Chapter 80: The Road to Wealth_1


"What are you two shuffling back and forth? It's as if you actually have any say over which disciple goes where..."

Just as Cao Zhen was considering that if he still couldn't persuade Chen Shizhi, he might as well find an excuse to lure him away, knock him unconscious, hide him, and then release him after the disciple selection, thereby minimizing the chances of Yi Sheng joining Four Treasures Peak.

Suddenly, someone outside the courtyard gate started mocking them provocatively.

Deng Qixing? Cao Zhen saw the Seven Star Peak Master holding a jade box that emitted wisps of scorching heat, immediately realizing that it must contain the Wind Fire Dragon Pearl!

"Did you forget about my Wind Fire Dragon Pearl?" Deng Qixing looked smugly at Chen Shizhi and Cao Zhen. He had been making rounds at the Returning Heart Taoist Hall every day, even though he had never seen the reclusive Yi Sheng, but he firmly believed! With this bead, Yi Sheng should know whom to choose.