Sireena's Garganto Part 3

*I'm sorry if different nation characters might've interacted with some things that are controversial in real life that might be referenced here. Deeply sorry.*

[ Location: 'YukiKamon Splendor' Party Deck. ]

< Skill: [Impure Coccoon Bubble] >

< Imprisons the opponent within a floating cocoon made from an Impure bubble. >

" Stay there for a while, dears. " Sireena tells the two stunned girls she imprisoned, while Garganto approached her as he returns from his slumber.

" Let's move, search for that Clan Leader that just leave... " the two begin to leave.

" The Master had some 'business' with her that he should complete, she owed the master a great 'debt' that she must pay with her death. " Sireena says while bringing the two floating cocoons she just made, but before it happens.

*Explosion sound.*

" Who says the two of you could leave!? " said a familiar voice who calls the two Black Shadows.

" Oh dear, you dears are... " Sireena says as she sees them, it was none other than...

" It's us, Shim Kyungmin and Choi Woo-jin, Sireena...! " the two South Korean Noble Clan Leaders say as they prepared themself.

Not just them even, they also bring some other Clan Leaders who still survive, like the Nakamura, Sato, Shinseimiya, Tsuchimikado, and Kuroda Clan Leaders from Japan, not only them but those from South Korea survive the whole ordeal like Kang, Kim, and the Lee Clan Leaders.

" You will not go anywhere, Creature! " said the Current Tsuchimikado Clan Leader, Tsuchimikado Shigeo as he quickly use his ability.

[ Name: Tsuchimikado Shigeo (63 Y.O.) ]

[ Noble Clan: Tsuchimikado ]

[ Nation: Japan ]

[ Gift Tier: 4.5 ]

[ Gift: Earth-Trap ]

" [Earth -Trap Creation]! " Shigeo quickly activates the trap, a trap made from the ground where Sireena and Garganto stand, from the ground, comes out five Earth Tori Gates, and suddenly, the trap activates, creating a Star Prison made from pure Earth's Energy, and Shigeo's Gift Energy.

" You will not leave this place, Shinseimya Clan Leader! " Shigeo calls the Shinseimiya Clan Leader, Shinseimiya Takeo.

[ Name: Shinseimiya Takeo (65 Y.O.) ]

[ Noble Clan: Shinseimiya ]

[ Nation: Japan ]

[ Gift Tier: 4 ]

[ Gift: Shrine Warding ]

" [ Shrine Ward Empowerement]! " Takeo quickly empowers Shigeo's prison as they began to imprison both Black Shadows.

" You both won't escape anywhere, for you two must answer for the crimes you did against the Blue Blood Clan Descendants! " said Shigeo as they imprison the two.

Sireena sees this and then looks at Garganto.

" For some time, I had to exhaust myself dealing with some strong people... "

" Guess it's your turn, again. " Sireena tells Garganto as Garganto just makes some noises, she hugs Garganto and holds his hands.

" Release it all, Garganto. "

" Break everything as much as you can, no one will be angry at you. " she pats Garganto's huge hand which Garganto understands.

As Sireena says that, Garganto then reacts as he then touches the ground.

" The casted prison only affects the space around us but not below us, Garganto. "

" Release the surge. "

As Sireena tells that, Garganto then put both of his hands on the floor, performing what he ordered.

< Skill: [Sharp Surge Splash] >

< An Area Attack, the user releases a powerful surge of water made from the shadows that will create a great rumbling and summon a great surging sharp splash of water like a 'Waterjet'. >

As it happed, a great rumble happened on the deck's floor, the people could feel it as suddenly, a great surge of sharp water splashes come out and strike over the people present there, as the splashes of water come at great speed, it cuts some of the people's body as some of them are unlucky enough to not evade it, for it the water cuts like a "Waterjet Cutting".

" Keurkh! " said Shinseimiya Takeo and Tsuchimikado Shigeo as the two are one of the unlucky who happens to get their hands cut off by the Waterjet Splashes.

"( Damn it, it cut off our arms...! )" Shigeo curses for he then sees his prison is deactivated which releases the two Black Shadows.

" So he had to use his arms to maintain the very prison he made, huh? " Sireena asks as she supports Garganto who continues the splash over the Clan Leaders, as she shoots many to make sure the ones that Garganto missed also receive the damage.

" Gakh! " said the Sato Clan Leader, Sato Takeshi as he was shot in his chest point blank while performing his [Battle Meditation Support], the attack lands on Sireena's luck for his position is an easy spot to shoot at, since he's a support-type Gift User, effectively eliminating him from the picture while the others see this and try to fend off from the attack.

" [ Nightwind Repel ] " said the Nakamura Clan Leader as he uses his ability to protect himself with the winds of night, repelling the sharp splashes.

" [ Shadowless Flash Strike ] " said the Kuroda Clan Leader as he countered the splashes with his skill and daggers.

" [ Terra Earth Shield Fist ] " said the Kang Clan Leader, Kang Te-jin as he block all of the splashes but the splashes also penetrates the shield, almost damaging his head which the Kang Clan Leader luckily evade while it slices his ear lobe.

" [ Fire Fan ] " said the Kim Clan Leader as he burns the water, evaporating it in the midst of the shootings.

" Uokh! " the Lee Clan Leader gets hit for he misfortunately gets point blank in the head by the .

" Lee Clan Leader! " said Choi Woo-jin as he use his [Frost Flare] Gift to freeze the shooting splashes, he was pissed on seeing this, for he and the Shim Clan Leader, Shim Kyungmin then decide to take care of the two Black Shadows, charging to their position while evading the splashes.

Seeing it, Garganto then quickly increase his tension, increasing the number of splashes while the two Clan Leaders still managed to get closer.

" Your mine, big creature! " said Shim Kyungmin trying to strike using his [Volcanic Age Fist] towards Garganto which Garganto intercepted with his punch, creating a great clash between the two, while Shim Kyungmin and Garganto clash fists, Sireena had to deal with the incoming Choi Woo-jin as he prepares to freeze her completely.

" With this, I will destroy to pieces, Woman! " Choi Woo-jin shouts.

" PREPARE TO DI- "Before he launches it, Choi Woo-jin is suddenly interrupted as he was hit with a projectile made of meat which made him fall far from Sireena as the projectile hits him.

" Gah, what is this? Who hit me with this- "

" ...this...? " Choi Woo-jin sees what just hit him, it was a human head, a human head with a face he greatly recognizes which freaked the hell out of him.

" It can't be... " Choi Woo-jin shivers.

" Shin-jae! " Choi Woo-jin screams, seeing his nephew's head was the thing thrown at him as the person who thrown it joins the battle.

" Familiar face, isn't it? "

" To think I finally could ever see you freaked out, Choi Clan Leader... " said the incoming person.

" Or, should I call you, 'Principal Choi', like the old times... " the person chuckles as he comes in and throws another head, this time, to Shim Kyungmin.

" It can't be... " Shim Kyungmin catches the head and realizes who it belongs to.

" Jun-woo...? " Shim Kyungmin shivers as he witness of what he was given in horror.