Chapter 19 Finding Someone to Carry Me to Victory_1

The world of immortal cultivation is a very magical place where some people can find adventures by falling off cliffs, while others have encountered the souls of mysterious masters in rings or stones, as if they were carrying an old grandfather to guide their cultivation, enabling a good-for-nothing to ultimately become a legend like the Fire God.

Since Li Ke entered the realm of immortal cultivation, she had heard far too many such legendary stories, and she always felt that she was a person with great fortune. Even if such things were true, she wouldn't find them too astonishing.

"You possess the Bi Fang Fire Body, which naturally makes cultivating Water Techniques difficult..."

Li Ke became vigilant, for most people within the Hundred Peaks Sect only knew that she had a Fire System Immortal Body by nature, and very few were aware of the specifics, to the point of knowing about the Bi Fang Fire Body.

If such a person was not genuinely a mysterious senior, then it was very likely someone lurking around her with ulterior motives.

Cao Zhen, at this time, couldn't care less about observing Li Ke's immediate reaction. He continued to pretend to be a sage by borrowing Zhang Daoling's understanding of immortal cultivation.

"If your heart is as clear as ice, you will not be shocked even if the sky collapses. Amidst myriad changes, remain tranquil, your spirit content and qi calm. Unstained by dust and dirt, untainted by mundane affairs. The void is peaceful, a fusion of nothingness. Without mutual existence, difficulty and ease transform into one another. Forget your self and the material, unify with the primal chaos..."

As the communication ended, Cao Zhen's voice abruptly ceased in Li Ke's mind.

Li Ke found the voice gone, and though calling several times yielded no response, she suspected the encounter but felt the incantation was not nonsense, as it faintly hinted at the flavor of great divine skills.

Li Ke pondered for a moment, considering the truth of the matter, then was quickly attracted by the incantation, and without realizing it, she entered a state of insight. The energy within her body slowly started to circulate, and the Weak Water Ocean Technique she had always struggled to advance gradually began to move to a higher level.

User: Li Ke

Extra Experience: +1

Seeing Li Ke's user file start to gain extra experience, Cao Zhen immediately became excited, his guess having been proven correct.

"Ling Xi, come in," Cao Zhen called out to the door panel.

Ling Xi, who was guarding outside, quickly pushed the stone door open and carefully asked, "Master, what are your orders for summoning your disciple?"

"Come here, little Ling Xi, your master will teach you a spell for you to cultivate," Cao Zhen said to Ling Xi with a beckoning smile, "These days, your master hasn't properly guided you."

Ling Xi secretly scoffed, thinking that just because his master's cultivation base had increased, it did not mean he could get arrogant. The last Peak Master of Four Treasures Peak had died early and suddenly, and it seemed he hadn't managed to learn much.

"Aren't you an Ancient Talisman Immortal Body? Your master will pass on to you the Great Dragon Tiger Real Spirit Talisman Technique…" Cao Zhen began to narrate from the Great Hollow Scripture, the third volume of the book called "Great Dragon Tiger Real Spirit Talisman Technique" that came from Zhang Daoling.

Listening to the explanation, Ling Xi did not dare show any neglect. Regardless of whether his master possessed genuine expertise in this area, as a disciple, he had to listen attentively and learn well.

"The Heavenly Dao, complete with three and five, brings forth the sun and the moon; profound and mysterious they enter into the deepest obscurity. The qi spreads, the dao connects, the divine spirit..."

Ling Xi initially listened earnestly out of respect for his teacher and the dao, but gradually he felt that the incantation indeed held profound meanings and was completely immersed in it.

Cao Zhen saw Ling Xi's body faintly emitting spiritual energy and knew that Ling Xi's Ancient Talisman Immortal Body was indeed suitable for the Great Dragon Tiger Real Spirit Talisman Technique. Even though the rules of heaven and earth had changed, causing the Ancient Talisman Immortal Bodies of the ancient Great Luo realm to become waste bodies in modern times.

However, Ling Xi's body had an innate spirit sense for the Talisman Technique, and although he couldn't achieve a breakthrough in his cultivation realm, he could learn and improve his talisman making level quickly.


As Cao Zhen reflected on the situation, Ling Xi had already completed the kowtowing ritual, forcefully banging his forehead on the ground."What are you doing this for?" Cao Zhen asked, looking at the familiar scene that had left him speechless on many occasions, "You didn't say anything offensive to your master this time, did you?"

"Your disciple just had disrespectful thoughts about master, please punish me..." Ling Xi, having initially grasped the Great Dragon Tiger Real Spirit Talisman, instantly felt its profoundness, and banged his head on the ground with a frequency faster than striking a wooden fish.

