Vol 5 Part 2 Opening Chapter: Memoir of the Past

[ Years Ago ]

[ Year: October 2019 ]

[ Location: Trinia's National Junior High School ]

[ Name: Aidan Adler ]

[ Age: 11 ]

[ Grade: VIII (Second Half) ]

[ Gift: Fire Rejuve ]

[ Gifter: Agni ]

[ Core Tier: 4 ]

" Aw, Little Aidan crying here," said William Clarke as he led the bullying over the young Aidan.

[ Name: William Clarke ]

[ Age: 13 ]

[ Grade: VIII (Second Half) ]

[ Gift: Snipe ]

[ Gifter: Artemis ]

[ Core Tier: III ]

Not just William Clarke, Hugo Butcher also bullies Aidan by kicking him in the back along with the other kids as they take Aidan as their target this time.

[ Name: Hugo Butcher ]

[ Age: 12 ]

[ Grade: VIII (Second Half) ]

[ Gift: Berserker ]

[ Gifter: Ares ]

[ Core Tier: III ]

Hugo laughingly kicks Aidan's back while William decides to snipe Aidan with some little rocks in his fingers, as Aidan screams, screaming teeny fire from his mouth.

" WHAT A WEAK FLAME! HAHAHAHA! " the bullies laugh over Aidan's flame, a shameful inferno for a Tier IV Gifted, even lower Tier Flame Users had greater flames than him.

Thus, young Aidan was bullied, despite his Gift Core Tier Status, it is possible since all of his bullies were led by someone who hated him from the start, a distant relative who happened to have partaken in the same academy, as a senior, the final grade student who happened to rule the whole junior high school.

" Yes, he's a Shameful One to the 'Adler' Family," said Ardan Adler, Aidan's cousin.

[ Name: Ardan Adler ]

[ Age: 14 ]

[ Grade: IX (Second Half) ]

[ Gift: Blue Blaze ]

[ Gifter: Agni ]

[ Core Tier: V ]

Ardan Adler, the prodigal member of the Adler family, is one of the Blue Blood Clan Branches. Currently, from all of the Adlers who were Gifted by Agni, the god of flames, Ardan is the one Gifted the most.

As for the Adlers, they are a family who mostly monopolized the 'Battle-Enhancing Potion Supplies' in Trinia, while on the other hand, some of them decided to work and develop more 'Health-Support Potion Supplies'.

From this Division, the Adler Family had two sides, the 'Purifier' Adlers*, those who used their Fiery Gifts to encourage battle and the 'Healer' Adlers*, those who used it to help heal those who were injured. Overall, the Adlers choose the first attitude, even in their Primary Family members such as Ardan and Aidan alongside their respective parents.

Ardan's parents, use many brute tactics to become the Family Head, succeeding brutally as they manage to influence the whole family to follow their ways of fiery battle. Thus, Ardan and his parents have power over the overall Adler family, especially against their rival relatives, Aidan and his parents who happened to dedicate themselves to the ways of the Healing.

" You're such a shame to Agni. " Ardan tells Aidan about it.

" Your parents too... "

" With your fire gifts, you reject the true nature of Lord Agni's 'Ways of Fire'*... "

" Our family's flames should be used to burn those who dare against us, that should be our nature, 'that' is our mandate as the holder of flames. "

 " We were meant for battle, against demons, against all who reject our ways. " Ardan grabs Aidan's clothes and releases some portion of his Blue Flames.

" Ar...dan... " Aidan calls him.

" Lord Agni's Powers are both Purifying and Healing *cough*. " Aidan tells him.

" We Adlers must adhere to all of his ways, not-oof! " 

" Silence! You retard fool! " Ardan punched Aidan when hearing it, the others laughed when hearing it.

" For... Healing... kekekeke... "

" Who wants to be a f*king Healer these days, a f*king support...? " some of them say.

Ardan who was so pissed, decides to grab Aidan's hair and pull it up.

" Once, our family is looked down upon because of that... " Ardan looked at the sobbing Aidan with disgust.

