Chapter 30 Mini Era_1

The big black cat took another look at Cao Zhen, these past days by the lake, it had always thought he wasn't very smart, not knowing to butter up to their master when they met, but unexpectedly, the man did have a clever side to him.

"How much did you earn?" Cao Zhen asked, quite gossipy.

The big black cat pointed its tail at the gambling den's owner nearby: "Look at his face, and you'll know."

His face turned even more ashen when the gambling den owner was pointed to with the tail; although he had made a tidy sum, the bulk of the earnings were taken by this man! If anyone else had dared to be so brash in front of him after winning money, he would have certainly taken back the scene.

But... the owner behind this black cat... Once the gambling den owner thought of Li Ke, he lost the steam to redeem his reputation—that was a genius of the Upper Fifty Peaks!