"Go and copy the Master's greatest teachings a hundred times," Cao Zhen waved his hand, shooing Ling Xi away from the secret chamber and spoke, "First, raise your Great Dragon Tiger Real Spirit Talisman Technique to the utmost limit of your cultivation base, then copy the Master's greatest teachings a hundred times."

Kneeling, Ling Xi backed out of the cave, leaving her fellow male and female disciples outside in a fog of confusion.

Immediately afterward, Ling Xi started cultivating in a seated pose right at the door.

"Level 2 Administrator Cao Zhen, Talisman Level +1"

Hearing the voice within the Sea of Clouds, Cao Zhen hurriedly opened Ling Xi's file panel and then his own, discovering that Ling Xi had reached Talisman Level One while he had also reached Level One without using any extra experience points.

"Level 2 Administrator Cao Zhen, Talisman Level +1"

At that moment, Cao Zhen noticed that Ling Xi's talisman had reached Level Two, and his had also become Level Two.

Why? Cao Zhen was puzzled. Was it because he was the Master, or was it because they both started at Zero Level? Was Ling Xi's cultivation with her Ancient Talisman Immortal Body of the Great Dragon Tiger Real Spirit Talisman Technique so rapid?

Three days flew by quickly...

Ling Xi displayed the advantages of the Ancient Talisman Immortal Body, cultivating the Great Dragon Tiger Real Spirit Talisman Technique to Level Ten and becoming a true Talisman Master. Not only could she create Level One Talismans with a very low failure rate, but because of the advantages of her Ancient Talisman Immortal Body, she could even draw talismans in mid-air.

Because of Ling Xi, Cao Zhen's Talisman Level also reached Ten, and he found that his disciple had generated fifty extra experience points by cultivating the Great Dragon Tiger Real Spirit Talisman Technique.

In these three days, Li Ke had cultivated her Weak Water Ocean to the utmost limit of her realm. Before achieving success, she could gain ten experience points every day.

As Li Ke's body suddenly shook, the moment Weak Water Ocean showed Level Thirty on the user panel, Cao Zhen saw that Li Ke had instantly generated five hundred extra experience points.

"Five hundred? That much?" Seeing this, Cao Zhen started to think, wondering if he should urge Li Ke to practice a few more core Divine Skills and get some extra experience points.

"Senior, are you there?" Li Ke rose excitedly and called softly around her, still carrying doubt and distrust in her heart. Still, the inability to cultivate her core dao methods to their utmost limit over many days made her unable to resist the desire to contact the mysterious person.

"Heaven and Earth Mysterious Sect, the root of myriad Qi. Cultivate through myriad calamities, to verify my Divine Skills. Within and beyond the three realms, only Dao is venerated. My body has the Golden Light, reflecting upon my being. Unseen when looked at, unheard when listened to."

Cao Zhen recited a Gold Light Spell directly, also wanting to test how Li Ke would cultivate a Zero Level core dao method—would she reach whatever level she cultivated to, just like him?

Li Ke never expected her call would be answered, let alone that the response would be a spell, which she identified upon hearing as a Divine Skill of great ability.

Li Ke quickly focused her mind to earnestly memorize and recite, and after thirty breaths, she found that the technique which had entered her mind had disappeared again. The detection array she had placed around herself beforehand showed no findings, leading her to believe even more that it must indeed be a mysterious senior!

"Hurry up and practice it! Let me see if it works the same way I think it does," Cao Zhen said excitedly, rubbing his hands together. If he could also win by laying down, then it wouldn't be too important to pretend to be a high person to teach Li Ke the Divine Skills, just lying down would suffice.

"Senior Sister, Master has called you over,"

A voice suddenly rang out outside Li Ke's door, respectful and formal, making her stop her intended practice for the moment.

Cao Zhen saw this scene and couldn't help but want to draw a circle to curse the Peak Master of the Vermilion Bird Peak. Why call the disciple at this time of all times?

In the Sea of Clouds, as Li Ke left her Cave Mansion and arrived at her Master's doorstep, she heard the pleasant voice of a middle-aged woman from inside the Cave Mansion: "Ke'er, come inside and join your teacher in refining this Fire Phoenix Sword...

"Hearing this, Cao Zhen temporarily closed Li Ke's file. Refining an artifact was a time-consuming task that would delay Li Ke's cultivation of the Gold Light Spell, and continuing to watch would be of no value.

Yet it was too early to leave the secluded area. Bored, Cao Zhen simply downloaded all the backups of the richest man as well. Although he had little ability to cultivate, if Four Treasures Peak was to develop, it was still best to have a capitalist with strategic vision.

After a bout of downloading, Cao Zhen suddenly remembered something!