41 Chapter I am the Master of My Fate, Not Heaven_1

"Old Lan? Old Lan?" Cao Zhen called out twice and then said to Lan Pili, "If you're not buying, will you guide me again?"

Lan Pili initially thought of refusing Cao Zhen, but then it occurred to him that Cao Zhen insisted on flaunting his wealth in front of him, so why not keep encouraging him to spend until he went completely bankrupt? Wouldn't that be even better?

In an instant! Lan Pili felt he was extremely clever, and a professional actor's smile quickly appeared on his face, "Junior Brother, where do you plan to go next?"

Cao Zhen stepped out of the pill furnace and said to Lan Pili, "To find a place with a pill furnace."

"Junior Brother can do alchemy?" Lan Pili reassessed Cao Zhen, recalling what little he knew of Four Treasures Peak. Wasn't their strongest skill in cultivation techniques? Weren't they quite poor in the other six arts of immortal cultivation?