Chapter 124 The Four Treasures Peak of the Hidden Dragon Observatory, The Hidden Dragon Observatory of the Four Treasures Peak_6

"With such an arrangement, I could master four divine skills."

"But if each of you cultivated four different divine skills, wouldn't I have already mastered sixteen divine skills?"

"Even excluding Xiang Ziyu, if the three of you each learned three divine skills, I would have effectively mastered ten more divine skills."

"To condense a Golden Core, I inevitably need ten Phenomenon Pills, which require ten top-tier divine skills. With this setup, how am I to condense my Golden Core!"

"Master, your disciple has erred." Ling Xi immediately knelt to the ground.

"Alright, get up. Go back and write 'I was wrong' a thousand times," Cao Zhen signaled Ling Xi to stand up. This habit of kneeling at every turn needed to be changed, especially when outsiders were present; otherwise, wouldn't others take advantage of us?

Little Beiyan heard this and felt puzzled, he asked, "Master, shouldn't I add 'Master is the greatest'?"