the Head Clan, Fubuki Misaki as well as her daughters are all on the yacht, as they all having a Yacht Party with some other guests that Misaki invited.

" Mother is inviting those from other Noble Clans, isn't she? " Yukino asks as she sees her mother talking to the other Noble Clans Current Leaders, the leaders of the Japanese Noble Clans that are still related to the "Blue Blood Clan".

" You had keen eyes, sister. " Makino comes as she approached Yukino from behind.

" The ones that were invited here were not only the Clan Leaders, but also some of the Clan's important members. "

" For example, did you see that young woman over there, isn't that one of your friends back in the academy back in Trinia? " Makino points to a woman which Yukino quickly remembers.

" Isn't that? " she says as she looks at her from afar.

[ Name: Nakamura Riko (19 Y.O.) ]

[ Noble Clan: Nakamura ]

[ Nation: Japan ]

[ Gift Tier: 4.5 ]

" It's Riko! " Yukino waves from afar which Riko sees as she also noticed Yukino waving at her, the two exchange hand waves from afar, but the exchange were cut short as Riko gives Yukino a hand sign that she needs to move to another place with her family.

" Oh Riko, it's been a long time. " Yukino says after she met her friend once again.

" I heard she's currently having a relationship with a young millionaire, I hope I could be like that. " Yukino says to herself as she thinks having that kind of relationship is fun.

" You want to become a 'random' millionaire's girlfriend, sister, what a shame! " Makino asks while teasing her.

" No, Onee-Sama, I'm just... "

" You should increase your target, for you are the best of the best from Mother-Sama's daughters, Yukino... "

" We can't have you marry a man outside the Blue Bloodline, just because he's some rich millionaire or perhaps he's some strong Tier V Inquisitor or Hunter. "

" The Purity of our Blood must continue, even though we all know the options are currently limited in the Blue Bloodline. " Makino tells her while sighing.

" Speaking of options, you see that man who is currently having some feast. " Makino points at the person, pointing at him to show Yukino which man she just meant.

" Wait a minute, isn't that? " Yukino sees the person, a man with a muscular-like body, hanging around with girls.

[ Name: Takahashi Kensei (21 Y.O.) ]

[ Noble Clan: Takahashi ]

[ Nation: Japan ]

[ Gift Tier: 4 ]

" Oh, it's Kensei, that perv... " Yukino hold out her tongue, showing a disgusted expression at seeing Kensei, the Noble Clan playboy.

" He's that Tier 4 playboy from the Takahashi, I hear bad rumors about him, that d*khead from the Takahashi, he's- "

" Oops... " Yukino then sees Makino.

" My apologies, I- "

" It's alright Yukino, we, the one who knows him, also thinks the same way. "

" Speaking of the term 'd*khead', it was actually mean that everything in his head is all about satisfying his big d*k and nothing more. "

" Even those Noble Clans, those who still had brains, refrain their daughters from even getting near him despite his nobility. "

" For he is the very shame of the Takahashi, the 'Ashamed One' the Takahashi Clan ever produced. "

" Guess no wonder he's a Tier 4 not in Tier 5 for his Gift Core, for no gods would allow such debauchery to become their greatest arsenal. "

" Right? " Makino asks while Yukino nods.

" Of course, no pervs should ever be chosen by the gods as their greatest servants, no matter how much they're Gifted with. " Yukino agrees with her sister.

" Besides that, speaking of this party. "

" It seems Mother-Sama is preparing so much for the 'God Hunter Tournament', isn't she Onee-Sama? " Yukino asks.

" Of course, for her greatest daughter is an S-Rank Hunter that would likely be participating in the Hunt, over the 'White Demon'. " Makino responds while looking at Yukino.

" Shiro Oni... " Makino adds which made Yukino look away.

" Hmph, don't tease me with him! " Yukino says as she remembers her last encounter with him*, back in the last hours after the Abyss Tower Event ended, where she remembers the 'White Demon' chocking her neck with his hand.

"( Curse you, Shiro Oni! )"

"( I may not know your real name, but I'll assure you that I will find out who you are and why...- )" Yukino then gets another headache, and another memory comes in.

