Chapter 131 Hundred Peaks Convergence Law_3

Cao Zhen thought about it but still didn't speak the truth. Everyone in the Hundred Peaks Sect knew he was close to Elder Copper Plate. If Elder Copper Plate were to press for Four Treasures Peak to keep its ranking unchanged, then everyone would suspect something was amiss, and how would he make money?

Moreover, if Elder Copper Plate knew that he didn't want to change Four Treasures Peak's ranking, he would surely say that Cao Zhen didn't care about the glory of Four Treasures Peak.

So, Cao Zhen decided it was simpler to deceive Elder Copper Plate as well.

"Fifty-five? Good, good, that's already very high!" Elder Copper Plate said cheerfully upon hearing the news, his face full of relief as he looked at Cao Zhen, seemingly lost in reminiscence, "Do you know? When your master was alive, he once got drunk and told me that he hoped one day Four Treasures Peak could break into the top ninety. That way, he could rest in peace.