Chapter 123 Sincerity and Business_1

There are no shortage of rumors about the reincarnation of beings with great ability in this world, but how many have truly seen one?

Ai Yunqi had heard some of these rumors, yet she had never seen a reincarnated being of great ability.

Unexpectedly, today, under such circumstances, she actually met one—and moreover, this being of great ability had proactively admitted to their identity!

A being of great ability is called so because, before reincarnation, they can choose to reincarnate. But once reincarnated and before they have fully grown, they are exceedingly dangerous.

A being capable of reincarnation—who knows how many treasures they could retain, how many secrets they could possess? If their identity were exposed, who knows how many would harbor thoughts of malice?

Yet the one before her, Cao Zhen, no, he could no longer be called Cao Zhen, this senior, had straightforwardly revealed his identity to her!