Poseidon, Defeated

( Seconds Earlier. )

" I've seen the video of the Abyss Tower event, I see him use this very thing I used. "

" [Neptune's Storm Form]..., the result of what happened if I used too much of my Raw Divine Power, the True Power of my Heritage. " as Poseidon says that, Ragna Twelve who landed on the hall's skies, quickly retained his consciousness despite the damaging hit received.

Still holding the Dainsleif Sword within, in that very slightest of moments, he grips the handle and immediately lands his consciousness into the realm inside the sword itself.

< Location: Dainsleif Sword's Inner Realm, Dreadnought >*

" I see you managed to hang a bit with the Aether, Ragna 'Twelve'... " Dainsleif Spirit asks, as she greets the arriving Ragna Twelve.

" So this is the realm where the Aether and the Black Shadows came from? " Twelve asks, looking around the place filled with pitch-black shadows.

" To think I would experience it now, an ironic fate since I'm the one who offered Ragna Current of the Dainsleif Sword and its Aether in the first place. " Twelve remembers.*

" Get used to it, Twelve... " Dainsleif tells him with a sigh.

" Even Ragna 'Current', the Current 'Worthy' Holder of this Sword, the one who borrowed you with, had some rough time in here if it were for Ragna '69' helping him out of the mess I made him. " Dainsleif remembers what happened.*

" Hmph, I see... "

" Since I'm here, I hope you will provide the means to defeat Poseidon if you knew Ragna 'Current's plan. "

" Of course, I already prepared it for you. "

" And I hope this reminds you of old times. " Dainsleif Spirit says as she summons a large shadow liquid from below like a ball of mud, lifting it upwards, using her hands, to give the raw Black Shadow Material made from Aether some shape. A shape that made Twelve confused at first but gets him flabbergasted, realizing the form of what it just made.

" That's... " Twelve sees it, astonished to see the object.


< [Item: Black Shadow Imitation Armory, Rox Armor Set 'Replica'] >

< Item Class: SS >

< Type: Armor >

< Physical Damage Reduction +90% >

< All Energy Siphoning +60% >

< DEF +95.000 >

< ATK +75.000 >

< HP +80% >

< MP +50% >

< AP +50% >

< KP +40% >

< DivP (Divine Energy Point) +35% >

< DevP (Deviant Energy Point) +25% >

< The Replica made from the Black Shadows, a replica of the real 'Rox Armor' Set, a Magi Relic set armor that could siphon the power of Mana around the user, this time, it's also able to Siphon and Gather the Aether as well as other powers too. >

< Grants Aether Mana, Ki, Divine Power, and Deviant Power Remarkable Power Surge and Recharge. >

< Can be equipped, enhanced, stored, but can't be sold. >

< - Effect 'Recoverness': Gives the Player many buffs of protection, HP recovery, and energy recharge, all effects increase when the Player's HP <30%. >

< - Effect 'Energy Input Upgrade': Allow the Player's Energy Status to increase its percentage of input. >


" I heard you had an armor before. " Dainsleif says him.

" Sorry if it's not as detailed or perhaps as powerful as the original, but, I believe this will do for you. "

" The Black Shadows' ability is not only able to resurrect the deceased into their new form in their second life but also able to recreate objects if the creator can remember their details. "

" But, creating such object requires so much strength and focus, including time for the Shadows and the Aether could forge another powerful object to kill the gods, using every source of other Energy from the Black Shadow Armada you've made. "

" So with this, I won't be able to produce more Black Shadows from now, after all, all of my energies are used for that 'Thorn' thing, remember? " Dainsleif explains as Twelve's fingers begin to touch the replica of the armor he once used against the gods at the end of his Timeline, the armor that protected him from time to time, until now.

Twelve looked like his current cloth armor he was using, a screwed version of what the armor once used to be, or just what was left of it.

" It looks, greater than the original..., spiky... " Twelve tells her, seeing some spiky points in the armor's parts, that feature is not from the original one. 

" You'll need the sharp parts, Twelve. " Dainsleif tells.

" Like your Shield, your armor is your greatest defense and also your greatest offense. "

" Use it well. " Dainsleif says as the Armor, inserts itself to Twelve's body, covering him with it whole.


( Back to reality. )

Twelve's body is covered with some kind of cocoon made from the Black Shadows.

" Protecting yourself? " Poseidon points his hands at them, releasing a powerful Thunderous Attack over Twelve's position in the skies.

But, before it launches, Twelve breaks his cocoon, and plunges himself from the skies, slamming Poseidon into the ground hard.

" Kuokh! " Poseidon feels pain in his strongest state.

