The Reason Behind

< Location: System Space, Ragna (Current)'s Room. >

" Keurkh! " Ragna is sleeping, but his reaction shows that he's having a bad dream.

" Carla... "


( Inside the dream. )

< Player Ragna Kent is in the dreaming state. >

< Location of the dream... >

< Expected place and time... >

< 12th Timeline >

Ragna sees the notification, he then decides to see the water nearby him, to see its reflection that reflects his face.

"( I become 'Twelve' again. )" Ragna says as he sees himself entering the dream, a distant memory that belongs to Ragna Twelve again.

"( This is Twelve's memory, why is he here right now? )" Ragna wonders as he sees a glimpse of memories that right now, Twelve is looking for Carla during the battle against the Demons in some sort of a Desert Dungeon.

< Location: Deviant Disaster Dungeon (SS) >

"( An 'SS' Rank Dungeon? )"

"( F*k there's something like this!? )" Ragna wonders for the top Rank he knows is the S-Rank, which means...

"( There's some demonic monsters and deviants that are that strong? )"

"( Back in the 12th Timeline? )" Ragna, in Ragna Twelve's old body then runs as fast as he can as the system points him to where his granddaughter Carla is located.

" Carla must've been nearby, no wonder Twelve's could run freely on this place, that Divine Hero granddaughter must've dealt with the Deviants already! "

" But where is she...? " Ragna asks as he follows where the System directed him into.

As he gets closer, he then sees tons of demon corpses laying on the ground, mountains of them.

" *Gasps* "

" What the-... " Ragna begins to think about this, realizing that based on the attacks based on Ragna Twelve's memory he received all of a sudden.

" This slashes, this is Carla's... "

" She's the one who did this, there's no other person in the 12th Timeline, not even Twelve himself is as strong to perform such a feat. " Ragna says as he sees the corpse to scan all the monsters that lie there, he heard a roar, a female-voiced roar.

" Carla...!? " Ragna recognized the voice, realizing that the voice must've come from Carla despite it having some monstrous roar in it.

" What's going on, what happened to her voice? "

" Why is it so monstrous, what happened to her? " Ragna wonders as he quickly runs towards the coming voice while receiving more memories.

< Receiving Ragna Twelve's current memories. >

" These memories, so Twelve is accompanying her towards any war over the Deviants like always. "

"( Based on the memories, they also bring a battalion of people and Valkyries even those from other races that the gods still allow to exist in this Timeline. )"

"( So where are they? Why Twelve and Carla is the ones alive here, where are the others? )" Ragna runs as he came closer to Carla's position, as he came close he sees the corpses of the army that came alongside them, the corpses of Humans, Valkyries, Nymphs, Dwarves even Elves.

"( The hell! they're all dead!? )"

" Wait a minute, then! "

" Where's Carla!? Carla! " Ragna calls but suddenly.

* Explosion voice, a female roar shouts. *

" There! " Ragna runs again, he finally gets closer to Carla's position as he then sees what happened.

" What the-... " Before Ragna could say it, he then sees Carla, with horns, wings, and tails, fighting explosively with a Deviant Monarch as she slashes him all with what she's got.

" Garkh! Divine Hero! "

" How could you slash me!? how could you even have the horn of the Deviant!? "

" RRAHH! " Carla slashes the monarch instantly, destroying it with a great swing that causes great shockwaves around the land, destroying the place around her as the slash wipes out the sands around, leaving only destructive marks upon the very lands as she kills the Deviant.

* Carla growls. *

Ragna sees it as he survives the storm of shockwaves. After it was over, Ragna forces himself out of his fear to approach Carla.

" Carla... " Ragna approaches her, he walks to get close as he sees the full form of his 'granddaughter'.

" " Carla looks back at him, frightened as she sees her grandfather looking at her current form.

Her form is currently with red skin, dark brown hair, yellow flaming eyes, demonic horns in her head, angelic divine-like wings coming out from her back, demonic monstrous tails, and sharp claws and teeth.

