Chapter 54: You Practiced a Pirated Version_1

Great Wonders Gate Formation!

Cao Zhen looked at Yu Haitang, who continuously shifted positions, and felt a sense of admiration. Luckily, his own formation expertise was at level one, otherwise he wouldn't have been able to even set up the most basic version of the Great Wonders Gate Formation. Fortunately, there was a flaw in the opponent's cultivation technique of the Star Pointer, otherwise it wouldn't have been so easy to counter it.

Having practiced for some time at the Hidden Dragon Immortal Palace, Yu Haitang had seen many miraculous formations but had never heard of one that could change the directional positions between heaven and earth.

The Star Pointer was a divine skill extremely difficult to cultivate but also immensely powerful. Since her arrival at the Hidden Dragon Immortal Palace, Yu Haitang had been dedicated to mastering this skill. Only recently had she managed to make some achievements, becoming the strongest combatant among their eight-person group.