Volume 4 Extra Part 4: Greatest Bounty

[ Location: Trinia, Z District ]

The night passes, and there are some late-years men, hanging around, drinking in a desolate bar, talking about what happened recently.

" This 'God Hunter Tournament' is getting nuts! " said one of the people as he told what he heard in the news.

" Do you guys hear? " he asks.

" Yes, after the White Demon Massacred the gods in Niigata Sea, Japan... "

" Lord Loki decided to not only reactivate our 'Divine Resonance' with our gods, no matter the value of our Gift Core Tier, but also... "

" Assigned everyone who wants to kill the White Demon to participate in the 'Tournament', even the gods' themselves. " the man responded.

" Bah! This is getting nuts, the gods will definitely take the whole price. "

" What's the point of even participating, this Event is beyond our standards now. "

" Not only this will cause chaos everywhere, but those who want money will definitely prepare for the Tournament, even the Criminals. "

" Criminals? "

" Yes, criminals, those who were given Bounties by the gods and the Inquisitors. "

"Ex-hunters that go crazy, Strayed Priests, and so much more, basically those who had great criminal records such as the White Demon, who ascended the throne as he was given the highest bounty ever given thanks to his actions. "

" What was his Bounty value again? "

" It was increased to Trin, after the Niigata Sea incident... "

" Crazy right? " the man asks as they all drink their drinks, boozes.

" I mean, that guy just killed gods on live stream, lots of 'em. "

" So of course his Bounty is gonna rise up into the skies, right? "

" Right. "

" Right. " they all agreed as they still hung out at night.

" Damn, after all of this, I still can't believe it. "

" The gods died... " said the person as he drank it.

The man reflects on what happened in the Niigata Sea, he still can't believe what happened to those self-proclaimed immortal beings.

" Seeing that, I begin regretting becoming a Trinia Country Resident. " said the man suddenly.

" Why? "

" Is it because of the 'Tournament'? "

" Not just that, do you also hear the latest news? "

" What news??? "

" It is said that Loki is going to draft us all to participate in the Tournament, no matter if we're Inquisitors, Hunters, Priests, or Civilians of Trinia. "

" Not only that, Loki also proposes to other gods that ruled the other Countries to draft literally everyone to this Tournament, no matter who they are. "

" Oh, so it's true. "

" No wonder Countries like South Korea agreed with that, for the news told that the Country had already allocated all their drafts towards this effort. "

" If South Korea who already militarized their youth for years had already done that, then... " said the old man to the others, as the drafted news was rumored from those who were around 15 to 80 years old for men and 17-70 years old for women.

" Then, we're all f*ked! "

" Not only we're f*ked because we had no choice but to participate, but also because our foes seemed to be more dangerous than the demons and their monsters. "

" For this 'Demon' had already set the craziest record on terrorizing us, crazy... " the man shivers, followed by the others.

" Oh, if we could just leave this place, go to a safe country we hoped to not participate in this madness. "

" But it seems impossible since the Asgardian Allfather already proposed and forced this to be done by all Countries to their people. "

" *Sob*, if only we could just find a quiet settlement, get off this wretched grid, from all of this violence and nonsense. "

" *Sigh* I don't know things anymore, I also heard and watched in the news that the Inquisitors had been stationed to watch and guard anyone who dares to flee from the draft, they even banned all international flights to do so, so everyone had no chance to do Holidays on June. "

" F*k all of this, this is all because of Loki and the White Demon! " one of the old men says as the others suddenly stop talking and look around.

" What? "

" There's no one here, right? "

" Who comes out in the Z District at night, there's nothing here. "

" Idiot! Watch your mouth! " the others said while still looking around.

" Did you just say s*t about Lord Loki, a god? "

" Yeah, why!? "

" That flexing crazy rich god is always the perpetrator of every annoying event! "

" The Hunters and Inquisitors! The war into the Gates' Dungeons! Now this! "

" You guys remembered who made this all a thing in the first place!? "

" If it is because of him, our children will still be with us right now! "

" If only the gods didn't spend too much in the Heavens, they should've been able to wipe the Gate invasions even the Demons as soon as possible, why did they take it so long!? "

" Does this not concern you all!? "

" Our... kids!? " the man who said cries, remembering the past as he sees and hears the news of his kid's death.

" Kara, Tae Ra... " he calls both of them as he cries.

" Why do you angels have to die so fast, your death kills your mother too, you know? " said the man, who is actually the Park sisters' father.

" The Dungeons, the Abyss Tower... "

" If they don't exist, we, we... " he cries hard, as the others calm him.

" If only we could flee from all of this, go to a quiet place, ... "

" LEAVE ALL OF THIS S*T AND JUST F*K IT ALL!!! " said the old man as he shouted in his anger combined with his deep sadness.

" Hey, hey. Mr. Park, calm down... "

" If you spout anything like this, it could be heard by... "

" By us! " a voice suddenly came, as Black-hooded figures suddenly showed themselves.

