Reason For Execution

< Twelve Eye of Time, activated >

< Past Timeline Vision revealed >

< Timeline: 12th Timeline, December 2023. >

< Location: Deviant Fortress Dungeon. >

At that time, there was a Monarch Threat Level Gate and it was right, this time, the Deviant Monarchs and their Demonic Monstrosities decided to charge the Earth in full, unlike the times before.

Like always, Carla, being the Divine Hero she is, let humanity charge at the Gate, using full frontal assault, bringing all mobile weapons made from Divine Smith and Human Technology in there.

" Demonic Monarchs! " 

The Demonic Monarchs enter the battle, giving us a hard fight, obviously going to kill us all, for in this battle, we humans charged first with the gods' permission, not to mention the gods didn't even help us in battle in the first place.

Only their Divine Hero, their Divine Avatar.

My granddaughter.

" Hrah! " Carla uses her sword, with her Divine Graces, she alone, fights the Deviant Monarchs.

" We have to help her! " I said at the time, back then, without the Grace from the gods, I was once a soldier for humanity. Even in my senile times, with my trusted Shield and some Enhanced Guns, also some magic spells I secretly trained with using knowledge gathered from my archeologic journeys in the Dungeons.

With just that, I dared to return to battle for my aspiring granddaughter, using old military connections to gather promising supporting armies, armories, weapons, and superweapons big and mobile enough to enter the Dungeons, to give the Deviants explosive damages within their realms.

But that wasn't enough. Our great efforts and sacrifice aren't enough to make those Demons falter. Only her Grace.

" Carla... " I said myself as I saw Carla finally defeat two of the Deviant Monarchs in Battle.

" With her, the remaining Deviant Monarchs will have a hard time... " I said to myself while shooting more Demons, helping the others get in their super tanks to shoot those Demons dead.

Using the support, I could only do my best to help, while Carla bravely engaged the other Monarchs, their battle ensued, and the waves of their clash, blew us away, making casualties from both sides, those who weren't powerful enough.

" She's revealing herself. " I said to myself as I saw Carla turned into the form she had back then in 'Deviant Disaster Dungeon (SS)'*.

< Scanning >

< Name: Carla Ragna Hikari Kent >

< Race: *bzt* >

< Race: *bzt* >

< Race: Human, Manahuman, Martialhuman, Diviners, Deviant >

< Race: *bzt* *bzt* *bzt* *bzt* *bzt* *bzt* *bzt* *bzt* *bzt* *bzt* >

< Race: ... >

< Race: Chimera... *bzt* *bzt*>

" This again... " I said to myself as when she used her very unnatural chimeric form, she defeated those Deviant Monarchs, using all her might, she ended the whole battle with the greatest of explosive and shockwave damage.

" Grah! " Carla falls as well as the last of the Deviant Monarchs.

" Foolish, Divine Hero... " the Monarch said to her.

" Why do you have to kill us? " the Monarch asks, in a sorry state.

" For humanity,... for...- "

" Such a foolish young girl... " the dying Monarch interrupts her.

" For all your power, you blindly follow your 'gods', murdering us... "

" Because your kind are murderers... " Carla replied.

" Thousands of years, after your defeat in the Second Holy War, you keep surviving and terrorizing the mortals as you fit, you scions of evil. "

" Something that I couldn't allow any further, for my compassion couldn't take it anymore...! " Carla said it to the Monarch.

" Compassion? " the Monarch hears it.

" I see... "

" So that's how the gods take hold of you, rubbed you with... hehehahaha. " the Monarch laughs and coughs blood.

" Yes, we are evil. "

" Yes, even after the Second Holy War *coughs*, we still strive to terrorize humanity. "

" But *coughs*, do you know why we still doing that, even now, my dear Divine Hero...? "

" Do you think, with our evil, we, the defeated race on the Second Holy War..., "

" Could gradually terrorize humanity..., time and time...kukuku? " the Monarch chuckles.

" End it, Carla. " I said to her, as I was worried the Monarch was pulling something during his talk.

" Don't worry, old man. " said the Monarch to me.

" I am dying, I am no threat to you... "

" For I will simply be replaced by those below me... "

" But instead of me... *sniff* " the Monarch sniffs my scent as I can see the nose inhale the air.

" I see, the Divine Hero originated from you...kukuku. "

" What a great progenitor you are, old man! " the Monarch praised me, knowing that I'm related to Carla through my scent, perhaps.

" You..., you should be more careful... " The damn demon looked me in the eye.

" You knew you're progeny here is that powerful... "

" Ever you ask... *coughs* "

" Why the gods still kept her as their own? " the Monarch chuckles which made me pissed as I offered a gun in front of that damned Monarch's sight.

" What is it you want to say? " I ordered the damn Monarch.

" Grandfather, don't- "

" Your tongue is filled with lies, demon! "

" Even without the gods' Grace, I could tell you're spewing some sh*t even during your death! " I clicked my gun, preparing the gun's bullet.

" So you better tell us your last damned words, so I could end you by my bullet here, you hear me!? " I raised my voice, filled with hate as I grunted because of the pain I felt in my old age.

" Grandfather, you're wounded! " Carla sees my wounds, she quickly gets to me, holds my body, and tries to heal me.

" Explosive power, speed, strength, mobility, stamina, and now healing... " the Monarch says when witnessing it.

" That is off the charts..., for a 'human' to have all that... "

" You're jealous, aren't you? " I asked the Monarch about it, I smirked with pride as the Monarch unknowingly praised my granddaughter.

" Aren't you? " the Monarch instead asks me back, I could tell the Monarch is trying to ask if I am also jealous of Carla because of my Ungraced Self.

" Of course not! I should be proud! " I replied the Monarch while Carla healed me.

" Proud, keke *cough* "

" Old man, you... should be worried... " the Monarch tells me.

" The Divine Hero's strength... "

" What should I worried about, demon? what are you... " I interrupted him, preparing my gun once more as I regained my stamina.

" Old man, heed my last words! " the Monarchs tell me.

" If the Divine Hero stays with the gods, she... will...- "

" Okay, let's end it there! " before the Monarch could tell me anything, his head was destroyed by feet, from a being who suddenly descended from above as well as my arm was shot with an arrow.

" Yarrgh! " I screamed as I saw I was hit by an arrow made from Wind-based energy.

"( Zephyr? ) " I saw the arrow and looked above.

" Lord Marticorax!? " Carla sees the person, it is the god of fire, Marticorax, alongside the gods who graced Carla in the first place. Athena, Indura, Poseidon, Zephyr, and many more...

" Divine Hero of the gods, Carla Kent, Rogue Retired Divine Force Captain, Ragna Kent. " Marticorax opens his mouth after killing the Monarch.

" You both have overstepped your bounds in this battle, therefore... " 

" You both shall receive... punishment. " Marticorax says to us, with a huge grin.



This is sometime before the end of the 12th Timeline in Chapter 1.

BTW, before Ragna Twelve had Carla, he was a Captain in the Divine Force, a human army created as the army of the gods. The Divine Force still exists in the Current 1.111th Timeline. But now all of them are powered with the Gifts of the gods, unlike those in the 12th Timeline.