116 Target financial freedom_6

As soon as Head Liu's voice fell, someone immediately exclaimed, "What? There's also a fifteen percent share?"

"You only gave a ten percent share? I gave the same, they're looking down on our Taoist Institution!"

"I say, you can't seriously be thinking about sharing with them." Among the Heads, one who was short and sported a goatee chuckled, "I don't understand, they've already taught us the technique, why should I share with them? Let alone them taking the lion's share, even if I took the lion's share, I wouldn't share with them. Isn't it better to do it myself and keep all the profits?"

"That's true, but they said they have other techniques, right? I was thinking that we could learn the other techniques first."

"Didn't they say they were going to demonstrate something else to us this time?"

"Let's go and see first, ditch them once we've learned it."

While chatting, the group of Heads made their way to Four Treasures Peak.