" Wait, who are- "

" Inquisitors... " Mr. Park says as he sees the uniforms.

" Pawns of the gods... " said Mr. Park as he saw the Inquisitors who suddenly came from the dark.

" You know us? " said the masked Inquisitors who suddenly showed up.

" F*k yeah, I know who you guys were, my daughter was one of you! " Mr. Park says it which makes the Masked Inquisitors look at themselves at each other.

" Really? " asked the one who leads them.

" Name, please? "

" Park Kara, you masked a*hole "

" I'm her father, you Inquisitors owed me and my family compensation after her death! " Mr. Park states as the Inquisitors sighs.

" Oh, her... "

" ... "

" Sorry, about that, Mr. Park, I presume? "

" But if you heard the recent news, you knew that those who entered the Tower are all... "

" Demonic Worshippers*, " the masked Inquisitor says to Mr. Park.

" Lies, lies, lies! "

" Since when an Inquisitor like her could ever do that, isn't that already impossible thanks to your great indoctrination!? " Mr. Park clenched his fist.

" F*k this all, I don't care if it's true or false anymore. " Mr. Park releases the power of his Tier 1 Gift.

[ Thunder Spark ]

" But the one thing I know is, you guys are the ones who made them enter in the first place! " Mr. Park attacked the Inquisitors' leader as he immediately sliced his arms and punched him in the abdomen, incapacitating him in front of the others.

" We're sorry, Mr. Park... "

" But this is the gods' orders... " the Inquisitor leader snapped his fingers, ordering his compatriots to execute the old men with Mr. Park.

" You..., you killed them, just because we talk shit about this whole thing..., didn't you? " Mr. Park says as he tries standing up with his frail body.

" Guess, you're all no different than the 'White Demon', huh? "

" Your god, Loki... " he says to the Inquisitor Leader.

" You guys seemed really to like killing those who talk s*t about the gods, hence the name 'Inquisitors' *coughs*..., didn't ya? "

" Still wanna go, Mr. Park? " said the leader of the group to him as the old man struggled.

" Oh hell yes, I wanna... *cough* "

" I still wanna punch those who *cough*..., forsake my daughter *grunts*... " Mr. Park clenched his fist again, but before he could swing it, he was punched hard by the leader, making him lay hard on the ground.

* Raindrops. *

" What a coincidence, the rain falls in the most perfect moment of time. " said the leader as he saw Mr. Park, lying on the ground weakened.

" You should kill him, High Inquisitor. " said a masked Inquisitor to him, already done the job.

" No need, his frail body and age will slowly kill him. "

" Even if he survives, I believe he will receive a bit stroke. " the High Inquisitor says.

" O may the gods forgive you, Mr. Park... "

" I won't kill you, for you're the father of our ex-comrade. "

" Let the gods decide your fate. " the High Inquisitor says as he orders the Masked Inquisitors to leave the place as they all deal with the old men.







( Hours Later. )

Rain still falls, spraying the whole place with its water.

In the dark night filled with rainfalls, a shadowy cloak figure approached the place, seeing Mr. Park there weakened.

< HP: 23/1.000 >

" They really want to draft everyone, huh? " said the shadow-cloaked guy, as he saw Mr. Park with his own eyes.

" Mr. Park... " he says as he puts his hand to him, trying to sense his Gift Core's Energy.

" He needs more than that to recover... "

" I know, Twelve... " said the shadow-cloaked to the voice in his head, as he then looked back to see another cloaked person coming with him.

" I hoped the 'Sanctuary' still had the capacity. " said the shadow-cloaked guy as he opened his hood for a bit, revealing his face.

" You seem to underestimate, its capacity, Ragna Kent from the Current Timeline. " said the cloaked person to Ragna who showed his face.

As the cloaked person sees Mr. Park, the person immediately opens the hood for a bit, revealing the face too.

" Can you take him..., Seraphim? " Ragna asks Seraphim as she then lifts Mr. Park using her Power.

" The Diviners Universal Reboot Device has not yet claimed his Soul. "

" He still can be saved. " Seraphim says as she lifts Mr. Park and opens the Gate to 'Sanctuary'.

" What will you do the other ones, Ragna Kent? " Seraphim asks Ragna as he looks at the other corpses, immediately releasing his Black Shadow Magic.

" Of course. " Seraphim sighs as she knows what's going to happen, she leaves with Mr. Park to 'Sanctuary'* while Ragna arises some Black Shadows.


This is the end of the Extra Chapters.

I hope you all have a great day.




The Chapter is about some random old men (not all of them), who were talking about the recent events that happened in the first quarter of 2022.

One of the men is the father of Park Kara and Park Tae Ra, the Park Siblings from the Previous Chapters.

In these times, those who dare talk s*t about what happened and try to discredit the gods' decisions over this will be met by the Inquisitors' fists and blades.

*Demonic Worshippers:

A statement from Chapter 96: Outside the Tower Part 1


A place that will be important in the future. Organized by Seraphim and the other Angels allied with the Ragnas.