Chapter 118 The Good Disciple Who Fulfills the Wishes of Their Ancestors_1

In the eyes of the people, those who practice Zen Cultivation have always been seen as the great benevolent and kind givers, respected wherever they go.

Wu Xiang had never thought that someone would come to their doorstep at Little Zen Peak, to insult their Zen Cultivators, to insult his faith, to insult their acts of giving and charity!

"Peak Master Cao, are you... here to make trouble?" Wu Xiang's face turned livid with bulging veins, his entire being radiating with towering rage. If it weren't for the rules of the Hundred Peaks Sect that called for unity among the various peaks and prohibited infighting, he would have long since acted, throwing this miscreant out from Little Zen Peak.

"You, a layperson concerned only with business, what do you know! To you common folk, we may be seen as begging, but in truth, we are mending their spirits.

And the items they give us are not mere charity but a means of accumulating merit and good deeds through us!"