Chapter 137 Full Combat Power_1

In a contest of magic and martial prowess, each person has two chances to challenge, but after one challenge, most people stop.

They reserve the second challenge as a precaution.

If they have one challenge left and are indeed overthrown by someone, they still have a chance to turn the tables.

If both chances are used up and they are defeated, they have no opportunity left.

After succeeding in one challenge, Chao Zi did not challenge again, choosing instead to retain his other opportunity for the last day, to find a suitable time for another challenge.

As Chao Zi stepped down, the judge below spoke up again, "Four Treasures Peak's Yi Sheng challenges the 993rd rank, Little Zen Peak's Wu Wei, with Six Golden Cores."

All around, many people who heard this exchanged puzzled looks.

"What? Challenge someone with Six Golden Cores?"

"Did I hear that wrong? It's not Yi Sheng challenging the Six Golden Cores but another disciple from Four Treasures Peak, right?"