Chapter 132 Killing the Pig - Part 4


However, half a million Spirit Stones multiplied by fifty would be twenty-five million Spirit Stones, which could be considered sufficient.

Now, he was going to visit the next gambling house.

He was not only planning to purchase for the five of them, but also for Li Ke, and in addition, for Cao Zhen, who had directly given three million Spirit Stones this time.

Buying Spirit Stones for Li Ke, he could still take a cut, but for Cao Zhen, he could not skim any off the top. After all, Cao Zhen was not just a brother, but also the most critical person.

The reason he chose to buy at the closing of the gambling house today was also deliberate. Their plan was indeed flawless, but what if someone saw through it and followed their bets?

Therefore, they chose to bet at the last moment, so that even if others followed suit, the amount they could bet would be limited, and the impact would not be significant.

The next day, as the sun just started to rise.