Chapter 45 Dad, I Know Where Your Secret Stash Is_1

Seeing Yan Yourong's face beaming with adoration and joy, Ling Xi grew even more curious. Had her master's medicine really worked? If so, could it be that she too had a chance?

With this thought, Ling Xi couldn't help but tremble with excitement.

"Sister, I'm going to change my clothes," Yan Yourong said upon seeing Ling Xi's expression, thinking she had guessed correctly that the eldest senior sister too had witnessed the power of their master.

Ling Xi did not stop Yan Yourong any longer, and turned her attention to Cao Zhen, who was walking out from the distant cave.

"Child, what is that look in your eyes?" Cao Zhen asked, feeling slightly unnerved by Ling Xi's intense gaze, "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Nothing, nothing," Ling Xi replied, cheerfully turning away to look for Little Beiyan and the others, planning to take them to witness the second junior sister's battle for redemption, while also letting them know that they too had a chance.