"( Yukino-Senpai... )" She remembers the White Demon's last words before he left her back then, which still makes her think about what they meant.

"( He calls me 'Senpai', which means that person was a human and most of all... )"

"( It could mean that he must be from my academic days, one of my 'juniors' I presume, analyzing from his last words. )"

"( But which one? I remember I had many juniors back in the academy and university, so... )" Yukino tries to remember, she tries to knock her head to trigger another headache, which she hopes another memory will come in and remind her.

"( Oh, come one, what's wrong with my head, aren't you suppose to give me those random 'memories'... )"

"( Damn, what has 'Shiro Oni' done to me to make me receive the 'memories' at random times. )"

"( Why can't I try to trigger it at will? Should I meet him again? )" Yukino wonders while Makino looks around and sees the people attending on the yacht.

"( Everything is according to plan, mother. )" Makino thinks in her mind.

"( The Japanese Noble Clan had accepted your call, to rally them to participate in the Tournament, aiding Yukino in her hunt for she is the 'Vanguard' in this matter. )"

"( Using Yukino's S-Rank status, you will use her to make everyone proud of the Fubuki, thus making our name even better than that of the Tsuchimikado. )"

"( The Tsuchimikado... )" Makino says as she sees the people of the Tsuchimikado Clan at the tables in front of her eyes, meters away.

"( Those leaderless fools, after your Clan Leaders' death, you are all nothing. )" Makino smirks for a while as she sees the Tsuchimikado people.

"( Once the 'God Hunter Tournament' finished, when Yukino and those who followed us take the 'White Demon's head, you will all be likely dethroned into commoners as we Fubukis will become the Noble Clan's greatest Clan ever seen. )"

"( For you Tsuchimikados had no achievements after you lost your leader, who is it, oh yes, the so-called 'Grand Holy Priestess'... )"

"( She's dead now, died in the hands of the Unannouced Assassin who's actually the 'First Hunter', a famous and powerful person from a nobody commoner bloodline. )"

"( So sad, now that the great direct descendants of Abe-no-Seimei will fall into shame, as we the branch descendant will rise up to power. )" Makino says as she chuckles to herself while looking around as she sees that new guests have arrived.

" Ah, right in time! " Makino stands up.

" Yukino, you should try talking with the guests, for I will leave to inform Mother-Sama about the new guests. " Makino orders Yukino as she leaves for her mother.

( Meanwhile. )

" So this is the Fubuki Clan's "YukiKamon Splendor", such a very impressive luxury yacht. " said a man as he came with his sons.

[ Name: Shim Kyungmin (63 Y.O.) ]

[ Noble Clan: Shim ]

[ Nation: Korea ]

[ Gift Tier: 4.5 ]

" Indeed it was, Father. "

" Guess it's an honor that we could be respected to even become the Japanese Clan's very respected guest, isn't it Father? " said his eldest son.

[ Name: Shim Junwoo (20 Y.O.) ]

[ Noble Clan: Shim ]

[ Nation: Korea ]

[ Gift Tier: 5 ]

" Yes, then we must make haste and meet the Fubuki Clan Leader. "

" For us, all of the Blue Blood Clan Descendants from Korea are very honored that her yacht's very servants are treating us with full respect despite our nations. " Kyungmin says as he comes in with those from his Clan and also from the other Korean Noble Clans who are currently coming with the Shim Clan.



*YukiKamon Splendor: A name I just get from whatever I get, please tell me if it's actually a real name or such, I just take it because the name sounds good. Thanks.

*Yukino says as she remembers her last encounter with him (White Demon).

See Chapter 210: Towerfall Part 2


Hello, KJVZeanso here...

For those who read this, don't take things personally if I had to include nations that might cause controversy, I only picked the nations from the nations which in fiction are popular with the term 'Hunters', 'Exorcists', and 'Martial Arts' like Korea, China, and Japan and so many, so, please...

Do not be pissed so easily if there's gonna be tension, I hope you could understand.

Especially regarding there's Japan and Korea here, I will try my best to make the conflict between those from these nations as fictional as it seems (despite it might be referenced from real events or something like that).