The Weakling 'Insect' Part 1

*I'm sorry if different nation characters might've interacted with some things that are controversial in real life that might be referenced here. Deeply sorry.*

* Or perhaps some of the names here might've been referred to as real-time people, I'm sorry if it's kinda the same for prominent people since I'm kinda new with Korean namings. I'll try my best for the naming research. Please understand. Thank you. *

[ April 2017 ]

[ Gifted Elite Academy, South Korea ]

My name is Park Gi-mu, 14 years old, and had a Tier II Gift Core, Gift Ability=Mediocre Regeneration, an Inherited Gift Ability from my mother.

I just received a scholarship to the most Elite Academy in South Korea.

I thought my life would change into a better life, like the academy principal just promised me in front of the journalist as the winner of the scholarship.

But in reality,

[ Gifted Elite Academy, B Aisle ]

* Park Gi-mu gets hit with a powerful chunk of hard ice. *

" Hey, Park Gi-mu, Insect, good morning! " said Choi Shin-jae, the most popular guy in the academy.

[ Name: Choi Shin-jae (16 Y.O.) ]

[ Noble Clan: Choi ]

[ Gift Tier: 5 ]

[ Gift: Crafty Diamond Ice Hardening ]

As Choi Shin-jae did that, Park Gi-mu begin to lose balance as his head was hit with that kind of ice, he falls into another person's body, with the ice from his head.

" Park Gi-mu! My jacket! " Gi-mu then was hit again, this time by the person who he accidentally hit with.

" Kya, Jun-woo your jacket. " said the girls around after seeing the most popular boy in the academy, Shim Jun-woo's jacket gets dirty because of Park Gi-mu.

[ Name: Shim Jun-woo (15 Y.O.) ]

[ Noble Clan: Shim ]

[ Gift Tier: 5 ]

[ Gift: Flame Divine Spirit Manifestation ]

With his fire, Shim Jun-woo dries his jacket and he then glares upon Park Gi-mu.

" I'm sorry, I... " Park Gi-mu pleas but instead of his apology accepted.

* Shim Jun-woo uses his [Needle Kick] on Park Gi-mu. *

The whole people there were in awe seeing Shim Jun-woo's beautiful kick, they even took records of it and posted them online.

" Sorry? really you peasant!? " Shim Jun-woo asks as he kicks Park Gi-mu again for ruining his jacket.

" This jacket is a hype-beast jacket from overseas that my father gave me, how dare you made it wet!? " Jun-woo kicks Gi-mu again while Gi-mu could only be silent for he had no power to even fight back, from his Gift, from his physique, and from his status.

" Phew, looks like you had a bad time today, Jun-woo? " Choi Shin-jae asks as he approached Shim Jun-woo and Park Gi-mu.

" Shin-jae, you crazy punk! "

" How dare you let this brat mess up with my jacket!? " Jun-woo asks as he tidies up his jacket.

" Oh sorry Jun-woo, my mistake for ruining your day. " Shin-jae says while approaching Gi-mu and picking him up with one hand from the ground, gripping him in the head.

" Hey 'Insect', you still breathe? " Shin-jae asks Gi-mu who could only talk slowly while crying.

" Shit, you're murmuring now, Insect? "

" Say sorry to my friend here, he is my father's friend's son, so you better apologize from your insect mouth. "

" I'm swo-ey... " Park Gi-mu tries to say it, but then.

" Hey 'Insect' say it louder!? " Choi Shin-jae then kicks Gi-mu for not saying it loud, he kicks him hard as Gi-mu shouts in pain and finally says that he's sorry out loud.

" I'M SORRY...!!! " Gi-mu says in tears while all the people recorded him and even posted it online.

( Afterwards. )

( After the academy times are over. )

"( It's always like this... )"

"( Every time in the academy, Choi Shin-jae always picks up on me. )" Park Gi-mu says as he sees his body regenerates.

After times of his bullying, his regeneration takes a longer time to heal the wounds that became more harmful every time, thanks to Choi Shin-jae.

Park Gi-mu walks into a house, he sees the house as he dried out his tears, trying to make himself smile as he steps in.

" I'm home! " Park Gi-mu says as he sees his mother preparing the chairs.

" Oh, Gi-mu, you're home. " said his mother as she prepares the chair for tomorrow's serving, their house is a cheap home restaurant which Park Gi-mu's family gets their income from.

" How's your school today? " his mother asks which Gi-mu responds with a smile he makes that everything is great.

His mother listens to this while seeing the trace of the regeneration process.

" Are you being hit again, Gi-mu? " his mother asks as she picks Gi-mu's hand, she sees biting wounds that haven't been healed by the ability.

" Those elite academy kids bite you again, didn't they? "Gi-mu's mother asks as Gi-mu then remembers what happened just before the time he went home.

( Hours Earlier. )

[ Unknown Place ]

" It's an 'Anomaly Gate', Shin-jae. " said one of the kids as they came and see an opened Gate active at that moment.

" Is this new? " Choi Shin-jae asks as he stretches.

" It is new, Shin-jae, even the Hunters and Inquisitor haven't found this opened, only I did. "

" It hasn't summoned the monsters out, so it's safe. " said the guy to Choi Shin-jae.

" Good, a perfect time to train myself. " Choi Shin-jae says after finishing his stretch.

" Guys, bring the 'Support'. " Choi Shin-jae ordered his partners to bring the beaten-up Gi-mu.

" The 'insect's here, Shin-jae. " said the guys.

As Choi Shin-jae sees Gi-mu, he then approached him and quickly grabbed his head.

" Hey 'Insect'... " he sees Gi-mu beaten-up face.

" I'm going to enter 'Anomaly Gate', so you better wait for me to heal me with your blood. "

" You understand. " Choi Shin-jae releases Gi-mu's head as he enters the Gate with some others Capable of entering it (Limit: Tier 4.5 Gift Users).

( Back to the present. )

* Park Gi-mu's mother sobs. *

She knew what is going on, for her son inherited her 'Regenerative' ability Gift which is considered the most Supportive-type Gift ever by the Society.

For those who had this kind of ability, since they usually lacked the physical strength and power, they were often exploited as the stronger Gift Users believed by biting the 'Regenerative Gifted' flesh and drinking their blood could instantly heal them if the most dangerous times.

Hence why, for those who had this kind of ability is such a dead flag, especially in Eastern Countries, the same for those who were Ungifted, those who had this will be hunted and misused, as they were all treated like walking medicine for the masses.

" Mother it's okay... " Gi-mu hugs his mother while crying.

" At least I'm home. " Gi-mu says to her while unknownst to him.

" So that's where the 'Regenerative Insects' lived," said Choi Shin-jae, as he and his guys decided to secretly follow Gi-mu to his home.

" Kukuku, what a treat. " Shin-jae says as he sees his wounded hand after attempting to illegally enter another Gate for fun.



I'm sorry if the Chapter might've been too gore but it is what it is.

Speaking of the Regenerative Ability Gift Users, Park Gi-mu and his mother are basically like Grandma Rory Kent who had the same type of Supportive Ability with quite a difference.

But for Park Gi-mu, who lives in Eastern Countries where Supportive Type Abilities are rare such as healing and regeneration, thus, everyone who encountered those who had it will hunt them and capture them for their own needs.

Regarding Korean Family names, I've researched that there are some same common Family names and Noble Family names such as Park, Kim, Lee, Choi, Kang and etc.

So in Park Gi-mu's case, he came from the common Park Family and not from the nobility.

I'm sorry for my limited knowledge, I will try to research more about Korean Family and Clan Namings. Thank you.