" Impossible, how did- "

" It's too late for questions, your doom is now. " Twelve wastes no time, slamming the Dainsleif Sword's blade onto Poseidon's body again, giving him another 

< [Curse] Effect >

< [Anti-Regen] Effect >

< [Enchanted Disruption] Effect >

" Grah, your sword, what the hell- " Poseidon says it again but quickly launches another lightning from his hand close range.

Thankfully, the new armor, protected him from the incoming blast, giving him another chance to do another counterattack, that is.

< Hard Punch >

Twelve punches the sword he stabs over Poseidon's body into the ground, using it to make the stab deeper than before, hoping the 'Enhanced Aether' within it will disrupt more of what Poseidon possesses entirely, even if he had more hidden trump cards.

" Rarrrghh! " Poseidon feels the pain, screeching in agony as some 'energies' enter his inner body, disrupting the very energy he had, disrupting his current Form.

As he feels it, he sees a glimpse over Twelve's face, seeing his left eye, changing into an eye that Poseidon recognized before.

" That... eye... "

" How could- " Poseidon panicked, seeing Twelve's 'Twelve Eye of Time' and felt himself in chaos, he screwed himself up in this situation as Twelve hammered down the sword with his fist, hammering the sword so it can stab him further.

" It was you... " Poseidon looks at the 'Twelve Eye', which instantly reminds him of his father.*

" RAGNA..., KENT...!!! " Poseidon screeches while his hand still tries to pull the blade out, writhing in pain while Twelve continues to pummel it.

Using every move he had in mind, Poseidon released some energy waves to destroy Twelve in hopes of making him disappear, but to no avail, as Twelve used the armor that provided him great cover while continuing to unalive the god.

* Twelve continues to pummel the sword with his fist. *

< Energy Penetration Technique >

Twelve uses the technique, the one Ragna was taught by Galen back in the Abyss Tower. He learned the technique as well after Ragna mastered it. Now as he also masters it, he used it in this very particular moment.

To kill a god, by stabbing him and wounding him both outside and inside.

* Twelve continues to pummel and shouts in his greatest of spirits. *

" RAAAAAARRHHH! " Twelve did it, despite Poseidon's shockwave of lightning often breaching the armor's defenses, it still won't stop him from finishing the job, continuously hammering it despite the explosions coming from Poseidon, who just used everything he could muster to end Twelve as much as he can.

" RAAHGGG....NA.... " Poseidon says this, finally releasing his last shockwave, releasing it all for it's his final trump card in this matter.

( Meanwhile. )

" Finally, it seems it worked. " Ragna says, seeing the explosions from his place.

Smirking around, he looks back seeing the Black Shadows already carrying the 'Black Shadow Thorn Lynchpin'.

< Item: [Black Shadow Thorn Lynchpin (?)] >

< ? >

" The Thorn has been nailed here, sir. " Rachina comes to Ragna, reporting everything on her part.

" Good, Twelve is also done here. " Ragna whistles for the explosion, amazed at the results.

" Guess, I was right to make him able to hold Dainsleif, aside from him being the same existence as me. "

" Don't forget, having the sword was his idea, so it should've been him to use it other than me. " Ragna yawns, seeing Twelve already completed the mission, due to the of his current Black Shadow Form, Ragna also receives the rewards over his victory.

" Thank goodness... " Ragna smirks.

" Thank goodness, everything is according to our plan, despite my lowest of expectations. " Ragna chuckles over the victory, while Twelve, after defeating and exploding Poseidon due to his corner, stands up as he survives thanks to the armor, killing the Corrupted God, and slicing the Corrupted Horns in his head.

" It's over... " Twelve says this, after doing all the ambush here.

" Damn, we take so many hours to do this. " Twelve says while seeing Poseidon's corpse.

" Goodbye, Poseidon. " Twelve leaves him for good.

" It's been nostalgic, seeing you. " 

< 'Poseidon, Ruler of Atlantis', defeated >



* < Location: Dainsleif Sword's Inner Realm, Dreadnought >.

In the inner realm within the Dainsleif Sword, the name is only revealed now after many times to decide the name. 

* " To think I would experience it now, an ironic fate since I'm the one who offered Ragna Current of the Dainsleif Sword and its Aether in the first place. ".

This happens in Chapter 37: The Thousand Slayer Sword

* " Even Ragna 'Current', the Current 'Worthy' Holder of this Sword, the one who borrowed you with, had some rough time in here if it were for Ragna '69' helping him out of the mess I made him. " Dainsleif remembers what happened.

This happens in Chapter 61: Completing the Meditation (1)

* " It was you... " Poseidon looks at the 'Twelve Eye', which instantly reminds him of his father.

Twelve's eye reminds him of Chronos' eye since they have the same eye, the 'Twelve Eye of Time'. See Chapter 365: The Strongest Olympian? Part 2.