" " Carla calls Ragna which Ragna sees her in fear.

" Carla, what happened, why are you? "

< Scanning >

< Mana detected >

< Aether detected >

< Deviant Energy detected >

< Divine Energy detected >

< Ki detected >

" *Gasps* " Ragna gasps as he sees the System detect all of it from Carla.

"( Wait, those energies...? )" Ragna suddenly thinks, but...

" Grandpa... " Carla calls him.

" Carla, hold on, I'll- "

" Leave me! flee from me, now! " Carla screams while crying in front of him.

As Ragna sees this, he then gets a glimpse of memories, not only from Twelve, but also from Ragna 69 and Hundred that show Carla had the same form with different versions so similar such as the Carla he sees now.

< Scanning >

< Name: Carla Ragna Hikari Kent >

< Race: *bzt* >

< Race: *bzt* >

< Race: Human >

< Race: Human, Manahuman >

< Race: Human, Manahuman, Martialhuman >

< Race: Human, Manahuman, Martialhuman, Diviners >

< Race: Human, Manahuman, Martialhuman, Diviners, Deviant >

< Race: *bzt* *bzt* *bzt* *bzt* *bzt* *bzt* *bzt* *bzt* *bzt* *bzt* >

< Race: ... >

< Race: Chimera... *bzt* *bzt*>

" Huh!? " Ragna was surprised as he sees it.

" Chimera!? Carla!? " Ragna asks as suddenly, Carla roars and screams.


" CARLA CAN'T CONTROL IT ANYMORE!!! " Carla screams as she quickly launches herself to her grandfather, preparing to strike him.


*Ragna screams as he tries to protect himself.*


( Back to the real world. )

" *Gasps out loud* " Ragna wakes up after witnessing the dream again.

" What the, what's... "

" So you finally dreamt of it... " says a voice which Ragna looks at him.

" Twelve? " Ragna sees Twelve, the owner of the memory standing beside him.

Not just Twelve, Ragna 69 and Hundred also came to his room following Twelve.

" You screamed so loud! " Ragna Hundred tells Ragna about it.

"Do our memories combined give fear to you that much? " he asks.

" Not just fear, it's just... "


" That, the thing you just saw, is Carla... "

" But at that time, she's in the state of what you're currently in now, or should I say... "

" Your state that was 'inspired' by her. " Twelve tells as he shows Ragna his .

" I already planned this ever since I get a vision of the sudden incoming of the Abyss Tower. "

" Realizing that, that's why after your first raid*, I scour more visions and planned the path forward. "

" To make you capable of fighting the gods and also... " Twelve explains something silently.

" I see now, kekeke... "

"( Twelve you fucking perpetrator... )" Ragna says to him in his mind.

" So that's why you're so obsessed with 'our' granddaughter, Carla? "

" To even make me prioritize in marrying her grandmother (Yukino) ASAP. "

" Yes, she's that important because of what you've seen. " Twelve answers.

" A Chimera of the main five energies of the universe, just like you are now. "

" I see, so I became just like her in the Previous Times, huh? "

" Makes me wonder what will Carla be if she exists in this Current Timeline... "

" Yes, that's why I avenged her, Ragna... " Twelve says.

" Because the gods will kill her again, despite in reality... "

" Carla is actually the solution for their 'Holy Wars' which is... "

" 'Crossbreeding'? Make a 'Hybrid' over all the races and energies? That's a classic plot. "

" But I had to say that was one of the greatest solutions I've ever heard. "

" Yes, and speaking over Carla. "

" The reason I came here is not only to discuss her. "

" But also, there's something we need to do. "

" Another Quest from your visions? "

" Yes. "

" Okay, where should we start? "



Yes, that's why she's so important.

Carla is a 'Chimera' Creature that made the gods drown in fear as they knew it back in the Previous Timelines.