The Weakling 'Insect' Part 3

*I'm sorry if different nation characters might've interacted with some things that are controversial in real life that might be referenced here. Deeply sorry.*

* Or perhaps some of the names here might've been referred to as real-time people, I'm sorry if it's kinda the same for prominent people since I'm kinda new with Korean namings. I'll try my best for the naming research. Please understand. Thank you. *

[ April 2017 ]

( After the academy hours are over. )

" Jun-woo-nim, you didn't have to accompany me home, by foot even! " Park Gi-mu says to Shim Jun-woo, who decides to accompany him home by train.

" Not to worry, I already used to walk so far without the help of cars. " Jun-woo says.

" For my Clan's Martial Arts Discipline is mostly around the leg, for footwork and stances are both the primary essentials on learning so. "

" So think of me doing this primarily for my leg day, after all that hours of studying, I fear that my body is getting rusty after being forced to study non-stop both in the academy and at home. " Jun-woo tells Gi-mu about it, how he longs to take a stroll, to have his feet worked out more.

As the two began to get close to Park Gi-mu's home area, the two then see people panicking and fires can be seen spreading around the place.

" Mom!? " Gi-mu sees the fires' origin and rushes first.

" Park Gi-mu, wait! " Jun-woo shouts but then realizes something, for he senses many ominous presences.

"( What are these, monsters!? )"

"( Wait, no... )" Jun-woo realizes that there's something wrong, he decides to retreat from the crowd.

While Jun-woo looks for what he just sensed, Gi-mu quickly rushes towards his house as he sees it burns, for the wild flames already destroyed it.

" Mom...! " Gi-mu shouts as suddenly he hears the people mentioning his mom was taken by people.

" Before they left, those strong people told us out loud, to tell you to come and find this address, they told us to take note of it or else they'll kill us... "

" Who are they? why are they taking my mother? " Gi-mu asks them.

" We don't know, we only take notes of their address because they ordered us with such powerful pressure, those guys must've had great Tier Gift Cores. "

" I have to go! " Gi-mu takes the note from them and rushes, trying to locate the place as he runs as fast as he can.

( At the same time. )

( In the targeted place. )

" So, the boy had already rushed to our place, just as the neighborhood was told to take notes of...? " Principal Choi says to his men as he smirks.

" And how about that 'Shim' boy who accompanied the 'Regenerate', is he still busy? " he asks which the man replied with a yes.

" We're trying to make him busy however we can, his Gift Ability Martial Arts is still our greatest problem to buy you time. "

" That is enough, go release all of your might at him if you can, make sure no one knows you and I are related, and keep your masks on. "

" So if you somehow killed him or he kills you by accident or whatever, I don't want the Shim Clan to trace it back to me. " Principal Choi ends the call.

" Uncle... " Choi Shin-jae calls him as he could hear Park Gi-mu coming.

" Choi Shin-jae! " Park Gi-mu shouts as he comes in, armed with some random knife.

" Wow! Wow!, look at the 'insect' here uncle... " Choi Shin-jae smirks.

" It seems he now dares to raise his voice decibels as his only family is threatened, keke... "

[ Crafty Diamond Ice Hardening ]

[ Mini-Diamond Ice Hard Lance Rain ]

As Choi Shin-jae summons it, instead of getting in fear, this time, as he knows that his mother is threatened, Park Gi-mu rushes toward Choi Shin-jae and Choi Woo-jin, he rushes with his knife as Shin-jae rains him with the mini-ice lances as he plays with him.

" Here 'insecty', 'insecty', 'insecty', 'insecty' " Choi Shin-jae rains the lances while Gi-mu still charges to save his mother which Choi Woo-jin holds her.

" Look at your charge, insect! "

" Are you sure you could still save her? kekeke!? "

" SHUT UP! " Park Gi-mu rushes as his body is already filled with blood.

" Enough, don't waste your energy... " Choi Woo-jin orders Shin-jae and approaches the wounded Gi-mu.

At the same time, Shim Jun-woo already deals with Choi Woo-jin's men as he tries to sense Gi-mu's presence.

"( With his Current Tier Grade and Physical Capabilities, he shouldn't have runner far... )" Jun-woo senses and finally gets a trace of Gi-mu's weak presence.

"( This presence, oh no! Gi-mu! )" Jun-woo runs as fast as he can using his feet.

As Shim Jun-woo runs, Gi-mu was approached by Choi Woo-jin who just throws his mother's body at him with ease, showing Gi-mu his mother's condition which shocks him.

" Here you go, brat. " Choi Woo-jin grins as he sees Gi-mu's frustrated face.

" Mo...m " Gi-mu says but before he could say no more.

* Park Gi-mu's chest was stabbed. *

As Choi Woo-jin stabs him with his hand, he rips out the Gift Core from Gi-mu's body.

" Ah, the still fresh young energy of health..., huh... " Choi Woo-jin says as he sees Gi-mu still managed to cough after his Gift Core is ripped from him.

" Interesting, usually when one's Gift Core is brutally ripped out or destroyed, their body turns off with it. "

" Perhaps, your 'Gifter God' still wants you alive, which made me wonder who that is... "

" What kind of god wants to give such a supportive gift to peasants and not nobles, I've never seen such a wrong decision made by the Divine. " Choi Woo-jin says as he then senses Jun-woo coming in as he exploded the walls.

" Park Gi-mu! " Shim Jun-woo calls for Gi-mu as he then sees him crawling on the ground filled with blood everywhere and sees Choi Woo-jin holding a Gift Core with his hand filled with blood.

" Choi Clan Leader...? " Shim Jun-woo stops as he sees this.

" Ah, the Shim boy, how has it been? " Choi Woo-jin asks.

" What happened here? Why are you? " Shim Jun-woo asks as he then hears Park Gi-mu faintly tells him.

" Jun-woo-nim, they..., killed, my..., mother, me..., our, regeneration..., Gift... "

" Your regeneration Gift? " Shim Jun-woo asks as he sees Choi Woo-jin casually eat on the Gift Core and felt a tremendous amount of health coming back at him, making his body younger. "

" Choi Woo-jin! " Shim Jun-woo bursts and tries to attack the old man, but Shin-jae blocks him using [Diamon Ice Fortress Wall].

" Don't stop me, Shin-jae! " Shim Jun-woo bursts as he uses the [Concentrated Energy Fist Strike] to destroy the ice wall.

As the two clash, somebody else comes in.

"( This presence... ) " Jun-woo says as he sees a person so familiar.

" Father!? " Jun-woo asks as he sees his father, Shim Kyungmin, the Leader of the Shim Clan, interfered with his battle.