" This is the age of power, Aidan! "

" There's no room for weakness, only the powerful strive! "

" Look at the other Blue Bloods, most of their members had so many chances to become Tier V and become the Gods' Avatars for their battle-ready powers against the monsters and their demonic lords! "

" Power is like flame, the True Flame, Power is meant to destroy those against you, that is true strength. "

" That is not true strength... "

" Our lord didn't use flames to just extinguish demons but also to help the injured... "

" Flames is not just for the burn..., it was also meant to bring warmth to those in need, Lord Agni, it-..., akh! " Aidan's hair is gripped harder by Ardan, who is so pissed when hearing it.

" That's why you're weak, just like your father. "

" Look at you, a 'Half-Blood' filth 'tch'! " Ardan says it while spitting on Aidan.

" If your father truly cared for the Adler's 'Ways of Fire', then he would've thought twice or even hundreds on why would he marry that Red-Blooded filth mother of yours. "

" Even producing..., another filth to our house, a plague... "

" Plague that must be purified! "

" Yes... "

" Purified... " Ardan throws Aidan to the nearby wall, so hard that the other bullies are looking at him with wide smiles.

" Hehehe, just like the other weaklings who dared to enter this School, he will perish just like the rest, haha! " they say.

" So what if he dies..., Senior Ardan's parents are also the School's Shareholders alongside the 'Shiro Institution'*, if something happens, they could help hide it. " said the bullies from the 8th Grade.

" Yeah right, speaking of hiding, this place had no CCTV around just like Ardan said to us... " said those from the 9th Grade.

" Escaping from this should be an easy cake... " said all of them as Ardan already prepared his 'Blue Blaze'.

" Aidan... "

" You know well despite your father's hold over this school, my father's had an even higher hold. "

" Even if things happened to me, your father can do nothing about it. "

" For he had little power left, both in this school and in the Family. " Ardan says it while looking at his purifying and blazing blue flames.

" Plague should be Purified. "

" That is the way, to solve the problem... "

" In the future, when I lead the Adler family, I shall ensure our family's power will be heightened against all other Blue Bloods both in power and wealth. "

" Starting, by 'Purifying' the plaguing weakness of our Family... " Ardan sees Aidan menacingly as he is weakened in his position.

" All of you bear witness and focus your sight over him. "

" For soon... " Ardan increases his blue fire even more.

" This bastard will be-heukh! " he was suddenly attacked, his neck was garroted, making his mouth open, paving his choker's hand to give his mouth something to swallow.

Ardan quickly hits his choker with his elbow, making him fall as he turns back.

" You!? " he sees his choker, a boy with brown hair and round eyeglasses, his face covered with a mask, and his hands covered with gloves, still holding his choking rope.

" Kekeke... "

" The 'Purifier' Adler's 'Battle-Enhancing Drug' is surely great, aren't they, senior Adler? " he asks him as Ardan Adler's body begins to glow with more azure flames.

" You bastard, what the f*k did you do!? " Ardan's body began to glow even more as his body began to shine even more while the others in that place began to flee, including his choker who pulled something from his pocket, instead of running away, he charged over Aidan while activating the device he just pull while Ardan at the moment, began to glow even further and...

* Ardan explodes. *

His explosion can be heard in the Senior High School nearby, where a certain Tier V 'White Blizzard' Gift User from the Fubuki Family is currently having a lesson.

" Blue Flames? " she asked, quickly storming out to use her abilities as fast as she could.


( Meanwhile. )

" Aidan it's me... " said Ardan's choker, who survived the flames thanks to the device he holds, a Barrier Item Device.

[ Protective Support Barrier Projector (S) ]

[ Protective Barrier so powerful that range can also be controlled and had the function to heal those within it. ]

" You... " Aidan sees the person, recognizing him.

" Rag...- "

" It's alright... "

" This is an S-Rank Item, finally given by my Hunter Uncle to protect me from the bullies when he's out as a Hunter. "

" I've been surviving with this for couple of weeks and now... "

" I'll use it to expel Ardan and his followers from the school, most of our friends also knew this plan and planned it together in secret. " the person says to Aidan while the two stays with the protection of the barrier.

" Do not worry, this barrier will protect us even from the nukes, my Uncle promised this. "

" But, if we survive, the others will know us as suspects, they- "

" They won't most of them are too focused on you and don't see me coming. " the boy opened his mask a bit offered it and his other things to Aidan and told him to burn it all which Aidan quickly did.

" Now, what do we do? " Aidan says as he sees Ardan still blazing nearby with his blue fire, screaming frantically as he loses control.

