Chapter 14 My Heart Intends to Follow the Bright Moon_1

"Cao Zhen, aren't you the one guiding these children in their studies?" Chen Shizhi tapped his fingers repeatedly on the table, his gaze sweeping over the six children standing at the door.

Cao Zhen immediately understood, Chen Shizhi was still as pedantic as ever! No wonder he could become friends with the old Cao Zhen! This was accusing himself of helping them cheat...

"Old Chen, I just saw they were troubled by their studies, so I casually offered some guidance," Cao Zhen said with a smile, "As a Peak Master, it's not a violation of the sect rules to give some pointers to the younger generation, right. You're being a bit too harsh as a scholar..."

Chen Shizhi's face was as still as water, and in his heart, he sneered continuously, the other party had finally walked into his script! That question was just to make you admit to having given guidance! As for your pretending to be dumb? I had seen through it long ago! If I don't extort a hundred Spirit Stones from you today, I, Chen Shizhi, will write my name backward!

"Guidance is naturally fine. But..." Chen Shizhi drew out a long note, "deceiving for money and leading astray the younger generation isn't good, is it?"

"Deceiving for money? Leading astray the younger generation?" Cao Zhen appeared confused, "I didn't do that."

"Not? Cao Zhen, do you really look down on me that much? Think I'm a fool? Tell me, that set of questions! Are the six Pill Prescriptions the correct answer?" Chen Shizhi suddenly stood up, looming over the seated Cao Zhen.

Cao Zhen had just been inwardly lamenting Chen Shizhi's pedantry, but seeing the other party suddenly adopt such an attitude, he couldn't help feeling a bit of admiration for him, thinking that this truly was befitting of a scholar! For the future of his students, he could be so upright and uncompromising, even in the face of an old friend.

"You're right, the answer I provided was indeed wrong…" Cao Zhen sighed and continued, "This is my fault, I didn't consider it thoroughly enough, and you shouldn't be too angry. I apologize to you here..."

When Chen Shizhi saw Cao Zhen's apologetic face, he felt like he was about to reach a climax of satisfaction, his heart exultant, Yes! This is my script! As a Peak Master, giving out random Pill Prescriptions! This is a serious offense! Bring this to the Sect Leader, and a penalty of even more than a hundred Spirit Stones awaits you!

Pill Prescriptions are extremely valuable assets both to Pill Masters and the entire Cultivation World! Every safe Pill Prescription is the result of countless people's years of research! A false Pill Prescription could easily kill a person, or even a group of people!

Should I start by demanding two hundred Spirit Stones? Wait for him to counter-offer? Or just straight up ask for a hundred Spirit Stones? Chen Shizhi hesitated a bit because according to his understanding of Cao Zhen, the man was a bit of a blockhead; if he didn't have money, he would simply refuse, without any bargaining. That would be awkward.

"Actually, it wasn't six kinds," Cao Zhen stood up, placed his hands on Chen Shizhi's shoulders, and pressed him back into his seat, before sitting down again, "It was seven kinds."

Chen Shizhi, who had just sat down on the stone stool, felt as though his buttocks were pricked by a needle, and shot up again, staring at Cao Zhen with incredulous eyes. Was the other party making fun of him, or had cultivating driven him mad?

Seeing Chen Shizhi's expression, Cao Zhen began to doubt his own memory, so he recalled the number of ingredients at that time very seriously, then nodded and said, "No mistake, it's seven kinds."

Bei Yan whispered to Cao Zhen's ear, "Master, Master, it's actually four kinds..."

"Kids don't understand, don't talk nonsense," Cao Zhen chided Bei Yan in a low voice, then hurriedly looked up at Chen Shizhi and said, "Scholar, please don't stoop to a child's level, I'll teach him properly later. It's truly seven kinds..."

Yan Yourong hesitated a bit, wondering whether to unsheathe her sword now and stab the man who had clearly come to extort money, or to tie up her master with rope and send him to the Medicine Immortal Hall for treatment?

When Chen Shizhi saw the way Cao Zhen spoke to Bei Yan, he was convinced that this man must have feigned cultivating till his brain went bad! He wanted to use craziness as a way to avoid responsibility for cheating!

"Humph humph…" Chen Shizhi couldn't help but let out a cold laugh, "Cao Zhen, do you think I'm stupid? Or are you playing fool with me? The coursework clearly yields only four kinds of Pill Prescriptions, but you recklessly wrote down six! Do you know how many people you could kill by doing that?"

Only at this moment did Cao Zhen realize, Chen Shizhi also only knew four kinds... No wonder when they did tests as children, this question required four Pill Prescriptions for one to score an A!

Seeing Cao Zhen frozen on the spot, Chen Shizhi felt that he now completely controlled the situation! The other party had already cowered! Just a few more harsh critiques and a lecture on the gravity of the situation, and he could swindle a hundred Spirit Stones from him.

Cao Zhen looked at Chen Shizhi's excited visage and could only offer a bitter smile, thinking that his old classmate really took his responsibilities towards the students very seriously! If they hadn't been classmates for so many years, he might have really misunderstood that the other party intended to use this incident to blackmail him, and that's why he was putting on such an act.

"Old classmate, don't be angry, don't be angry," Cao Zhen stood up, took the tea caddy filled with hot water that Ling Xi was holding, and said, "Have some tea, cool down. The truth is, there really are seven kinds. Perhaps because of your association with the Taoist Institution, you don't grasp the mysteries of the Alchemy Dao..."

Chen Shizhi felt like he was about to explode. It was tough enough to find this opportunity to scam some money off of him, but not only was this man walking down that path, he was now beating around the bush, even blatantly insulting him!

Not being a disciple of one of the Hundred Peaks Sect peaks had always been a thorn in Chen Shizhi's side! It was a matter of shame for him.

So what if one isn't a disciple of one of the Hundred Peaks Sect peaks? Chen Shizhi almost ground his teeth to dust; Cao Zhen was clearly using his status as the master of Four Treasures Peak to quibble, insisting there were seven kinds when there were clearly only four! Unbearable! Truly unbearable!