Chapter 77 Business is Very Skilled_1

Cao Zhen was in a hurry, so when he saw the opponent use mana to attack, he immediately stimulated the five relics to their full potential, aiming to knock his opponent down in one strike.

The intertwined rings of water and fire spun rapidly and surged forward together. The Undetermined Flying Sword turned into dozens of sword shadows enveloping the adversary while the Immortal Residence, high in the sky, resembled a house from which a dozen yellow lock chains shot out from the windows, chimney, and door. The sky and earth were filled with the might of the falling Sky-reaching Halberd, and the Yin-Yang Swords transformed into two beams of sword light.

What is this? Zi Xuan's mind was greatly shaken. When did Four Treasures Peak become so domineering?