* Ardan screams in flames. *

" Now we wait... " the boy in eyeglasses tells him.

" If we survive and have to answer some questions, the answer is me trying to help you. "

" And I will answer with me already having this item for weeks, thus making me survive the bully as I was given this thing, I happened to come over after seeing the flames as I heard your cry. " the boy in eyeglasses tells this, as he also checked with the other bullied students that there's no CCTV in the area they're in.

" Trust me, Aidan... "

" This will be over, our lives are going to be different. " the boy tells him as they survived as things falls above them.



That was years ago.

After that, just like my friend said, Ardan is taken down and immediately imprisoned by the Inquisitors with the help of the our 'Senpai' from the Senior High, who happened to act quickly when it happened.

With that incident, Ardan's parents get the blame for all of this, as the case ends with Ardan had been found consuming a drug that were distributed by his side of Adlers, the one that his parents monopolized upon.

With this, my Father use this to ensure Ardan's father and his followers are punished from the Adler Family, Father does this make his plea to the gods, to Lord Loki at the moment, the one who sees this case and accepts my Father's wish and talked this to our Lord, Agni himself.

Thus, the 'Purifier' Adler's Blue Blood Rights and Gifts are taken from them and they all get demoted as commoners, even lower than the Ungifted themselves as our Lord made them, as they all had lost their forgiveness in his eyes.

It was so smooth, as Ardan was expelled alongside those who were with him, I and my friends could finally finished our junior high in peace and continue our paths.


Continue our paths...

As a hunter...


[ Year: 2020 ]

[ Location: Hunter Association Building District H ]

[ Outside the Hunter Association's Administration Room ]

" It's time... " Aidan says as he stretches.

" Let's see if our preparation and achievements will make us Hunters for good, I can wait to put my hands on the 'Testing Orb'. " Aidan says as his friend, the one who helped him at the incident, comes out from the Test Room.

" How's the test? " Aidan asks him as he comes out, showing him a printed paper result.

[ Rank: 'None' ]

[ Despite the academical efforts, this 'Ungifted' one shows no sign on having a 'Gift' even after he tried many things in his past, Potions and Everything. ]

[ With this, he will only take the job as a Hunter as a 'Bait'. ]

Aidan sees this and can only hugged his savior friend.

" Don't worry... "

" I know it will come to this, it's alright *sob* "

" You can take the test again, or perhaps had me ask my father to-... "

" Don't need it, Aidan. "

" If this is what I got for now, then I'll take it, it's alright. " the boy leaves him with his tears tearing out despite his eyes are covered with his whitened eyeglasses. Leaving Aidan as he could only watch his friend could only take his Ungifted fate with open arms and left him at that moment while he take the test and...

" Congratulations, Aidan Adler! "

" In your first test, you immediately become a 'B-Rank'! " said the administrator of the test as it happened.



The Memoir ends.

It is long, but I believe this should become a perfect returning Chapter that comes with a new take to the story.

A New Character Unlocked, something needed in a returning Chapter from a Indefinite Hiatus Webnovel.

Finally, I can start the Part 2 of this Webnovel. The pieces are set now, hope I could make it.

I'm finally returning everyone!!! KJVZeanso is here once again!



* 'Purifier' Adlers.

Those from the Adler family who used Agni's Flames to 'Purify', the term itself is good, but the use is now twisted by them as the term 'Purify' now is more like 'Extinguish', 'Exterminate' using flames.

* 'Healer' Adlers.

Those from the Adler family who used Agni's Flames to 'Heal', using Agni's kind of Divine Fire that enables one to heal despite the fire's very nature.

* 'Ways of Fire'.

The set of rules and teachings given by Agni to those who followed him, primarily the Adler Family. For the family once adhere to all of his teachings of the flames, to use them to 'purify' and to 'heal'.

But at a certain time in the Current Timeline, the Adlers began to be frustrated over their power compared to the other Blue Bloods, thus focusing more on their flames to destroy due to their fear of being weaker to the rising power of the other Blue Bloods.

This concept is based on what Agni is perceived in Real life, he was known as the god of Fire who is also known as the 'Purifier' and the 'Healer'.

* 'Shiro Institution'.

Mentioned in Chapter 200: Ragna's Memo: Yukino Fubuki Part 1.